zen meditation Talks

Showing 108 talks

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Title Speaker

February 28th, 2004, Serial No. 00063

Duality, zen meditation, Manjushri, Zazen Mind
Feb 28 2004


training, zen meditation, Practice Period, Buddha Mind, Soto Zen
Nov 16 2003


training, zen meditation, Vow, Practice Period, Buddha Mind
Nov 16 2003


training, zen meditation, Practice Period, Buddha Mind, Soto Zen
Nov 16 2003


training, zen meditation, Practice Period, Buddha Mind, Soto Zen
Nov 16 2003


training, zen meditation, Practice Period, Buddha Mind, Soto Zen
Nov 16 2003

November 6th, 2003, Serial No. 01015, Side A

Posture, Dharma Transmission, zen meditation, Lineage, Observe, Transmission, Culture...
Nov 06 2003

August 24th, 2003, Serial No. 00095

zen meditation, Evil, Money, Practice Period, Letting Go
Aug 24 2003

August 24th, 2003, Serial No. 00146

zen meditation, Evil, Politics, Right Effort, Global Warming
Aug 24 2003

August 24th, 2003, Serial No. 00161

zen meditation, Evil, Practice Period, Letting Go, Politics
Aug 24 2003


Shikantaza, Emptiness, zen meditation, Mill Valley, Intention
Jul 13 2003


Serial: BZ-01348

Revolution in Iran, Saturday Lecture

Karma, War, Karma, Karmic Consequences, zen meditation, War, Fox, Culture, training,...
Jun 28 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

Equanimity and the Eternal Moment

Serial: BZ-01346

Time and Transformation; Two Truths, Sesshin Day 4

Equanimity, Time, Two Truths, Equanimity, Attachment, Concentration, Karma, Intimacy...
Jun 21 2003
Berkeley Zen Center


Freedom, War, Liberation, Peace, zen meditation
Dec 24 2002

Wednesday Lecture

Serial: SF-01051

A sense of place, a valley of ancestors, apprentices finding their place, Harry Roberts' last remarks, 500-year view, mastodon tooth, mountains and rivers, walking mindfully,...

Blue Cliff Record, Dragons, Bell, Practice Period, zen meditation, Commitment,...
Jul 10 2002
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Gratitude, Balance, Zazen, Cultivation, zen meditation, Priest, Conversation,...
Nov 12 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

resistance, Repentance, Precepts, Balance, Manjushri, New Year, Peace, Anger, zen...
Dec 26 1999
Green Gulch

Lotus Sutra

Serial: BZ-00863

The fourth in a series of five classes on the Lotus Sutra taught by Ryuei Michael McCormick, a teacher in the Nichiren tradition, and sponsored by Maylie Scott. ...

Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature, Perfect Wisdom, Demons, Nirvana, Subject-and-Object, Evil...
Apr 22 1999
4 of 5
Berkeley Zen Center

Sunday Lecture

Heart Sutra, zen meditation, Mindfulness, Religion, Koan, resistance, Letting Go,...
May 17 1998
Green Gulch

Mothers' Day

Serial: SF-03101

Sunday Lecture: being born from a mother guarantees two ingredients, a bit of love and suffering, both necessary for enlightenment. The essential point of zen is questioning;...

Manjushri, Commitment, Karma, Four Noble Truths, Letting Go, Religion, zen meditation...
May 11 1997
Green Gulch

On Breath and Breathing

Serial: SF-03114

Sunday Lecture - if you pick up one piece of dust, the whole universe comes with it

Emotions, Mindfulness, zen meditation, Four Noble Truths, confusion, Hindrances,...
Jan 12 1997
Green Gulch

Practice of Zazen

Serial: SF-03138

Sunday Lecture

Zazen, zen meditation, Ceremony, Bell, Interview, Greed, Letting Go, Posture,...
May 26 1996
Green Gulch

November 4th, 1995, Serial No. 00071, Side A

Silent Illumination, Letting Go, zen meditation
Nov 04 1995

October 10th, 1995, Serial No. 00136

Serial: NC-00136

Rule of Benedict Novice Class # 1 - 1990s

OSB Cam, Vow, Instruction, Commitment, zen meditation, Repentance
Oct 10 1995

Self Healing

zen meditation, Subject-and-Object, Mindfulness, Blue Cliff Record, Mundane Life,...
Aug 05 1995
Berkeley Zen Center

March 5th, 1995, Serial No. 00074

zen meditation, Intention, Buddha Ancestors, Rinzai
Mar 05 1995

March 5th, 1995, Serial No. 00096

Intention, zen meditation, Buddha Ancestors, Rinzai
Mar 05 1995

Jewel of Sangha

Serial: SF-03102

Sunday Lecture

Three Treasures, Gratitude, Sangha, Fox, zen meditation, Happiness, Teacher-and-...
Jan 29 1995
Green Gulch

Development of Hesychasm and the Psycho-Physical Aspects / Jesus Prayer and Other Types of Prayer/Meditation

Serial: NC-00014

Session 3 & 4 of "Hesychia: Inner Silence and the Jesus Prayer"

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Hesychia, Jesus Prayer, Prayer of the Heart, zen meditation, Compassion, zen...
2 of 2
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Spirit of Filial Adoption and Prayer / Spirit of Mission and Charismatic Gifts

Serial: NC-00020

Session 3 & 4 of "New Life in the Holy Spirit"

Talk 3: Spirit of Filial Adoption and Prayer

Talk 4: Spirit of Mission and Charismatic...

OSB Cam, Breath, zen meditation, Continuous Practice, Intimacy, Posture
2 of 2
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Essential Features of the Holy Spirit / Birth of "Pneuma" in Humans

Serial: NC-00019

Session 1 & 2 of "New Life in the Holy Spirit"

Talk 1: Essential Features of the Holy Spirit: Breath, Light, Responsive Love

Talk 2: irth of...

OSB Cam, Breath, zen meditation, japanese, Enlightenment, Renewal
1 of 2
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Saturday Lecture

Buddha Nature, zen meditation, Birth-and-Death, Lineage, Repentance, Mahayana,...
Nov 13 1993
City Center


Rinzai, Buddha's Birthday, zen meditation, Thich Nhat Hanh
Nov 09 1993


Bell, zen meditation, Lineage, Silence, Buddha Mind
Aug 01 1993

Introduction to Buddhism

Serial: BZ-00269

Class 3 of 6

Precepts, Concentration, Mindfulness, Soto Zen, Impermanence, zen meditation,...
Mar 25 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Saturday Lecture

Instruction, Lotus Sutra, Samsara, zen meditation, Posture, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana...
Nov 21 1992
City Center

Day Off Class

Serial: BZ-01484

Class 5 of 6

Precepts, Buddha Ancestors, Transmission, Silent Illumination, Buddha Nature, Current...
Nov 14 1992

Paramitas: Dhyana (Meditation)

Serial: BZ-00614

Class 5 of 6

Concentration, Hindrances, Mindfulness, Instruction, Death-and-Dying, zen meditation...
Oct 15 1992
Berkeley Zen Center


American, Culture, zen meditation, Thich Nhat Hanh, Freedom
Jul 09 1992

Is Buddhism a Religion? Yes, No

Serial: BZ-00684A

Saturday Lecture

Religion, Buddhism, Religion, Subject-and-Object, Pure Existence, Discrimination, zen...
Jan 25 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

World Peace and Health

Serial: SF-04063

Copyright California Diamond Sangha: "2 tape set $12.00"

Peace, realization, Ego, Intimacy, zen meditation, Sangha, Zazen, Soto Zen, Precepts...
Aug 21 1991

Contemplation and Contemplative Life

Serial: NC-00634

Introduction by Robert Hale. Fr Bede chanting.

OSB Cam, Ego, zen meditation, Compassion, zen, Anger
Aug 04 1991
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Shuso Way-Seeking Mind Talk

Serial: SF-01077


Zendo, Suzuki Roshi, Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, zen meditation, Zazen,...
Feb 20 1991

July 1990 talk, Serial No. 06998

Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Letting Go, Peace, Rinzai, zen meditation
Jul 1990


Religion, zen meditation, Demons, Liberation, Lovingkindness
Jan 27 1990

The Eight Janas and the Origins of Zen

Serial: BZ-00429A

One-Day Sitting

Consciousness, Happiness, Concentration, Pure Existence, Hindrances, zen meditation,...
Jul 20 1985
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazen and Shikantaza

Serial: BZ-00415B

Saturday Lecture

Zazen, Shikantaza, zen meditation, Instruction, Posture, Concentration, Building,...
Jun 15 1985
Berkeley Zen Center

Talk to Community

OSB Cam, Oneness, Renunciation, Buddha, zen meditation
Sep 03 1983
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Talk to Community

Serial: NC-00448

Repeat of NC 00592 (00448 says 2 of 4) (00592 does not say 2 of 4)

OSB Cam, Oneness, Renunciation, Buddha, zen meditation
Sep 03 1983
2 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Scientific Validation of Zazen

Serial: BZ-00044B

Saturday Lecture

zen meditation, Religion, Concentration, Buddha Nature, Priest, Beginners, Sangha,...
Jan 08 1983
Berkeley Zen Center
