training Talks

Showing 695 talks

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Title Speaker

January 30th, 1972, Serial No. 00192

Fox, realization, Liberation, Beginners, Posture, Silence, training, Meditation, Hate...
Jan 30 1972

January 26th, 1972, Serial No. 00190

Compassion, training, realization, Rinzai, Samadhi, American
Jan 26 1972

December 7th, 1971, Serial No. 00291

Dec 07 1971

December 5th, 1971, Serial No. 00218

Posture, Vow, Delusion, Transmission, lecture, training, Evil, Instruction, Beginners...
Dec 05 1971

December 5th, 1971, Serial No. 00289

Buddha Mind, Discrimination, Liberation, Oneness, training, Hate, lecture,...
Dec 05 1971

December 1971 talk, Serial No. 00292

Buddha Mind, Gratitude, training, Discrimination, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Dec 1971

November 30th, 1971, Serial No. 00284

Ego, Discrimination, Attachment, training, Evil
Nov 30 1971

November 5th, 1971, Serial No. 00279

Ceremony, training, lecture, Dragons, Mahayana, Building, confusion, Funeral,...
Nov 05 1971

October 22nd, 1971, Serial No. 00277

Community, Compassion, Funeral, Emotions, Ceremony, training, Pain, Building...
Oct 22 1971

August 12th, 1971, Serial No. 00051

Constancy, American, Lotus Sutra, Addiction, training, lecture, Suffering
Aug 12 1971

August 7th, 1971, Serial No. 00258

Hindrances, Discrimination, Birth-and-Death, Instruction, difficulty, training,...
Aug 07 1971

Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept Precepts

Precepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, training, Religion, Observe, Priest,...
Jul 17 1971
City Center

OLD - Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept Precepts

Serial: SR-00209

Saturday Morning, July 17, 1971
San Francisco

Precepts, training
Jul 17 1971
end only
City Center

OLD - Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept Precepts

Precepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Religion, Truth, Buddha Nature, training, Hate, Observe...
Jul 17 1971
City Center

July 1971 talk, Serial No. 00254

Monastic Practice, Mindfulness, Buddha Nature, Enthusiasm, Posture, Ego, training,...
Jul 1971

June 22nd, 1971, Serial No. 00250

Attachment, Buddha Nature, Nirvana, Lotus Sutra, Commitment, Community, training,...
Jun 22 1971

May 5th, 1971, Serial No. 00333

training, Breath, Offering, Pain, Demons, Instruction, Composure, Interdependence,...
May 05 1971

May 5th, 1971, Serial No. 00334

Hate, Interdependence, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Breath, Attachment, training,...
May 05 1971

May 3rd, 1971, Serial No. 00294

Breath, Oneness, training, Right Effort, Emotions, Discrimination, Consciousness,...
May 03 1971

April 27th, 1971, Serial No. 00331

Breath, Compassion, Observe, Posture, Buddha Nature, Consciousness, Precepts, Silence...
Apr 27 1971

April 11th, 1971, Serial No. 00328

Ceremony, lecture, Teacher-and-Student, Chanting, Transmission, training, American,...
Apr 11 1971

April 4th, 1971, Serial No. 00324

Breath, difficulty, Consciousness, Buddha Nature, training, Obstacles, Posture,...
Apr 04 1971

March 20th, 1971, Serial No. 00336

training, American, Mahayana, Patience, Building
Mar 20 1971

October 7th, 1970, Serial No. 00219

Pain, Patience, difficulty, Birth-and-Death, Demons, Enemies, Transmission, Silence,...
Oct 07 1970

August 16th, 1970, Serial No. 00300

training, Monastic Practice, Building, Chanting, Oneness, Silence, Discrimination,...
Aug 16 1970

OLD - To Be Honest And Sincere In Its True Sense It Is Necessary to Push Yourself Into Some Very Strong Hard Rule

Serial: 70-08-16-B

Sunday, August 16, 1970
San Francisco

[This is the second of two lectures with this date. This lecture began mid-way on Side A of the original tape after a prior...

Bell, Anger, Community, training, Enemies
Aug 16 1970
City Center

How To Understand Rituals And Precepts

Serial: SR-00063

Zazen, Rituals And Precepts Cannot Be Separated
Sunday Evening, July 26, 1970
San Francisco

Precepts, Precepts, Gratitude, Priest, Ceremony, American, Silence, Intention, Evil,...
Jul 26 1970
City Center

Japanese Way, American Way, Buddhist Way

Dogen, American, Freedom, Culture, Doubt, Interview, Demons, training, Building, Pain...
Jul 19 1970
City Center

The Willow Tree Cannot Be Broken

Serial: SR-00220

Thursday, June 25, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:

Meian ono-ono aitaishite,...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, reality, War, Interdependence, Observe,...
Jun 25 1970

Way of Zazen

Serial: SF-00017

Lecture given in Japanese with translation

Evil, training, Faith
Jun 07 1970
City Center

Ceremony Officially Opening Beginner's Mind Temple

Serial: SF-05995

This is the bulk of the ceremony, with speakers other than Suzuki Roshi, in Japanese and English

training, Gratitude, Zoom, Ceremony, Obstacles, Observe, Silence, Enemies, Evil,...
Apr 25 1970
City Center

How To Have Sincere Practice

Serial: SR-00145

Suzuki Roshi edited from longer recording.

Building, Community, Meditation, Zendo, Obstacles, Interview, Silence, Breath,...
Apr 25 1970
City Center

April 21st, 1970, Serial No. 00228

Buddha Mind, Impermanence, Don't Know Mind, Interview, Enemies, Community,...
Apr 21 1970

April 7th, 1970, Serial No. 00201

Birth-and-Death, Religion, Lotus Sutra, Building, realization, training,...
Apr 07 1970

Letters From Emptiness

Serial: SR-00156

How to Understand the Idea of Emptiness
Sunday, March 8, 1970
San Francisco

Emptiness, reality, Doubt, training, Enemies
Mar 08 1970
City Center

Practice To Be Like A Stone

Serial: SF-06125

SR-70-02-28 Sesshin lecture #6 (last lecture) - followed by service #2 for Trudy Dixon
NB - is 1970 despite the year added to the photos

Don't Know Mind, Composure, Diversity, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, training...
Feb 28 1970
City Center

OLD - Practice To Be Like A Stone

Serial: SR-00008

Saturday, February 28, 1970
San Francisco

Don't Know Mind, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Composure, training, sitting...
Feb 28 1970
City Center

Non-Dualistic Practice

Serial: SR-00260

Sesshin Lecture No. 3:
Wednesday, February 25, 1970
San Francisco

Sesshin, Big Mind, difficulty, zen, Duality, Karma, Anger, Mahayana, training,...
Feb 25 1970
City Center

Brown Rice is Just Right

Serial: SR-00247

Morning Sesshin Lecture
Sunday, February 1, 1970
City Center

Sesshin, Emptiness, Discrimination, Buddha Nature, training, Hate, Suffering, Pain,...
Feb 01 1970
City Center

December 28th, 1969, Serial No. 00043

training, New Year, Don't Know Mind, difficulty, Buddha Nature, Meditation,...
Dec 28 1969

Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 6

Sesshin, Ceremony, Freedom, Observe, Wisdom, Oneness, Beginners, training, Precepts,...
Dec 04 1969

Zen Beyond Borders

Priest, American, Rinzai, Soto Zen, training
Nov 05 1969

October 25th, 1969, Serial No. 00038

Greed, Funeral, training, Observe, Ceremony, lecture, Suffering, American
Oct 25 1969

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-1

Serial: SR-00212

[Third Lotus Sutra Series]1
Monday Evening, October 20, 1969
Zen Mountain Center

Introduction to third series of talks on the Lotus Sutra. Zen as practical...

Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Dogen, Mahayana, Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Ego, Sutra, Priest,...
Oct 20 1969
Series 3, Talk 1

Navigating Zen Training in Japan

Study, Rinzai, training, American, Priest
Oct 18 1969

September 28th, 1969, Serial No. 00032

Meditation, training, American
Sep 28 1969

September 27th, 1969, Serial No. 00030

Community, Building, American, lecture, training, Interview, Chanting, Balance,...
Sep 27 1969

On Zen Center History, Personal History, and Nona Ransom

Serial: SF-05610

Interview of Suzuki Roshi by Peter Schneider

Interview, Transmission, Priest, Hate, Suzuki Roshi, training, Enemies, Passions,...
Sep 16 1969
1 of 2

Why I Came to America

Serial: SR-00157

"Why I became a priest"

Memories of his father as a temple priest. Wanting to be an unusual priest himself, to teach people. Training at a temple with Oka...

Priest, Meiji, Japan, Dogen, Priest, training, New Year, Ceremony, Enemies, Monks,...
Sep 16 1969

Pure Silk, Sharp Iron

Serial: SR-00246

Sitting cross-legged - and then what? Having the right state of mind. Chinese and Japanese culture. His absent-mindedness, impatience. Virtue of endurance.

Zazen, Dogen, Culture, Ego, Transmission, training, Patience, Forms, Pain, War,...
Sep 14 1969
