Sandokai Talks

The Sandōkai (Chinese: 參同契; pinyin: Cāntóngqì) is a poem by the eighth Chinese Zen ancestor Shitou Xiqian (Sekito Kisen, 700–790) and a fundamental text of the Sōtō school of Zen, chanted daily in temples throughout the world.

From Sandokai on Wikipedia

Showing 37 talks

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Title Speaker

Introduction to the Harmony of Difference and Sameness

Serial: TL-00810

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Sekito Kisen, Sandokai, Soto Zen, Heart Sutra, Harmonizing
Sep 11 2023

A Commencement Ceremony for Exploring the Great Flower Adornment Scripture

A Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for a gathering of the No Abode community opening study of the Avatamsaka Sutra.  

Avatamsaka Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Hongzhi, Book of Serenity,...
Jun 24 2023
No Abode Hermitage

Hongzhi and the Amazing Beings

Serial: TL-00783

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Hongzhi, Book of Serenity, Avatamsaka Sutra, Sandokai, Harmonizing, Soto Zen, Non-...
Jan 29 2023

Buddha's Birthday

Serial: TL-00693

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Buddha's Birthday, Berkeley Zen Center, Ceremony, Zoom, Sandokai
Apr 11 2021

Komyo - Master Hongzhi

Serial: BZ-02147

Light, Rohatsu Day 5

Koun Ejô, Sandokai, Transmission of Light, Komyozo Zammai, Discrimination, Silent...
Dec 09 2010
Berkeley Zen Center

Moonlit Pathways to Enlightenment

Buddha's Birthday, Bodhidharma, Fox, Book of Serenity, Sandokai
May 22 2001

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00085B

Unity in Diversity, Diversity in Unity, Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Subject-and-Object, Diversity, Bell, Oneness, Precepts,...
Aug 19 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00160A

Polishing Tiles, Sesshin Day 5

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Emotions, Rinzai, Religion, Bodhidharma, Nirvana,...
Jun 18 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00056B

Sunshine and Shadow, Sesshin Day 4

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Beginners, Branching Streams,...
Jun 17 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00159

Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Oneness, Branching...
May 27 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00162A

Women and Men, Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Attachment, Chanting, Duality,...
May 13 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00161B

Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Absolute-and-Relative, Birth-and-...
May 06 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00161A

Light and Darkness, Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Light-and-Darkness, Darkness and...
Apr 29 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00207B

Some personal comments, Sesshin Day 3

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Branching Streams, Darkness and...
Mar 26 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00205B

Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Precepts, Subject-and-Object, Buddha Nature, Observe,...
Mar 11 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00204B

Fire Heats, Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, Branching Streams,...
Feb 26 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00202B

Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Anger, Duality, Branching Streams, Composure, Happiness...
Jan 29 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00202A

Zen Words, Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Branching Streams, Blue Cliff Record, Don't Know...
Jan 22 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00201A

Into the New Millennium, Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Branching Streams, New Year, Big Mind, Religion, Two...
Dec 11 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00200A

Zendo Behavior, Rohatsu Day 4

Sandokai, Zendo, Buddha Nature, Transmission, Big Mind, Oneness, Branching Streams,...
Dec 02 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00198B

Rohatsu Day 1

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Big Mind, Soto Zen, Observe, Discrimination, Branching...
Nov 29 1999
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00301


Sandokai, Fundraising, Lotus Sutra, Sixth Patriarch, Mill Valley, Oneness, confusion...
Feb 04 1988

Wherever You Go, You Will See Yourself

Serial: SR-00271

Sesshin Lecture No. 3
Sunday Afternoon or Evening
February 7, 1971
San Francisco

Sesshin, Tozan, Sandokai, zen, Discrimination, Precepts, reality, Freedom, Death...
Feb 07 1971
City Center

Do Not Pass Your Days and Nights in Vain

Serial: SR-00221

Sandokai Lecture XIII: “Don't Spend Your Time in Vain”
Monday, July 6, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, difficulty, sitting, zen,...
Jul 06 1970

We Should Not Stick to Words or Rules Too Much

Serial: SR-00222

Sandokai Lecture XII: “It Is Not Always So”
Saturday, July 4, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:


Branching Streams, Sandokai, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Lay, Peace, confusion,...
Jul 04 1970

Suffering Is A Valuable Thing

Serial: SR-00218

Sandokai Lecture XI
Saturday, June 27, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 33 Bammotsu onozukara...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Suffering, difficulty, Community, Emptiness, Pain,...
Jun 27 1970

The Willow Tree Cannot Be Broken

Serial: SR-00220

Thursday, June 25, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:

Meian ono-ono aitaishite,...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, reality, War, Interdependence, Observe,...
Jun 25 1970

Within Light There Is Utter Darkness

Serial: SR-00052

Sandokai Lecture IX
Saturday, June 20, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 27 Meichu ni atatte an...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Suffering, Truth, Diversity, sitting, Duality,...
Jun 20 1970

Without Any Idea of Attainment

Serial: SR-00061

Sandokai Lecture VIII
Wednesday, June 17, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 21 Manako wa iro,...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, Subject-and-Object, reality, Oneness, Monks,...
Jun 17 1970

The Boat Is Always Moving

Serial: SR-00059

Sandokai Lecture VII
Saturday, June 13, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 17 Shidai no sho...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Emptiness, Emotions, Peace, Enemies, Karma, Anger, Hate...
Jun 13 1970

Today We May Be Very Happy

Serial: SR-00057

Sandokai Lecture VI
Wednesday, June 10, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:

Shiki moto shitsuzo wo...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Happiness, Zazen, Suffering, Pain, Buddha Nature,...
Jun 10 1970

We Are Just a Tiny Speck of Big Being

Serial: SR-00055

Sandokai Lecture V: Lecture to Professor Weller's Visiting Class
Saturday, June 6, 1970

[Note. This lecture was given-- as a general introduction...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, lecture, Freedom, difficulty, Forms, Evil, Duality,...
Jun 06 1970

The Blue Jay Will Come Right into Your Heart

Serial: SR-00053

Sandokai Lecture IV - Discussion of the lines: 'all the objects of the senses interact, and yet do not'. Subjective and objective, independent and interrelated aspects of...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Dependent Origination, lecture, Building, Truth, sitting...
Jun 03 1970

Buddha Is Always Here

Serial: SR-00051

Sandokai Lecture III
Monday, June 1, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 5 Reigen myoni kokettari...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Emptiness, Buddha Nature, Suffering, Truth, Compassion,...
Jun 01 1970

Warm Hand to Warm Hand

Serial: SR-00049

Sandokai Lecture II
Sunday, May 30, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 2 tozai mitsuni aifusu....

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Truth, Transmission, reality, New Year, difficulty,...
May 30 1970


Serial: SR-00048

Sandokai Lecture I
Wednesday, May 27, 1970

[This is the first in a series of lectures on the Sandokai (Chin. Cantong qi or Tisan-tiung-chii), a...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Big Mind, Discrimination, Freedom, Oneness, Bell,...
May 27 1970

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: SF-00986

Architecture at GGF; Layman Pang; many sesshins; "gamble everything on love"; sesshin romance and the potentiality of the present moment; recognizing your Buddha...

Sesshin, Layman Pang, Suzuki Roshi, Sandokai, Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind, Attachment...
Green Gulch