Karma Talks

Karma (, from Sanskrit: कर्म, IPA: [ˈkɐɾmɐ] ; Pali: kamma) is an ancient Indian concept that refers to an action, work, or deed, and its effect or consequences. In Indian religions, the term more specifically refers to a principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma, wherein individuals' intent and actions (cause) influence their future (effect): Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and worse rebirths. In some scriptures, however, there is no link between rebirth and karma. Karma is often misunderstood as fate, destiny, or predetermination. Fate, destiny or predetermination has specific terminology in Sanskrit and is called Prarabdha.

The concept of karma is closely associated with the idea of rebirth in many schools of Indian religions (particularly in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism), as well as Taoism. In these schools, karma in the present affects one's future in the current life as well as the nature and quality of future lives—one's saṃsāra. This concept has also been adopted in Western popular culture, in which the events that happen after a person's actions may be considered natural consequences of those actions.

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Showing 659 talks

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Title Speaker

Breathing and Posture in Zazen

Serial: BZ-00402B

One-Day Sitting

Zazen, Posture, Repentance, Patience, Oneness, Concentration, Bell, Karma
Sep 17 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

Enlightenment in Soto Zen

Serial: BZ-00402A

Saturday Lecture

Enlightenment, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra, Soto Zen,...
Sep 10 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

Meal Chants

Serial: BZ-00002A

Saturday Lecture

Instruction, Chanting, Greed, Hate, Offering, Karma, Meal Serving, Mindfulness, Vow,...
May 07 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

Bowing to Our Dharmakaya Nature

Serial: BZ-00004A

Saturday Lecture

Dharmakaya, Karma, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Discrimination, Precepts, Non-discrimination...
Apr 30 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

The Law of Karma

Serial: BZ-00003A

Most Important in Buddhism, Saturday Lecture

Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Bowing, Vow, Karmic Consequences, Study Period, Priest,...
Apr 16 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

An Afternoon of Poetry and Discussion

Silence, Diversity, Peace, Enemies, Zoom, Fox, Intuition, Cultivation, Bell, Karma...
Mar 27 1983

Bodhisattva Ceremony: Renewing Our Way

Serial: BZ-00006A

Saturday Lecture

Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Vow, Eka, Offering, Daily Life,...
Feb 26 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

Pre-Practice versus Practice

Serial: BZ-00040A

The "Gap", Saturday Lecture

Attachment, Daily Life, Buddha Nature, Lay Practice, resistance, confusion,...
Oct 02 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

August 21, 1982, Serial No 01528B

Serial: BZ-01528B

One-Day Sitting

Zendo, Sangha, Berkeley Zen Center, Building, Non-violence, Study Period, Karma,...
Aug 21 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

August 7, 1982, Serial No. 01528A

Serial: BZ-01528A

Saturday Lecture

Peace, Non-violence, Current Events, Peace, Non-violence, Greed, War, Hate, Karma,...
Aug 07 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

The Arms Race: Peace, Nonviolence, Aggression

Serial: BZ-00037A


Peace, Non-violence, Hate, War, Greed, Karma, Enemies, Evil, Concentration,...
Aug 07 1982

Blue Cliff Record: Case #80

Serial: BZ-00033

Does a Baby Have the 6th Consciousness?, Saturday Lecture

Consciousness, Storehouse Consciousness, Monastic Practice, Discrimination, Buddha...
Jul 31 1982
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00034B

Posture, Attention, Resistance, Naming, One-Day Sitting

Posture, Harmonizing, resistance, Fox, Composure, Duality, Religion, Peace, Karma...
Jul 16 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Composure: The Third Paramita

Serial: BZ-00009B

Saturday Lecture

Kshanti, Composure, Happiness, training, Monastic Practice, Demons, confusion, Daily...
May 01 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

April 30th, 1982, Serial No. 00994

Serial: NC-00994

Monastic Spirituality, Set 7 of 12

OSB Cam, Ego, Enemies, First Principle, Karma, confusion
Apr 30 1982

Bodhisattva Ceremony Recording

Serial: BZ-00010A

Recording of BZC's monthly Bodhisattva Ceremony. The Kokyo is Fran Tribe. 

Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bodhisattva Way, Hate, Greed, Karma
Apr 18 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Hyakujo and the Fox

Serial: BZ-00016B

Form and Emptiness, Karma, Sesshin Day 2

Hyakujo, Karma, Form-and-Emptiness, Karma, Fox, Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Daily Life,...
Feb 21 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo -- Endless Dimension

Serial: BZ-00016A

Ten Phrase Avalokiteshvara Sutra, Sesshin Day 1

Dharani, Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, Sangha, Big Mind, Evil, Karma, Manjushri,...
Feb 20 1982
Berkeley Zen Center


Karma, Precepts, Right Speech, Repentance, Greed, Confession-and-Repentance,...

Mumonkan Case 36

Karma, Anger, Daily Life, Peace, Samadhi, realization
May 31 1981
City Center

April 8th, 1981, Serial No. 00873

Serial: NC-00873

Monastic Spirituality Set 3 of 12

OSB Cam, Commitment, Money, First Principle, training, Karma
Apr 08 1981

Monastic Life and the Interreligious Dialogue

Serial: NC-00468

Monastic Life and Interreligious Dialogue: What does our life as monks mean to the non-Christian world?

OSB Cam, Inter-faith Dialogue, Buddhism, Breath, Karma, War
Sep 1980
3 of 3
New Camaldoli Hermitage

The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom

Serial: SF-00007B

Reading of Dr Edward Conze's translation - this is after 00007A and separate from it.

Perfect Wisdom, true dharma, Evil, Concentration, Karma, Anger
Apr 25 1980

March 1st, 1979, Serial No. 00121

Fox, Funeral, causation, Buddha Nature, Karma, Interdependence, Discrimination...
Mar 01 1979

February 27th, 1979, Serial No. 00118

Consciousness, realization, Funeral, Karma, Pain, Bell
Feb 27 1979

Textual Analysis

Delusion, Posture, Nirvana, Four Noble Truths, Karma, Faith, Liberation, Hate,...
Mar 15 1976


Serial: SF-00130

Changes that occur during practice period; sutra story of monk retrieving his mother from hell; composing concrete music;

Practice Period, Ceremony, Mahayana, Nirvana, Karma, Manjushri, Addiction, Samsara,...
Dec 10 1975


Serial: SF-00125

The third great religious awakening in America.

Emptiness, Religion, Manjushri, Interview, Conversation, Karma
Jul 18 1973

July 7th, 1973, Serial No. 00134

Right Effort, Chanting, Mindfulness, Karma, Anger
Jul 07 1973

Beyond Form and Emptiness

Karma, Mindfulness, Heart Sutra
Jun 10 1973

Consciousness - Fourth Type

Attachment, Nirvana, Equanimity, Doubt, Ceremony, Liberation, Freedom, Addiction, Ego...
May 19 1973

Consciousness - Second and Third Types

Hindrances, Concentration, Mindfulness, Karma, Equanimity, training, Oneness, Sangha...
May 18 1973

First Type of Consciousness

Karma, Delusion, Happiness, Precepts, Hate, Balance, Forgiveness, Ordination, Observe...
May 16 1973


Mindfulness, Oneness, Karma, Don't Know Mind, Observe, Emptiness, Cultivation,...
May 15 1973

Abhidharma Psychology

Subject-and-Object, Intuition, Constancy, Ego, Nirvana, Non-duality, Observe,...
May 13 1973

May 12th, 1973, Serial No. 00995

Serial: SF-00995

"First 30 mins of 70 min lecture"

Freedom, Concentration, Balance, Mindfulness, Liberation, Attachment, Karma, Doubt,...
May 12 1973

Zen in Everyday Awareness

Non-discrimination, Discrimination, Observe, Karma, Dragons
Mar 17 1973

Living Zen in Everyday Life

Tozan, Karma, Baso, Sixth Patriarch
Dec 12 1972

December 5th, 1972, Serial No. 00360

Birth-and-Death, Hate, Obstacles, Compassion, Repentance, Karma
Dec 05 1972

Effortless Equanimity in Zen Practice

Buddha Nature, Right Effort, Breath, Non-discrimination, Karma
Dec 04 1972

Buddhism's Paradox of Non-Doing

Karma, Study, Oneness
Dec 02 1972

Engaging Suffering Through Buddhist Practice

Suffering, Karma, Vow, Heart Sutra, Continuous Practice
Nov 11 1972

Discovering Zen in Daily Life

Buddha Nature, Posture, Karma, Instruction
Oct 08 1972

Zen Wholeness Through Zazen

Shikantaza, Buddha Nature, Breath, Karma, Compassion
Jun 04 1972

Allen Ginsberg and Musicians

Serial: SF-00107

Musical event

Obstacles, Vow, Instruction, Greed, Chanting, Passions, Offering, Attachment, Karma...
Feb 22 1972
City Center

September 17th, 1971, Serial No. 00312

Karma, Enthusiasm, Hate, Bowing, Beginners, Happiness, lecture, American
Sep 17 1971

August 3rd, 1971, Serial No. 00264

Consciousness, confusion, lecture, Birth-and-Death, difficulty, Discrimination, Evil...
Aug 03 1971

July 15th, 1971, Serial No. 00260

American, Karma, Instruction, Consciousness, Culture, Lay, Emotions, Discrimination...
Jul 15 1971

Real Precepts Are Beyond Words

Precepts, Precepts, reality, Observe, Freedom, sitting, Emptiness, Sangha, Duality,...
Jul 02 1971
City Center

Changing Our Karma

Baso, Concentration, Karma, Suffering, difficulty, Ceremony
Mar 09 1971
City Center
