Forms Talks

Showing 22 talks

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Title Speaker

Discipline in Practice

Serial: BZ-00871B

One-Day Sitting

Monastic Practice, Forms, Daily Life, Lay, Precepts, Commitment, Continuous Practice...
Jan 18 1986
Berkeley Zen Center

Translation of Unknown Text

Serial: SR-00183

August 1971
San Francisco

Ceremony, Priest, Hate, Passions, Attachment, Forms
Aug 1971
City Center

Precepts as Original Nature

Precepts, Bodhidharma, Precepts, Concentration, Building, Posture, New Year,...
Jun 12 1971
City Center

When Someone Receives Transmission

Serial: SR-00071

Tuesday, August 25, 1970
San Francisco

Transmission, Priest, Buddha Nature, Culture, Forms, American, Death, Truth
Aug 25 1970
City Center

The Boat Is Always Moving

Serial: SR-00059

Sandokai Lecture VII
Saturday, June 13, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 17 Shidai no sho...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Emptiness, Emotions, Peace, Enemies, Karma, Anger, Hate...
Jun 13 1970

We Are Just a Tiny Speck of Big Being

Serial: SR-00055

Sandokai Lecture V: Lecture to Professor Weller's Visiting Class
Saturday, June 6, 1970

[Note. This lecture was given-- as a general introduction...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, lecture, Freedom, difficulty, Forms, Evil, Duality,...
Jun 06 1970

Selflessness, Being and Non-Being: The Background of Shikantaza

Serial: SR-00261

Sesshin Lecture No. 1:
Monday, February 23, 1970
San Francisco

Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Emptiness, Evil, Mahayana, Posture, Freedom, Continuous...
Feb 23 1970
City Center

“An Unsurpassed, Penetrating Buddha”

Emptiness, Subject-and-Object, Interdependence, Observe, Community, Hate, Forms,...
Feb 08 1970

Each One Of Us Is A Cook

Serial: SR-00258

Afternoon Sesshin Tea Lecture
Sunday, February 1, 1970

Sesshin, Emptiness, Forms, Compassion, Pain
Feb 01 1970

Form Is Emptiness and Emptiness Is Form

Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Big Mind, Forms, Don't Know Mind, Interdependence, heart...
Nov 13 1969

Miss Ransom Was A Teacher Of Conversation

Serial: SR-00242

[Not an interview I think, but a question Peter asks at the beginning of the lecture, possibly pre-arranged with Suzuki. Got labeled as an interview because I had it grouped...

Japan, Komazawa University, Buddhism, Shobogenzo, Obon, Conversation, Building,...
Nov 09 1969

Why I Came to America

Serial: SR-00157

"Why I became a priest"

Memories of his father as a temple priest. Wanting to be an unusual priest himself, to teach people. Training at a temple with Oka...

Priest, Meiji, Japan, Dogen, Priest, training, New Year, Ceremony, Enemies, Monks,...
Sep 16 1969

Pure Silk, Sharp Iron

Serial: SR-00246

Sitting cross-legged - and then what? Having the right state of mind. Chinese and Japanese culture. His absent-mindedness, impatience. Virtue of endurance.

Zazen, Dogen, Culture, Ego, Transmission, training, Patience, Forms, Pain, War,...
Sep 14 1969

Sesshin, Third Night Lecture

Serial: SR-00130

September, 1969

Sesshin, Emptiness, reality, Passions, Intuition, Bell, Forms, American, difficulty...
Sep 1969

Blue Cliff Records-43

Serial: SR-00032

Tozan's hot and cold.

Blue Cliff Record, Emptiness, Pain, Monks, difficulty, Forms, Hate, Commitment,...
Jul 26 1969

I have nothing in my mind

Emptiness, Forms, Zazen, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Passions, Interview, Beginners,...
Jul 15 1969


Serial: SR-00027

Wednesday, July 9, 1969

Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Forms, reality, Enemies, Truth, training, American, Duality,...
Jul 09 1969

Practice Should Be The Practice Of “Right Now.”

Serial: SR-00024

Thursday, July 3, 1969

Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Forms, Faith, reality, training, Enemies, War, Death...
Jul 03 1969

Zen Embodiment: Form and Emptiness

Serial: SR-00021

Duplicate of talk from this date.

Emptiness, Forms, Balance, reality, Continuous Practice, Wisdom, Death, sitting...
Jun 29 1969

Direct Experience of Reality

Baso, Dogen, lecture, Sutra, Forms, Pain, sitting
Jun 22 1969

Seminar on Taoism

Serial: SR-00275A

Alan Watts on Taoism, session 1

Forms, Silence, Obstacles, Lay, Bell, Continuous Practice, Consciousness, Breath...

Seminar on Taoism

Serial: SR-00275B

Alan Watts talk - session 2

Consciousness, Pain, heart, Forms, Hate, zen, Zoom, Obstacles, Ego, Lay