Unknown year, December talk, Serial 00378

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audio faintly recorded, only on right channel, only on one side of tape, lots of tape hiss


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93 94 95 96 97 9 Because you have to find your life's worth living in. And the worth living in is to live with others. And to try and teach them how many times a time, wherever you may go, in office, in society, wherever you may go, to find your life's worth living in.


So this is to Buddha's teaching is to find the life's worth living in. And living in the way of stories. As usual, I call this story, is to teach people stories. Because how to learn, what the meaning of practice is, practice and guidance is to listen to what the teacher is saying. So listen to practice.


So under the guidance of teaching is to surrender yourself to that which is exactly against the system of dharma, meaning to find the life's worth living in. So surrender yourself to it. It is not to destroy, it is not to ignore, but you have to surrender. Because if once you give it to the sky, give it to the moon, the sun, the light, you will realize exactly, realize exactly surrender yourself to morning sunlight. Otherwise you cannot feel how wonderful morning sunlight is. If you, while you are looking at the morning sunlight as a figure,


it is to feel, you feel how beautiful it is, but it doesn't penetrate you. And it doesn't work. It doesn't penetrate you. It must be born. Incorrect, that is incorrect. It is understandable. But think true beauty. Think true beauty. Anyway, something more than the word, you have to think, absorb the beauty of morning sunlight and fix it. Fix it. But you are likely to exactly absorb the beauty of morning sunlight, and morning sunlight comes into your heart at that time, nothing to say. All your people will stand up holding their feet. This is a surrender. More or less, you do it.


And also, even though you don't like it, think if you want to preserve nature, preserve and protect the animals and the human birth, think you should develop, you should develop this human feeling, this human feeling by what you have done. Surrender yourself to the trees, the birds, the animals and nature. Otherwise, you never know, you never know, otherwise you cannot protect, you cannot save the nature and the animals. Of course, you do it, of course, if you have time, but you are absolutely not allowed to go wrong. But from century after century, your movement of saving nature and the animals should last forever. From this age to the 21st century and 22nd century,


anyway, it should be allowed. Otherwise, the movement of saving nature and the animals doesn't exist as a pure, beautiful concept. Without it, because your movement is a concept, a magic concept. Magic concept is everything, everything except the personal, personal activity. Personal activity as a pure, beautiful magic concept has to be conveyed to the next generation. Somebody should have told you that. How can you do that? But this is what we do. We want to, we want to create a concept and we want to convey the concept to the generation after generation.


This is the origin of human beings. But if you look at it in words, you can do it. All the individualism, you got it first. Then if you see somebody who creates beautiful things, you say, that's beautiful, I don't know, it's not magical. That's it. You understand? I understand it but I hope you understand. Some people say, there is no concept, in United States, people don't say that. Concept is always there. What is concept? You are individual self, individual life is concept. Otherwise, who creates the concept? We create it. And if you want to see the concept, you are like a beautiful concept. Concept doesn't come out,


come out from you or from, you know, come out from you. You create the concept, then you can see the concept. This is the same concept. So, talent, that is talent. Talent in yourself, talent in yourself to the nature, the birds, the sky, the animals, the moon, sunrise, everything. And when you don't understand it, continue to do it. It's wonderful. Thank you. Because, I think it's a wonderful concept. I think it's a wonderful concept. I think it's a, I don't think it's a wonderful concept. Because if you don't like talent, well, it's a wonderful concept.


Always, absolutely, always emphasize self. Because, it's too hard to stay self-conscious. So, anyway, this is the talent, which is the same concept, to surrender oneself to the nature. Then, by, by using this, to surrender yourself to the nature, is, to listen to the nature, to see the unity of the truth, and phenomena, and the teacher. Very naturally, that listening to dharma, causes your consciousness to be full. It's because there is no gap between the morning sunrise and noon. The morning sunrise swimming is in the ocean of your life, fish. And you can swim in the ocean of the morning sunrise,


all kinds of conditions, and superstitions, that creates light in the dark. That's not how it is. Just a while, just a few seconds, just a few seconds, that's all. Just a while. But just a while is not just a while. It's a while. Really simple. Really. Then we are beginning to think, many things, what occurs after a while. Then you start to have your feelings. How do you feel, kind of, from morning sunrise? Are you all right? Then if I say, all right, what do you mean, all right? So on and on, many things, what occurs after a while, then continue to exist.


Original existence is a simple while. See? That's it. So that's why I say, I'm fine. Come back to original existence. From where, we can have the whole one communication between me and the country. So the country, we have to come back. This is the start, not the time, where we can say, simple questions, [...] real profound meaning. Oh, yes. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The story is, I think, that Tai Chi is a famous martial art. Talk


to a Chinese guy, he said, that I have been practicing under the guidance of Mr. Aung San Suu Kyi for 30 years. I have had Mr. Aung San Suu Kyi's lectures, dinners and salons. I believe that Mr. Aung San Suu Kyi must be famous. I have just been rejected. Not by war, by terror. Not his family, his own family. With your wife, with your husband, with your husband, with your wife, they send me to visit Mr. Aung San Suu Kyi.


So, if you ever go to his mall, you should check out his house. And all those houses are doing, you should always check them out. So, that is his family. And here is Mr. Aung San Suu Kyi's tower block. And here is his mom. So, this is pretty nice, that's why. And she does not say, I believe Mr. Aung San Suu Kyi must be famous. And I live, day by day, for God's sake, with Mr. Aung San Suu Kyi. But I haven't had, I haven't had anything to do with Mr. Aung San Suu Kyi. Every day, I wait for the right time to walk to meet the boss of Aung San Suu Kyi. Because, when the boss goes, he's always with the boss.


So, I have to put time between the right field, which is human, and the left field, which is animal. So, you have to time, you have to save more time to meet the boss of Aung San Suu Kyi. So, if, say, if the buffalo, the buffalo turns up a certain time between the right field, I try to hold his hand. Sometimes, if, when the buffalo destroys my field, I stop and do this. Day by day, and day by day, I work with the buffalo,


and lately, I found how wonderful my buffalo is. Because buffalo, buffalo, lately, can understand human words. And then, if I, if a buffalo, if I, what do you say, if I kick him out of the right field, he doesn't kick out of the right field. Also, he won't work with me. So, I work with the buffalo. What do you say? If a buffalo can understand human words, it's pretty hard. It's pretty hard to understand human words. But usually, how about babies?


You know babies. Babies should be zero years old. Once a little bit, once a baby born in this world, many people have come up with babies. How much do they understand human words? But, from now on, you just watch, care for your mother, father, and father, who are, who look at, look at the babies. Two minutes ago, he was two, he was one. And then, one, one, two, how he forget, forget himself or herself, human mother, baby, human baby, with a smile, with a funny face, and always telling that, oh, welcome back, welcome to the human world. You see what I mean? How much can you understand human words?


Just feel your heart. And also, if you go to the nation, and think a lot in the nation, and your mind is getting calm, and it's natural, it's natural, it's natural, but, trees, birds, humans have to work together. Well, from there, that's how human feelings come up, because only there is a generosity and monogamy, where trees, nature, and you are not separate, not too separate. You are nature, nature, and you, that's why you have to come. Stick to it. Constantly you stick to the nature, trees, birds, and finally birds come into your heart. That time, what is a bird?


Bird is not bird, separate from you, birds and mind, mind and thoughts, because birds love to stick to you. Well, how do we know? I love to stick to you. I love to constantly love you. I love to consistently love you. At that time, you are, you cannot say anything. But before, before you feel this, you constantly, constantly stick to the trees, bushes, and the birds, and skies, and sun, and moon, constantly. If you don't have this kind of warm human nature, everyone has, but if you don't realize it, things happen, like this, things, to the face, again and again, naturally,


constantly, constantly. Even though you say, get out, constantly you say, get out, always you say, get out. Once you, just like a little boy and girl, and when you go to the market, and you say, hey, and you go to the store, and the kids are always running wild, and getting the pumpkin sweets, and the candy, and they say, just take a wild pig, a wild buffalo, just take a wild buffalo, and always going in a different way, and the mother always calls her back, or calls her back, and hey, come back here, don't get it. Then the environment is, you're a boy, you're a girl, and you're trying to, you know, best, you know, to create that all you have to do,


is talk, and talk, and talk. Then finally, still if it's possible, to run wild, and finally, you don't care. One more, and you say, stop it. What do you mean? You really, are not that complicated. Buffalo, fly, eat, and, eat, [...]


And when you finish, at the end of the day, you can say, you're much better, much better. What is the good number? Well, talk to me, what's the number? Good. Then find out. But Buffalo itself is also going a different way. If you don't have health insurance, that's why you have to take care of Buffalo. But Buffalo, on the other hand, Buffalo is very generous and kind. He'll accept you, he'll accept all the disease. That's why he's so kind.


You are generous, you are kind. On the other hand, you are really wise. He's always going this way, that way, saying, don't tell me what to do. Don't touch me. I don't mind. Don't interrupt me. He always cares for you. He's really wise. You don't see how important it is, how that could be hurting you. You don't see him just working wildly. But, I want you to realize just what a wise man he is. He's a really wise man. He accepts all the disease. That's why he's really, really kind. The reason, what we have to do is, we have to develop Buffalo. Develop Buffalo. We have to develop this new foundation of the human being, based upon the new system we have.


In order to develop this new system, we have to take care of wild Buffalo. We do all these different kinds of problems together. We have to take care of wild Buffalo. That is what we have to do together. We have to do the same for Buffalo. We have to develop wild Buffalo. Because we have to develop this wild Buffalo. The more you develop it, the more you develop it, rather than listening to sort of thinking, you can see, you can see how wild your Buffalo is. All this, you have to tackle. Tackle the buffalo's head. See, it's wild. See, come back here. See, let's walk with me. It's wild. See, it's phenomenal. All you have to do is see it. Then, you come to God.


God gives you a life span of six weeks. Wild Buffalo. But, because you are, you can be composed underneath the life span of six weeks. So, where you are, you are, that is the institution of the two-world harmony. How do you see it? That is generosity, humbleness, love and pride. Two. How do you see it? Two things are there. Then, you are, your life is what? Your life is such an institution of wildness and generosity, goodness. Do you understand? Then, finally, how do you understand the human being? Do you see it? You can see it. Because I don't understand it. I am Buddha. What I see for the next time,


I'm going to say, you are Buddha. I don't think so. I'm not Buddha. Because you can see the wildness. And then, you say, yes, you understand it. You, for example, want to know. You say, ah, ah, ah. OK. So, finally, what do you have? Two. Do you see it? There, for five. Basically, because that is your full physical life is, that is the function of what creates it, as an institution of the wildness and the goodness. This is called the human being, who has one righteousness. You always believe, I am Buddha. There's no one in the wild world. You are Buddha. There is.


Can't you do this? No way. If you exactly experience Buddha, how wonderful, the next moment, you become one with it. And then you think, how? How can that be? I always clearly know it. You don't know it. Up here, you see, I'm sitting in the middle of a river. I don't know that. The more you become Buddha, the more you become part of the wild. Because I am Buddha, right in the middle of each section. You have to take care of your section. You have to put your life exactly in each section, sitting right in the middle of each section of the wildness and the goodness. Then, if you are completely keeping your life, keeping your life located at the institution of the wildness and the goodness,


this is what you have to do. That is called that moment. So, usually practice always considered as wonderful by what you do, like you can swim from to the South Sea in Asia. But on the other hand, I think so. Yes, I agree. Because if you practice, you can find the calm mind and the light. This is it. Then, you should always emphasize that and that you can really stay with a good life. If you are a human being, immediately your life will be


way away, but calm. Then, you have to move. Then, immediately, you have to make a meaningful practice. What you are doing at the present, one year, two years, doesn't take away your energy. What you are doing, I'm here, I'm still here, but I don't have to look at the world. I'm here in this country. If you can take your time in your life exactly located at the institution of the wildness and the goodness, it's really good. Even if you say, no need. So, you should stop. Yes, I should stop. Please. Please. Because I don't know how.


Because it's a wild battle. But there's no way. There's no way to escape it. So, day to day, I have to act like I'm in this wild battle. And then, how much I can stay in this wild battle? Just a little bit. Just a little bit. You can feel it. You can take a deep breath. Therefore, body starts to relax. Relax. I want to feel it. I want to feel it. Let me show you how wild I am. But don't follow my technique. Why? Because it's wild. It's a big battle. And also, I have to feel it. This is wild battle. Wild battle. Ah, it's coming.


It's coming. It's coming. And that's the kind of battle. How long? I don't know. I don't know how long. But, I feel it. Don't follow me. Don't follow me. Just to feel your love. Feel it. Right. All right. That's it. And then you become very relieved. Relieved. Because relief of relief of this thing. We are faced, it is because for so few times, especially when we used to get some results for so few times. But today, I want to get it. And this is the human being. Now it's really wild battle. It's a wild battle. Much much wild. You don't know.


You don't know. You don't know.

