Unknown Date, Serial 01487, Side D

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The Lord will be with thee in holy communion. At that moment he says to us, Our dear members of the church, to those who celebrate this holy day in this blessed time of Easter. He will do what he says and he shall not sickly be. Why is it in this way Christ speaks to us? What is the historic advice speaking to the apostles at the end of his historical life? And he speaks to his apostles who have a gift with him. who have seen him, who were together with him for such a long time.


When he tells them, you shall not see me, and if ever that you while, and you shall see me, what is their reaction? They ask him, how what? Oh, not themselves, they ask. Oh, what does he want to say? And he says, a little one. You see, what the apostles are, before our first resurrection, what are they concentrating? On this, shall we call it, time event. A little while. They ask God, how much is that little one? What does he want to say with them? And you can just hear them. Does he mean two days? Does he mean three days? Will it be very long when he is not with us? How long or what time will he leave us alone?


That is the anxious question. How long will that diplomat last? And you see, that is the reaction of the Apostle, to look towards common adoption, before he died, before he had left us, in order to go to the Father. That means that he has not yet shown himself to them again, after his resurrection, as the wisdom says. But then, to make our own ministry go, after his resurrection, he put me with his brother. He forced him here to raise the apostles again. But then, after a little while, forty days to be exact, he released them. But that is then what is written there of Yahushua.


While in the first half, in the first leaving on the cross, the apostles, all the disciples, were astounded. Deeply sad, full of sorrow. What are they doing? Why were they full of sorrow? Because they loved him. Because they knew he was good, so good. And now he died. The life of this day of all men seems to be extinguished. And that means what? And so do they understand. Sadly, Paulus, they had not understood and had heard the words, but not realized of what he meant. And he said, I stayed on with him. You see, they only saw a nasty part.


They only saw the enemy. They only saw their lot. They only saw their doubtness because the light of this world had lifted and slipped their step. And that is the way the Lord found them on the way to Emmaus when he met those two disciples. is more than that, because death has seemingly put an end to the most blessed pleasures they have ever experienced in their lives. At the other end, the realization, the feeling of the resurrection, the contact with the risen Savior, who comes again, And it brings them a joy that is in their cities. That's the hypnotic thing. But then we have this second leap taking.


And that is the leap taking of the ascension. And it is for this leap taking that this mask appears. We are looking forward to the ascension. And the ascension is a leap taking. Our door leads us. But being in thought, being taken up into his glory, and so that the apostles see that this leap-taking is now a disappearing into the darkness of death, But this deep thinking is green. It's taken up into the glory of heaven. And so, in this deep thinking, the apostles are full of joy. Expressly, that is stated in all his scripture. They were there, and he was there, full of joy. So this second deep taking is then repeated again and again in the words in which we live.


Because we are not in the same situation in which the apostles and disciples found themselves before the Lord's death on the cross. We have witnessed the resurrection We have lived with the Lord in these 40 days, but he came back again. We witnessed his second leave taken as his exaltation, and therefore we are at his final period with joy. However, my dear friends, that is not the whole story. Even to us, and baptized Christians, those who have been baptized into his death, and have been baptized into his resurrection, and those who have witnessed the report of Jesus on the resurrection, and those who have lived in the church, and those who have


witness the salvation of the rejuvenated as the solemn annunciation of the Lord's resurrection. Even to us at this time, we are, and that is what our experience so clearly testifies, we must stand. We are exposed to struggles until they come. Is there, dear my dear friends, and that is the question which I think we should ask ourselves, is there then no difference between the apostles that heard the Lord's statement for the first time before the Galilee? and stay aware that asking themselves, in sadness and sorrow, oh, how long will it be that he leaves us? Or are we now in a different position?


What is then our attitude to that sadness and sorrow, to that not-thinking riddle, that we experience as living Christians, as living members of the Lord's mystical body. And the answer speaks to these people in a holy community. They have to meet the Lord in the most intimate way. And it gives you a little fire, and you shall not see me What can we add to this world than a living? This world, I think, is not as very interesting to us, but it is a world with very good joy in our hearts. You live a while and you shall not see a living.


There is a different kind. that can change our situation. The Lord calls and goes for us Christians living in this world. We really do not have him as we shall have him in heaven. That is true. And still this happening and going of the Lord, seeing in wonder, in the cure of certainty, and in the sweetness of a responsive, redeemed heart, a stilling heart, and a temporary love, and we do not see him at all, and we feel that we are alone, we feel depressed, we feel sad. This confident joy is ours, ours, and as Christians


and other religious lectures, certainly. And still it is true what the Lord says to his apostles, When I come back and you shall see me, nobody will be able to take your job from you. This job is really an eternity. And that is supposed to be the collective truth that we should realize. Our becoming Christians does not mean that the little while of the Lord's living on this earth will be taken away from us. But this little while really becomes a short little while. but not in the sense of the bell indicating one hour or two hours or one day or two days or three days.


In it, why, in the sense of spiritually, of spiritual importance, The Lord is a way that is never a way for a long while. And that means that while there will be afflictions, we have our sadness, and we have our dick. Still, at the same time, in this death and in this sadness, We will love as the presence of that one who will adopt this resurrection. Never leave us, because he is with our Father, and that means he is with us. This presence of the Lord in this time is expressed in the words of St.


Paul, who says, Yet we are dead, and we have hope of freedom. Then Paul says, Yet we are sad, but still we are always rejoiced. So you see, in this new word of the resurrection, In this new world of the Spirit of the Christ the Saviour picking our hearts after the resurrection, we may be saddened, but this time must be with, as it were, our own people. In a little while, in years, percolating by, it is filled with new rejoice. The joy that is ours as Christians is not, let us say, a tiny word of joy, which for a certain span of time would exclude all struggle from our souls.


Thanks to pure guarantee, time of joy, a long time of joy, an eternity of joy that we do not have before the Lord comes in his second and glorious time. Now, at this time, the joy that it is giving is the joy which resides in the very depth of our believing heart in which we know the Lord is with us, He has sent His Spirit, He really and truly loves us, we are His, and therefore we are really and truly joyfully glad as children under every power of God. But this joy can never be taken away by any sadness, any destruction, any sorrow, any catastrophe that it may have to pass through.


Then, it was in my shape, and forth it approaches us here to this life. Death is certainly a reality. It certainly is a shock. It certainly is a destruction. It certainly is in that way an end. But it is at the same time as darkness on our depleted hearts. The wisdom follows that the power of this resurrection reigns. As long as that is the case, we are rejoicing at the very moment of our sacrifice. And that is the message of this Sunday and of this morning, is that people may rejoice in the fullness of that Spirit, which gives us that security, that wise and direct response


who rose for us, ascended for us, to the Father, will never leave us, that we are his children forever. But at the same time, that does not mean that we are children of any kind of earthly happiness. The dead is still there. The day will be sad and strong, and the pain is still there, but there are no pains of the heart. These years may be a coincidence, but today is never very modest. And that this day that the gospel should explain to us these are the thoughts that you have to carry in this world as the struggles of a mother. That is a life-giving struggle.


True struggle, true pain, but life-giving struggle and life-giving pain. And that is the secret of the happiness of a mother. And once the child is born, then surely the mother forgets all about this life. And in that spirit, we always say, looking at all the way, with all the different things we have to carry in this life, we look at them, follow and baptize Christians, not with the eyes of the apostles, always asking anxiously, how, Lord, oh, Lord, will this all last? But we look at this song, we believe it, but we say it's a little far, a little far.


It is unimportant in comparison to that happiness which can only await me in eternity but is already now, and this moment is mine, because Christ died for me. He is risen. He is enthroned at the right hand of the Father. He has sent the power of his resurrection into my heart, because I will be. That the Lord died for me, and that he has wished for me, that he has sent me into heaven for me, that he therefore will come for me, to work me when the time is there, into that joy that will last.

