Unknown Date, Serial 00403, Side B

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Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1972 #music


Take Psalm 33, 13. You will see there, you know, that man, or that the inner soul of man, the inner substance of man, is called glory. Exulge gloria mea, my glory may rise. a very wonderful expression for, let us say, the inner man, for man as created in the image and likeness of God. That is really his glory, the image and likeness of God. But I think if we follow that, you know, and follow that up, and also transfer this, you know, to God, and we ask ourselves, you know, now, about the inner glory of God.


What is the inner glory of God? And there I think Revelation, you know, gives us such a wonderful answer. Because there in Revelation we learn, you know, how God possessing himself, let us say, being interiorly resting in his own infinite divine value. What is that? That is the Father seeing the Son. Gloria quasi unigeniti a patria. the glory as the one of the only begotten of the Father." That's that wonderful word of St. John in the prologue to the Gospel. The glory identical with the Son, the only begotten of the Father.


So the inner, as I say, the inner, how can I say, personal essence, but personal essence, the Son within divinity, loved infinitely by the Holy Spirit, who embraces that glory, as it were. So if we take, you know, if we see that with the eyes of faith in the light of our Christian revelations, that the glory of God is the Son Then, of course, immediately all kinds of perspectives now open up, you know, in relation, and to see much better, what is the saint in our question idea? What is the saint? Exultar vunt sancti in gloria. You see, we find many, many ideals in the course of human history, as the ideal of the Greek hero, or as the idea of the reasonable, good, positive common man, let us say, as Benjamin Franklin painted it, you know, the utilitarian.


All kinds of difference. You find the idea of the royal man, of the noble man, the idea of the knight. You find the idea of the priest, man as a priest. All these ideas are there of man as the sage, the wise man. All these various ideas you find. Still, the saint is something which is exclusively Christian, absolutely exclusively Christian. And it's very important to realize that, you know, that sanctity really enters, you know, into the world.

