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Sesshin Day 3 lecture

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talk to us. For those of you who don't know Ritsu Roshi, Ritsu is Suzuki Roshi's son and his father was my first teacher and now he's my teacher. And he comes once a year to thinks that he has trouble speaking English. But... I think he does.


But he also speaks very well. So, please listen to his heart through his words. Konnichiwa. rain today. Very fun. In this area, someone said, you bring rain from Japan. Japan's rainy season now.


Many many rain come down. All day wet and hot like steam. Here is very I escaped to USA from steam. I'm lucky. Sometime American came to my temple and visit my abba.


I think American people think Japan is all, anywhere smelling Zen. Zen smelling. Anywhere I sit, under a tree, or in a building, in a temple, but cannot see. now is the most sitting in the world. I think so. I'm I'm 51 years old now, almost two.


When my father came to America, maybe 55, No, no, years, 55. Very close. I think very hard, hard work, another country living in. I think he had some problem in his mind. Now I know.


this because I have some problem in my mind. It comes from maybe my Karma. I must go over. And I must go old age. Now it's time. Turning age.


I was sitting with my father when I was 10 years old. sit with my father. Sometime, sometime, he teach me how to sit, hitting my shoulder. I don't I don't know about Zen, good or not good. Like, don't like, I don't know. Because Zazen is


close to me. But I know, but I know Zazen is very warm, tender, tender me. Something hold me. whole of body, whole of mind. Tomorrow, before, how do you say? Yesterday. I sit, I sit, sat, sit, sit.


All day in the Green Garden, one day session. Five day session now. Three minutes. I will go to one day, one day session. My feet very good for me. People help me all together sit. If I sit Alone, I couldn't sit all day.


Stand up and move. Stand and sleep. people help me, protect, support. Sangha, Sangha, Buddha Sangha Gacchami, Dharma Sangha Gacchami, Sangha Sangha Gacchami. It's good. you Sojin Roshi, he's my father's deshi.


Disciple? Disciple, yeah. But couldn't take Dharma transmission. I did a transmission to Sōryū Hōshiki from me. in place of my father, my teacher, my master.


But he, Sojun's son, Sojun Roshi, do like my father to me. Shisho, he do to me like like a master. Sometimes I'm a little... Difficult.


It is too awesome to make me as a teacher or master teacher. In a way, he feels the other way around. Sometimes Soju Sensei is more Master to him. Mottainai. Mottainai. It's awesome. Mottainai. Mottainai. Mottainai is like almost baseball. In the left hand side. Sometimes Sojun-san say, Mottainai. Mottainai. Mottainai. It's good feel, good sense.


Mottainai. Please study about Mottainai feel, Mottainai sense. The old that you keep, don't want to throw away. Sometimes too much for me, too much. Peer obligation. Sometimes it's too much.


Too much. Too much. Too much for me. Like this, in front of your ears, sit and talk something, it is very... But I'm not so... That's a good teacher. They are four. Mottainai. Some Japanese people said to me, who is your father?


I said, Suzuki Shunryu is my father. Is it true? Yes. Oh. Oh, I see. Feeling it's too different. Someday I... Someday I will say I'm switching the sound. Like this.


Zen way is not understand all. Always 90... sometimes 20. Always 90 percent. Not or understand. It's not good. I don't understand, no. Always, always cannot, cannot understand. Thank you.


I feel like I'd like to have a translation first, what the words actually mean, and then a little more about the feeling. I think it's important. So could you translate her? I'll try. Shall I? Yeah. It literally means wasteful. And so I think she refers to not using up. Right. If you don't use that, maybe you give that to a bird. That was my understanding. That's what I did understand. But in this case, it has a sense of... Why me? Expanding and grateful. And making him, I'm not very ready, you're making that to me. So where is the wastefulness? I think he is humbling himself.


Literally, his son, Suzuki Roshi, was a teacher of sojutsu, right? But because Hoichi Roshi gave transmission to sojutsu sensei, sojutsu sensei became structurally as his student. But actually, because Sojin Sensei has been learning from Suzuki Sensei directly, he often feels that he is a fatherly figure, Sojin Sensei is. So to me, he is a... Sojin Sensei, regarding him as a teacher or master, would be sort of grateful or not grateful. I mean, I think he feels that way. He is really sort of comforting himself. Not really. Good. Good.


You understand, understanding good. For rice, for water, for something, mottainai. Like Buddha. Everything Buddha. Yeah, I think he's trying to say the sense of humility. Thank you. Paul Disko... Paul Disko made that? Paul Disko's work on that. Oh, good. Buddha? All of this was left in Kyoto.


A small apartment house. Next door, his wife was washing potatoes. water. The next door, the mother come. Why do you do that? Risco's wife, she didn't know why she is very angry. Why don't stop water? Mottae nai! And take one bowl, washing in water, and take throw out and new new water clean three times and clean up if always water come down many many water go out next to a mother


But for this wife, I think, Japan has many, many clean water streams. Many. Yeah. Why did... does she say? I don't know. I don't know why she said that. Where did she stop? Where did she stop? Yeah. Because there's so much more. But now I understood what Daine means. It is a need for people.


Japanese people remember again long long time keeping some thing, some idea. Must, must remember. Because many things are so many eat half, eat half no good. and many straws throughout. Someday I found two cameras and garbage.


Garbage? Garbage. Garbage. Cannot fire couldn't find things. Iron, china, china, or glasses, many. I found two camera. Yeah, good. Japanese people so mad, no good. Roshi, is there some main teaching


or that you picked up from your father that's still with you? Something you'd like to share? Something that your father might have said that still stays with you? You said your father was a teacher for you. Something. Something. Teach me from my father. Yes. No. Nothing. All day, all day teach me. Don't speak. Don't talk. Someday talk. I forgot. It's like a cross in the wind.


Always like this. Very soft. His form is very soft, but inside very strong. Yes, like some fruits have seed. I've said very sweet and soft, but bite. People say, your father, Very kind, very tender. You are lucky. No, no, no. I am very unlucky.


Sometimes spanking. Spank. And fall in pan. Slow. Ah, best trick. Nothing. uh secret secret point teaching teaching no dharma dharma uh uh secret point about dharma no nothing any


Uh, like this. Yes. Somebody told me you were a potter. Can you say something about that? Pot. Pot. Pottery. Potty. Me? I don't know. I like it very much. This is my friend's thing. See? Balls. Balls. Yes. It's good. Yeah. It's good. But I... I couldn't... I cannot make this very beautiful. I made that.


This incense box. Yeah. Very easy. And... Very nice. Very nice? Thank you. Because it's filled with beginner's mind. Beginner's mind? Always. Beginner's mind. 90% Always. Beginners is beginner's mind.


Beginners is young. Did you always know that you would be the Roshi at Rinzō-in, or did that just happen? Did you always know that you would continue in Suzuki Roshi's temple? Yes, I have some Zen group from my father. Literacy.


And... Everything, almost everything, teach me from father. Doing. Life. I don't have anything else. Not special. Yes.


You said, here in America, more Zen students than anywhere in the world? Yes? You said this? Did I understand? Yeah. Hmm... Um... Well, um... I don't mean the whole thing, but the people here... San Francisco or Green Gorge, here, another, many, many of them practice temple in this area. Los Angeles, New York, many, and people sit in temple. But, Japan temple, many, many temples, but not so many people sit there.


But he know, the Japanese people know some Zen feel, Zen idea, Zen ideal. Yeah. Now... Now we're aged. A little. But Japanese people, not so many people are sick. A little. Now, I think now, here... Many... Most... more than Japanese temple. I think so. How did this happen? I don't know. Any idea?


It's just like... Zen, Buddhist Zen, like water. our life is in Zen and Buddhism field. I think so. Our priest, monk, don't teach so much. Do zazen, do zazen, no.


Zazen or you... After. After I come, I'm very busy. The Meiji period, the Meiji government said to Buddhists, don't teach about Dharma. Push down, because they want to grow Shinto religion. And... All together feel to emperor, Shinto emperor, and go to war.


Buddhism is a peaceful religion. And before the Meiji period, Tokugawa period, we shut the door, closed the door. push out another religion, Christian. And like, it's like a more warm house. Greenhouse. Greenhouse. Buddhism, other religions, like, no, nothing.


Couldn't teach, didn't teach about Dharma. Because no, never, didn't come another, doesn't come another religion to Japan. I think many, yes, and Buddhism is some, Buddhism has some... quality. Now in India, no 5%. China, same. And come, go, like wind.


But I still feel the idea of life, still. But dharma, some hard religion forms that go. But yeah, I will sit more. I will sit in Japan more. Twelve years old.


My son is 17 years old. He sit 10 years before, but now he don't sit. He like judo. I think don't say, come and sit with me. Sit. I think no good. You sit in your house, in your room, and sometimes she look, what is that? Sometimes, next, sit, and little by little, like smell, incense, cover.


I think it's good. And you catch sometimes, timing. catch and teach. First is smell. If you are a good father, children think Why my father so good? Or maybe sick? Did you have a monastery training outside of your father? Yeah. Where? A H and another temple's Zen master teach me.


Yes. Yes, I don't like monk. I didn't like monk. But now, good work, good job. But a long time ago, at that age, I didn't like it.


Because of the pain in my sit, and the sutra. So not so good. I couldn't read. Sometimes father hit my head. You brain not good. But it is calm to me. Everything wet. Everywhere wet like this.


I became monk. What did you want to be? Excuse me. When you didn't want to be a monk, what did you want to be? My father, if he said, if you are not, you don't like monk, yes, same thing ask me, my father. I said, I'm doctor. Doctor. Doctor. And... that... no. Not body. Psychologist.


My father said, Doctor, you must... you must... learn, study more. You brain, no. Maybe. Now, do you think being Zen teacher What do you think? I think same.


No, some, some... Softer chair. Yeah. Hope is the same. Hope. Seigan. Seigan. Negai. Same hope. Saving people. End of sutra, end of chanting. There are two things that Uitsu-sama doesn't understand.


One is how much like his father he is. And the other is what a good teacher he is. He doesn't understand both of these things. That's okay.

