St. Bernard: The Turn Away from the Legalism of Gregory VII

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This fifth, almost sixth, fourth quarter, fourth quarter of the [...] It is clear that the monk Venus Ombrax has been considered in Church and Sweden, non-anticorps, the home of spirituality, and that is the real essential pursuit of the monk. It's the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit needs to rise, descends from above.


It is the inner and the essence of the Holy Spirit. We see that in the Epistle and the Gospel. So beautifully it is the healing, the healing. And as to me, the healing has to be healing power. of the Holy Spirit and has left something to heal. And it simply doesn't receive, apparently, and doesn't have room as thought requires. People who consider themselves holy and sound have not beneath of any heat. Therefore, we express the way we are blessed. hominids, hypocrites, and as monks, those who have left the world. The meaning of it quotes that separation from this, violence of the world from this, were all the truths that we are whole and we don't need healing, and we can do it on our own.


The monk is simply conversant He is converted from that basic error, and he gives himself and puts himself under God's judgment, whether multiple times or not. Judgment and remission. We deny ourselves that measure of this law, God's holiness, He believes does attach us He remembers where God is sitting, he's mindful constantly of this, say, ontological thing, and that, however, is what God expressed in his fifth chapter, the fifth paragraph of this So it's all military, not necessarily professional or military.


That's an essential element, not because it has a kind of hook or finch or something like that, but because it proves that the Kingdom of God has come without a beginning. And that is not only in that as a historical process, but as a living, individual, personal process. In their true virtue, the repentance is the way we pray after the coming of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the power of the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit then gives that to the one who is converted sees himself here in the Bible. Humility gives to the men that hold us, that dare, that freedom of speech before God, which we say, our Father, who art in heaven.


That those two things, long journey together, is also certainly the meaning of the good, of steadiness. There is paragraphs really set by my view of what immediately afterwards comes, and that is the apostate. In view of the apostate, the monk acts and learns. whole spirituality in that aspect, the fullness of the spirit, that is healing, and that is praise, and that is thanksgiving, and the glory dictation of the thought. Then it gives to the monastic ideal, the monastic attitude, the inner, the optimism, the real and true inner assurance. So those two elements, the one of them, I think that the Holy Spirit kind of binds together, and in this mysterious way unites, continuing on.


The other thing that even I ask, maybe it's an inauguration too, that this magnet still, or let us say this complex of the Holy Ghoul, The body is nothing, the body is dead without a step. That is for sure. And therefore, any kind of external regulation, it's not the attitude, they are simply taken as an external law, they become for us an attempt to do hypocrisy and all kinds of things. But on the other hand, one must say that the spirit needs the body and the spirit wants the body to get, the spirit wants to heal the body. And that healing of the body by the spirit, then can take place by spending our external energy. And that external energy has to


taking into consideration that the body is, as it were, the manifestation of the Spirit. Therefore, one should have, as I said, enough courage and enough care, and then decide that the body and one's bodily appearance should become a manifestation of the Spirit to all those who are alive. because the body evidently is the way in which and through which men in this stage of life compose themselves in the body as we are. Body is the way of sharing and of communication. Therefore, the external attitude of the monk is his contribution to the needed Not only of his own kind, but also of all those who lived together with him.


And that, I think, has a beautiful and really positive meaning. Let us remember that, and not forget it, and let us not think, as long as we have the spirit, the external appearance doesn't matter. That is the role of the partisan. not of Catholic approaches, but a poet of Holy Scripture, certainly not be a poet of who there is violence within him, but who his spirit is cleaving in the process.

