Pentecost; Solemn Profession of Brother Bruno

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Fifty days ago we celebrated the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, the lonely death on the cross, on the cross of the hill of Bologna. There he, I speak in human words and human conceptions, the world made flesh, experience and live the life of the Word of God, that is mighty, that penetrates like a two-edged sword and separates the stone in the body, penetrates into the marrow of our bones. It is served, our thoughts, It makes evidence of this in the depth of our hearts.


So it is in that death, that lonely but blessed death, that the power of the Word was manifest in the resurrection. Today, on this fiftieth day, we are reaping the fruits of this lonely death. It is as if heaven were open. the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. His family isn't waiting. Instead, He takes up our arms. They are whole in our arms. That is the meaning of this thing. The words that died on the cross, now it appears again as one flame. But then from this flame, this flame is divided, it is shared, it is sent upon each one of those who were present.


And the depth of loving understanding conquers the variety of languages. A new unity is established, a unity among everyone which is not only formative, but is the unity of the ground. So, my dear brothers and sisters of Christ, Jerusalem is here, the Senator is here, the Holy Spirit is here, we would not be here together not knowing one another as far as the world is concerned, even though the Spirit has not gathered us together around this altar today. So I say again, and I say this, I will say it the first time, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and you listen to it as if you heard it for the first time.


brothers and sisters. I address myself today, first of all, to my brothers in Christ, the members of the community of Mount Sabae. You remember on this day of Pentecost, 15 years ago, this community came into being. For the first time the Holy Spirit gathered us together and inspired us to sing together the praises of the great deeds of God's mercy. We may spend the program of our life and of our vision here at Mount Vernon in this United States. I am going to announce the wonderful work, the wonderful deeds of God's infinite mercy. and in that way to heal her servants of the joy of the people, the Christian people of the United States, to unite their hearts and to kindle the fire of the praises of God in the hearts of many on earth.


And we realized that we could not do this without letting the power of the Spirit first melt the ice of our own heart and fuse us together into one community of life and of death. So that was 15 years ago. At St. John's down there, it still stands, the respective room, we had one thing that was pride and all joy, and that was the hopefully great state of bliss, big, dramatic, and unique for the deacon and sub-deacon, chancellor for the priest, the philanders, and best, proper, best first religion, and not as it were, the center of the outside, the external center, maybe even brought in Swabia too, and it comes without a first from them.


No. But then, everywhere, and this room down there, they are lost. A table, we had found this table in a barn, it wasn't high enough really to serve as an altar, it wouldn't sound great at night, nobody saw it. Then we celebrated. There was also our table for the refectory, a wooden table, about which we gathered. So it was really a time to leave our room in Jerusalem and stay at the equator, and then we started our life. And since then, God has been good to us. The flame that was killed there still burns. Now we are gathered together here as a large family. We think about it, how it grew, and maybe many of that, because every monastic family doesn't grow the natural way, grows the supernatural way.


It grows in some way, in the same way which the church grows. All of that long seed that falls into the ground, and that dies, and then the new one comes up and grows. And that is our goal, that each member that joins this community, everyone individually, enters into his own Easter, into his own Passover, into the lonely death and the resurrection of our Lord in his monastic profession. And that is the one experience that these 15 years have been teaching us. that a Christian community and a community in the Holy Spirit is possible only through mentors that live together as we are out and in their own death and their own personal resurrection from day to day.


That makes us grow and makes in beauty of the monastic community. And now today, on this 15th anniversary of our first Mentecost, we have the great joy that one of our brothers, Father Bruno Blanken, will enter, probably to be the first of all, and in the context of this holy sacrifice, he will enter into this death and resurrection. He will join, according to the authoritarian position, but he will have in his hand the And this child is the profession, the public declaration that he on this day puts his life entirely into the hands of God. And that he promises stability and the renewal of his life and obedience here on the altar and indeed in this family of Monsignor.


So that is a way of joy. And we should enter into him, because he, in a very special way, of this Pentecost, he represents Christ. He leads us, and his profession is that the Easter would come right into this very celebration of Pentecost, in this special way. In the chart of his profession, he gives himself, and I would put it this way, he experiences in himself the power of the Word of God, that Word which is sharper than a two-edged sword, and also in him and in his own heart, His breathing penetrates through the division of body and soul into the marrow of his bone, into the very center of his existence.


It discerns his thoughts. It reveals the last depth of the intention of his heart. In this spirit, he sings before all of us, and we join him in a song. Receive me, O Lord, according to your Word. That's it. That is the presence, the effigy, effigition, efficacious presence of the Word in this hour in which he dies with us and with Christ. And it arises again at the moment when the tax-collars shall all greet one another in that new life, which the lonely death of Christ gave to us, eternal one another, we say, Peace be with you.


As Christ said it in the days of gospel, My peace I leave with you. And that moment, when the ruler comes and receives the kiss of peace, then I take down the hood that he had on before as an external symbol of his death with Christ. And he enters into the community of the dweller, and he takes part in the communion meeting. So dear Brother Plumio, I know how a word like the Living Word of God is with you today. You have a good memory of the saints, saints of the devil. I'm absolutely sure that you will keep the memory of this moment in your heart for the rest of your life. And then I impress myself to the brothers and sisters that are here today with me, relatives, or the grown-ups, mother, family, the relatives and the friends of the monastery.


And I say to you again, dear brothers and sisters, because you yourself You have taken part in Christ's death and resurrection. And all that has been confirmed has been introduced into the richness there of the communities of the Church. And you realize it here in our house. So please realize it in all your freedom and enjoy Don't look at this profession with the eyes of the world, of people that have never tasted the power of the blood of God, have never tasted neither the death nor the power of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and would perhaps complain, poor young man, and now Mother Church helps in doubt.


And we don't see her anymore. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. But you know it. And the more we live together, from day to day, year to year, the better you know it, the more you retort. Certainly there's a difference between you and Father's womb, and us. The difference is that in your life you have your own feast. Certainly you will have your baptism. You have been confirmed every Sunday, maybe every day. You listen at Holy Mass and you receive the message of the death of the Lord, who is announced in the Sacrifice of the Lord. and you will see the fruits of this day in Holy Communion, the light, all these things you experience.


But you rose again, I would say, from in the old circle of your old beast. You look forward to the day of marriage, You look forward to the day when a child is born to you. All these things are joy, and all these things belong to the fullness of life. But there of course is this difference, and that you must see, and I would say not proclaim, that at this moment in which, while the whole of the city makes his offering and receives that holy habit of the monk, then there is, I would say, nothing anymore between this day and the day of his death.


This is a frightening thought, I would say it's a consoling thought, because this death which he dies here, in which he gives himself in the charge of his profession and in his vows. This death is a death in the power of God's will. Therefore it gives him life. It certainly penetrates. It's a sharp sword. It penetrates into the depths of the heart. For what is in the depth of the human heart, and is faithless, the saving word of God. It is impeded, the miserable, nor your mercy received. So it is our death, that is where we are waking up,


into the life, into the day of the Father's infinite love for us. It is really at the bottom of our existence. And what is that? Death has been died fully. And that resurrection has taken place. And our faith, stronger than the world, and stronger than death, as conquered and placed us with Christ at the right hand of the Father in heaven, then we are happy that there is nothing between this day and our death. Because this, our death, the end of our life, is the continuation of the death that we die all at this moment, this heavenly day. The angels will come and they will carry us way up into the bosom of the Father, for what purpose?


That they may sing in eternal joy that song of triumphal of courage. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. It is unsure that if you think about it, you will, as it were, be angry for the broken, that which we say and speak. There is nothing, as it were, winning. That is, that way, today, on Wednesday, he enters into hell with his brothers in this country. devoting himself to a plight which, for its sole purpose, has glorified God in all things. and to sing in glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.


So I am sure, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you will join us with joy and joy at this moment, and you will experience in brotherhood's offering and consecration We promise for yourself that you will join Him also when He lives in the field by accepting the Father into eternity.

