November 14th, 1972, Serial No. 00349

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audio is very muffled and quiet, chanting then can't hear anything after around 3 min


In the name of Christ, you are dying in this kingdom. Bodhidharma, your ancestors, they are very passionate about each other. They offer Bodhidharma to the person. Netra Ruh asked someone, two years, two years later, that he really praised his master, like a kind of holy pastor. Wow, I didn't know that. Then Netra Ruh said, I would like to invite him again. And I said, I don't think he will come back. I don't think he will look after you. That is, he will not come back again, anymore. Your life, not living is living your life.


Whatever you say, your life is life. Your life, I always say, life is swimming past the pool. No path by yourself. Because I understand how difficult for you to practice. Because you can't have a wish. That is why you have many, many misfortunes. But please, not getting misfortune.

