March 2nd, 1979, Serial No. 00124

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Needless to say, having few desires or few desires produce many merits. If you do that, you can create or produce merits. What kind of merits? Next, the Buddha says those who have few desires do not have to flutter in order to ingratiate themselves with others. Anyway, when you sit down, you can sit down. Just sit down. It's not necessary, oh my, good sense, good concentration, I like it, it's not necessary to say, just sit down. If you see the evil concentration, oh my goodness, I don't like it, go away, go away, it's not necessary. If you meddle with evil concentration or good concentration in that way, your life is completely pendulum, like this, pendulum. All you have to do is just sit down, just sit down.


If you sit down, immediately you can see lots of good concentration, evil concentration, but those evil concentration or good concentration are nothing but flickering light, bop, bop. But only when you meddle with it seriously, that's what is called problem, problem. So all you have to do is just sit down, just sit down. When you have to sit down, sit down, that's all you have to do. And then, but consciousness always catches, catches the what, good, evil, right or wrong, but those are just bubbles, those are just flickering light, flickering light. You can see flickering off, flickering light, but all you have to do is totally, right now right here, just sit down, like a huge mountain, okay. Then that is, the Buddha says, those who have few desires do not have to flutter in order


to ingratiate themselves with others, okay, it's not necessary to flutter, in order to, in order to ingratiate yourself, okay, to what, with, with your consciousness, with good concentration, with evil concentration, whatever, anyway, all you have to do is just sit down, okay. If you have less desire, what is less desire, you get one more done, you penetrate it through and through, okay. Also, they withstand temptations from the various sense organs, there is sense organs, consciousness, so, you can be free from, you can be free from temptation of, temptation from the, the temptation of various sense organs, sense organs means, sense organs means


including sense object and sense consciousness, okay, including those things. So, your consciousness catch, they catch the good and the evil, or middle, middle, suffering or pleasure, middle, okay, whatever you say, okay, and your consciousness always catch it, from moment to moment, okay, but those are, those, the consciousness catch is just like a bubble, flickering light, appearing, disappearing, so, the, you never be tossed away by the, by them. One who practice, one who practicing, practicing have few desires, have neither worry nor fear, for his mind is peaceful, okay, a fear is, if you, if you receive yourself with perfect


confidence, okay, in other words, if you don't understand how to do the Zen, okay, if you obviously expect something from the Zen you do, that is not, right, that is, that means that you don't have a eye to see practice of the Zen in proper way, okay, anyway, if you want to have a right eye to see proper practice of the Zen, anyway, all you have to do is you settle yourself right in the middle of the Zen itself, that's all you have to do is, just spinning top, just like a spinning top, then within the spinning top, if you spin, you can see many things, that is good or bad, right or wrong, okay, right or wrong, if you don't meddle with them, you can just sit, but if you meddle with them, immediately your


life pin drop, like that, all you have to do is anyway just sit down, this is a eye to see right practice of, your practice of Zazen, okay, Zazen or doing whatever, business or working on the street, whatever you do, it is very important, and then at that time, that practice, okay, that practice really helps you and others, okay, helps and others, it must be, it must, very naturally, it's illuminating, illuminating from, anyway, that practice over everybody, okay, so that is, if you understand that, you can, you can, you cannot have a sense of fear, you can just sit down, constantly you can sit down, but most of people are, criticize you, who practice and


just sit down, just sit, because it's nonsense, it's very nonsense, according to intellectual sense, at that time you can fear, you can have a fear, is that all right, in my whole life I should practice just a ridiculous Zazen, don't you think so, so you can very naturally fear, but if you have a right eye to see what is proper practice of Zazen, you never fear, so just continue to sit down, look at the Buddhism, even the Buddhism in United States, I don't think, I don't think everybody understand right Buddhism, I don't think so, still very noisy, lots of noise, but right practice is what, if you don't have a right eye to see right practice of Zazen, well you cannot practice, you cannot have an eye to see right practice,


it means, it means your practice is very shaky, very naturally fear comes up, so finally you want to go to another group, thinking koan, and shouting, and enlightenment, and all the teachings, if you want, that's okay, still your freedom, free man, but I don't know, I don't know it is the right way of life, okay, so I don't want to give you anything, any candy, but this is very good medicine for you, but if you want to get the sweet candy, you can go any place, because from that, from that, you can get lots of enjoyment, so Wang Fu, yes, for the whatever, excuse me, whatever, whatever he comes into contact with,


he finds that it is enough, that it is enough means, enough means, when you sit down, anywhere, right now, like if you can settle yourself in the self, right in the middle of Zazen, that's enough, that's enough means, you are not enough, you must be you, increase, including, okay, including the whole world, at that time, that's enough, it is called, that's enough, for instance, I am talking here in English, whatever you criticize me, pidgin English, or karage English, or proper English, or local English, well, it doesn't matter, all I have to do is sit down, right in the middle of funny English, just talk, could be beyond funny or good, anyway, just talk, that's enough, that's enough,


if I, if it is enough, I can talk, what do you mean, I am enough, no, I am not enough, if I see myself from my television, from my telescope, it is not enough, because I have to study hard, but it is enough means, right now, right here, it is enough, it means, just talk, just talk means, including I, you, English, pidgin English, good English, all kinds of English, including all kinds of English, and you, and I, and dental, and university, San Francisco, Minneapolis, university, then, at that time, it is enough, that means enough, enough means many, millions, at that time, your situation is perfect equilibrium, equilibrium, that's why the Buddha says, whatever he comes into contact with,


if you have to talk, you will talk, but this, anyway, he finds that it is enough, and he never lacks anything, at that time, he never lacks anything, he can talk, he can talk, because at that time, his talking is not talking, sort of not talking, not talking about the idea of Buddha, anyway, talking about his life and Buddha's life, your life, tree's life, universal life, so, it's really, talking is just like illumination, well, constantly illuminating over your life, that's why, well, you are impressed by this kind of talk, or, not only talk, ballerina, ballet, music, concert, whatever, just play, just ballet,


just ballet, whatever people criticize, anyway, just ballet, becoming one with the concert, and the audience, and the ballerina himself, and also composers, who existed in the past, all are one, become one, just ballet, that is vivid activity, which is called ballet, dance, at that time, audience are very impressed by this, so, never, there is, he never lacks, he never lacks, anyway, impressing, giving something, which is called illumination, helping people, so, just the way it is, doesn't mean to do it blindly, not blindly, to see everything, to awaken everything, becoming one, everything, and then, just do it, and he never lacks, having a few desires, he is in nirvana, this is called having


few desires, having few desires, he is in nirvana, in nirvana is, under all circumstances, you are all right, your life is in perfect state of peace, harmony, equilibrium, that is called nirvana, not only at certain circumstances, when you are in favorable condition, you are happy, or you are in equilibrium, this is not perfect equilibrium, all circumstances, under all circumstances, anyway, you must, all you have to do is to be, anyway, in equilibrium, at that time, everything are absorbed into your equilibrium, everything, circumstances are changing, turning into your equilibrium, okay, yes, it is, if you are always smooth, just like a pendulum,


one, nothing, there is nothing to help you, so, everything becomes a mess, it's upset, so, you cannot deal with anything at all, so, all you have to do is, anyway, you must be, right in the middle of equilibrium, peace, and harmony, at that time, everything turns into, everything is absorbed into, your one-pointedness, one-pointedness, this is few desires, just like a tv set, turn on switch, turn on switch, if you turn on switch, immediately whole world absorbed into, you can see Japan, anyway, if you turn on, this is tiny switch, what you have to do is very simple, turn on, but whole universe, Europe, Japan, Asia, India, all absorbed into it, you can see it, and communicate with it, it's not obstructing real life, it is, really, in fact,


turn on, anyway, and then, all you have to do is continue to, anyway, turn on, turn on switch, turn on switch means, anyway, be in equilibrium, right now, we are here, at that time, anyway, you can have a chance, okay, gradually, what's going on behind this tiny switch, that is philosophy, psychology, anyway, science, Japan, and economies, many things, you can study one by one, but if you don't turn on switch, if you don't turn on switch, how can you study, because no communication with the tv set, with you, anyway, first of all, you have to communicate with the tv set, as a human being, with you, for that, turn on, is very direct, and very important, simple manifestation of human life, then, it is not


enough, so, because you have already big head, balloon, big balloon, day after day, you should take care of it, for this, day after day, you have to learn one by one, what's going on behind tiny switch, this is philosophical, psychological, physical, and scientific, anyway, backgrounds, and then, that time, you can understand, that turning on the switch is very settled, very stable, okay, backed by, anyway, intellectual understanding, full function of your frontal lobe, okay, frontal lobe is important, but don't use frontal lobe always, okay, rest it for a while, now, it doesn't feel good,

