Journey to the Magic City Within

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AI Summary: 

The talk explores the parable of the magic city from a Zen Buddhist perspective, emphasizing the notion of the "one Buddha vehicle," which posits that all sentient beings inherently possess Buddhahood. It illustrates this teaching through the metaphor of a magic city created to offer respite on a perilous journey, symbolizing temporary relief from life's challenges. The essence of the teaching conveys that enlightenment and the realization of truth occur in the present moment, beyond temporal and conceptual confines. This understanding aligns with the teachings of impermanence and the importance of continuous practice to attain liberation.

Referenced Works:

  • The Lotus Sutra: This text includes the parable of the magic city, illustrating the idea of temporary resting places on the path to enlightenment, reinforcing the teaching of the one Buddha vehicle.
  • Shobogenzo by Dogen Zenji: This work, specifically the chapter "Zenki," emphasizes the dynamic nature of existence and the continuous cycle of life and death, paralleling the idea of constant movement towards enlightenment as discussed in the talk.

The talk emphasizes the point that true understanding involves recognizing the immediacy and continuity of enlightenment, as taught in these Zen Buddhist texts.

AI Suggested Title: Journey to the Magic City Within

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AI Vision Notes: 

Speaker: Katagiri Roshi
Possible Title: Lotus Sutra - Chapter 7
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The parable of the magic city. Magic city. In the previous chapter, the disciples of the Buddha Shakyamuni, Maha Kshapa and Maha Mahakalyayana and Subuddhi and also Maha Kachayana were predicted by Buddha Shakyamuni to become


a Buddha in the future. So they were very delighted in having been predicted by Buddha to become Buddha, but others around the four disciples didn't understand the teaching of one Buddha vehicle. One Buddha vehicle means all sentient beings are exactly Buddha. So from this point, Maha Kshapa and other disciples were predicted. Predict means to, what to say, verified, proof.


For instance, the delicious food is served in front of you, but sometimes people are hesitated to start to eat because no one tells you. So the host says, please make yourself at that time, oh, this is your food, please make yourself. So at that time, you can really notice, realize that that food is yours, so you can start to eat. So even though it is yours, but sometimes it's pretty hard to start to eat. So this is a prediction anyway, predictions. But other people didn't understand the Buddha's teaching of one Buddha vehicle.


We are all, all sentient beings are Buddha. Then this chapter, in this chapter seven, anyway, Buddha speaks of, anyway, the meaning of one Buddha vehicle, given the parable of the great, of the magic city. So Buddha starts to speak of great, pervading, surpassing wisdom, Tathagata, that is the name. Look at the first paragraph, the Buddha addressed the bhikkhus of your in the past, the infinite, boundless, and inconceivable asankhya kalpas ago, there was then a Buddha named a universal


surpassing wisdom Tathagata, and also worshipful, always perfectly enlightened in conduct, well departed, an understander of the world, fearless leader, controller, teacher of gods and men, then Buddha, word and one, those are ten names of Buddha, the quality, ten qualities, qualities of Buddha Shakyamuni. So always those ten names appear. So he speaks of this Tathagata named the great, pervading, surpassing wisdom who existed in


the past, but how long ago was he present? That is really far away, it's a long, long time ago. So that expression is here, middle line, since that Buddha became extinct, a very long time has passed, for instance, suppose the earth element in the 3000 great thousand fold world were by someone ground into ink, and he were to pass through a thousand countries in an eastern direction and


then let fall one drop, as large as a grain of dust, again passing through another thousand countries, again let fall one drop, so you pass a thousand countries and then you drop one drop of ink, as large as a grain of dust, this ink comes from the grounding of the 3000 world anyway, whole universe, that's the imagination, it's great, suppose, and then still suppose, he thus proceeds until he has finished the ink made of the earth element,


what is your opinion? All these countries, is it possible for mathematicians or their disciples to find their end or confines so as to know their number? No, a world honored one, because suppose all those countries which that man has passed, where he has dropped a drop and where he hasn't, ground to dust and let one grain of the dust be a copper, the time since that Buddha became extinct till now still exceeds those numbers by innumerable, unlimited, a hundred thousand million quarters of a Shankara's corpse, by the power of my totality of wisdom, I observed that length of time as if it were only today,


so that is really immense period of time which human speculation cannot reach, that's far away, this is the time when this Buddha's totality anyway existed, but from the Buddha's eye that time is not long, it is just like today, this is interesting point, this is very interesting, we try to research the beginning of the world and then at a time we believe that we could return to the beginning of the world, but it is still way of understanding of the human world according to time process, that is far away, it's not a way of understanding because beginning of the world is where? Far away,


but according to Buddha anyway beginning of the world is what? Just now, that's interesting, so we say the self is universe, but at that time you really imagine yourself extending to every inch of the world and huge human being you can imagine, huge human being just like a balloon, but I don't think so, that is just you, just you, in every direction, in ten directions, Buddha we say Buddha, all Buddhas in ten directions in three times we say so, that Buddha is what? It's not in the heavens, it's not in the past, it's really you, so immense boundless time, limited, unlimited time is exactly now, exactly now,


well for instance you can experience anyway, when you are young you don't try to see the past, but when you are getting old, when you are getting old very naturally you can look back, over your past life, and then that is 60 years old, 10 years old, it was really far away from now, but for me it's not far away, it's really, I feel something happens today or yesterday, it's not far, since I moved to Minneapolis 10 years ago, but that was, it was just like yesterday,


so I don't think it's far, can't you experience like this? So according to Buddha's eyes, if you really see basic, basis of human existence, so called truth, well, it's not something you have to understand in the time process, so you say the founder of Buddhism is Buddha Shakyamuni, at that time you have to come back to the past, then this is really problem, because you really hang on the Buddhism founded by Buddha, but Dawkinson says Buddhism is not the teaching founded by Buddha, regardless of whether Buddha was born in this world, Buddha's teaching exists,


so before Buddha was born, it's there, so that means complete beyond the Buddhist, category of Buddhist, who found, founder of Buddhism itself, at that time, it's not necessary to fight each other under the beautiful flag of religion, I am Christianity, this is Christianity, this is Buddhism, if you say Christianity, you always believe in something founded by somebody, that is a limitation, you have to see Christianity in a certain period of time, but real Christianity, you have to see anyway truth, so called God, what is God, you cannot live it, so regardless of whether Jesus Christ was born in this world or not, anyway you have to look at Christianity before Jesus Christ, before God, before the idea of God you create,


at that time, what is that, so you can stop fighting anyway, don't you think so, but we always think that God, that God is what we create, and also a certain people create this term, and then we really strongly believe, but I don't think it is real understanding of God anyway, God, real God is before God, the idea of God we create, anyway we have to understand, that's why Dogen Zenjo always emphasizes Buddha Shakyamuni, real Buddha has to be found before Buddha was born, it's pretty good, that's why according to Buddha's eyes, immense period of time, immense span of time is not a certain period of time,


it's just now, because just now is truth, just now is exactly now when Buddha was born, or when before Buddha was born, it's now, it's exactly the same, so that's why he says, I observe that length of time as if it were only today, that is anyway explanation of this Tathagata, this Tathagata named our great pervading surpassing wisdom Tathagata, then before he became a Buddha, anyway he had 16 sons, so when this Tathagata attained enlightenment, the 16 sons really served and revered this Tathagata,


and just to follow him, then anyway at that time when this Tathagata was attained and enlightened, at that time not only his 16 sons, but also the gods in every direction, and also the Brahmas, heavenly kings, all feel, feel felt something fantastic, auspicious occurrences, so it's just like Jesus Christ was born, the people saw the light, certain directions, so they really feel, gods, Brahmas, heavenly kings all start to investigate for what reason this sign appears,


that our policies are now illuminated as never of yore, because when he attained enlightenment, all world become illuminated, so they felt very strange, wondrous, so in verse in page 150, in the verse it says, in all our policies never has there been such shining, what can be its cause, let us together investigate it, is it that the great virtuous God is born, is it that the Buddha appears in the world, that this great shining, everywhere illuminates the universe, then the gods, Brahmas, heavenly kings,


start to investigate toward east and west, and also south, south-eastern quarter, and also north-western quarter, and also southern quarter, etc. in the page 151, in page 150, the second paragraph, there upon Brahma, heavenly kings, in five hundred myriad courtesans of dark domains, with all their palace train, each taking a sack filled with celestial flowers, went together to visit the western quarter to investigate this sign, in page 151,


the bottom paragraph, they investigate south-eastern quarter, next page, they investigate north-western quarter, and also next page, 153, they investigate southern quarter, and next page, north-northern quarter, and 155, finally, they investigate south-western quarter, down to the nadir, nadir? and also, they investigate nadir too, then they all found a certain scenery,


which, all sixteen sons, really asked this Buddha, a great pervading, surpassing wisdom, Tathagata, for preaching his teaching, that teaching is, three times, so, gods and Brahmins, heavenly kings, and sixteen sons, all together, asked this Buddha, for preaching his teaching, that is for noble truth, and twelve changed causation, it's here, but next time, Friday, I want to explain a little bit, this twelve changed causation, in the morning, but today, I want to say, I want to explain this parable,


and then after, explaining, the four noble truths, and twelve changed causation, well, you know the pre-word, four noble truths, and twelve changed causation, that is, the overall picture, of human life, how, it is structured, that is, four noble truths, and twelve changed causation, then still, we don't understand, this teaching, that's why finally, Buddha teaches, this teaching, with parables, that is page 162, ok, let's see this parable, suppose, the middle, line,


second parable, suppose, there is a fearful reason, 500, yajanas, in extent, through which lies, perilous, and difficult road, from the abodes of men, suppose, there is a large company, wishing to pass, along that road, to the palace of jewels, and they have a guide, wise and astute, who knows well, the perilous road, where it is open, and where closed, and who leads, the company, that wish to cross, this odious region, supposedly, let me read,


all things, suppose, the company, he leads, become tired on the way, and say to the leader, we are actually exhausted, and moreover, afraid, and cannot go any farther, the road before us, stretches far, let us turn back, the leader, the leader, a man of much tact, reflects thus, these people are to be pitied, how can they give up, such great treasure, and want to turn back, reflecting thus, by a device, in the midst of perilous road, he mystically makes a city, over three hundred eons, in extent,


and says to the company, do not fear, and do not turn back, here is this great city, in which, you may rest, and follow your own desires, if you enter this city, you will, speedily, be at rest, and if you, then, go forward, to the palace of jewels, you proceed, there upon, the exhausted company, greatly, rejoicing their minds, and praise their, unexampled fortune, now indeed, we escape this evil way, let us speedily, be at rest, then, the company proceed, imagining they have arrived, at their destination,


and are settled, in comfort, when the reader, perceives that the company, are rested, and are longer, longer fatigued, he makes the magic city, disappear, and says to the company, come along all of you, the palace of jewels, is at hand, I have created this palace, large city for you, to rest in, then, okay, this is a parable, this is a parable, of the magic city, so, first he says, suppose there is a fearful, reaching 500 eons, extent, through which lies, perilous and difficult road, far from the boards of men,


suppose there is a large company, wishing to pass along, the road to the palace of jewels, and they have a guide, wise and astute, who knows well, the perilous road, where it is open, and well closed, and who leads the company, that wish, to cross this odious, odious region, human life is, just like this, human life is, very complicated, very complicated, the more you get older, anyway, the more your life is complicated, when you are young, you don't see so much, so, it seems to be simple, but actually it's not simple, it's very complicated, the more you try to understand,


the more, you realize that, human life is complicated, particularly human consciousness, human mind, mind is, something, what you seem to understand, but you don't understand, you cannot pin down, what is the mind, same applies to human life, you seem to understand human life, when you live for 50 years, and 60 years, you seem to understand, but it's not, it's not, it looks like, it's really basic, very basic, very complicated, because, present, the function of the mind, which is present now, from now is, really closely related, with the past, the present, the future, the so called memories,


the heritage, and itself, very complicated, so, you see, a kind of tree, vine, and, just like a jungle, when you come in, you can step in the jungle, you don't know, in which direction you should go, it's very complicated, even though you know, certain directions, but when you get in, step inside, you actually don't know, how to get out, how much you should be involved in, it's very complicated, that's why teenagers, always have troubles, through the young friends, through the friends, they create their own societies,


in order to make them settle down, in the human life, but friends, always, not always good friends, so marijuana, and, they are very curious, they don't know, they don't know exactly, what alcohol is, they don't know exactly, what marijuana is, and at first, they smoke, feel good, and then, step inside, if they feel good, third step, finally, they don't know, how to get out, this is, they don't know exactly, what human mind, even adult, we don't know, so that is, just like a vine, jungles,


huge jungles, very complicated, more than computers, okay, so, finally, Buddha, anyway feel pity, for those people, who walk, in the human society, life, which is very, perilous, and dangerous, and difficult, so, Buddha makes, something, of fantastic castle,


which, let them, be, at ease, that is, magic city, that is fantastic, wonderful, magic city is, not a technique, not a means, to an end, magic city is, exactly, the world, you live in, you live in, so, we need anywhere, magic city, magic city, which we can, take a deep breath, deep breath, sometimes, look at your life, after 16, 17, you feel, really,


I am finished, so, you sleep well, and you go to the bar, and drink beers, and such things, and chatting, and, and also, look at the, now, in human world, say, computer game, electric game, now it's problem, so, because teenagers, are very interested in, large electric games, video games, then parents start to, worry about this, and then, parents say, stop it, but they don't, because they feel, fine, then the more, parents scold them, the more,


they are against, parents, and reason was, the reason is, that, they say, well, adult also, drink wines, and, whiskeys, go to the movies, and spending time, wasting time, what's wrong with the kids, doing the playing, electric, electric games, yes, it is, it's really, a super magic city, they can feel relief, from the complicated world, from the pressures, but, that is nothing, but the magic city, anyway, we have to leave, sooner or later, not sooner or later, as soon as possible, if you feel good, next, you have to step out, take one step forward,


anyway, you cannot stay there, because, it is, magic city, according to Buddha's teaching, that is called, impermanence, impermanence, so you have to, or whatever it is, not only the electric games, you know, perform, represented by, form of dance, represented, performed by dancer, or form of painting, represented by painter, all of what, nothing but the magic city, you know, ballet dance, it's beautiful, but it's not, it's, it's not something, you always stay there, because, form appears, next moment disappears, it's really impermanence, but, you cannot escape this, this is, no more than,


the world, you live in, so, what is the world? world is magic city, world, according to teaching, magic world, is impermanent, anyway, practically, what should we do? practically, we have to be, emancipated, from moment to moment, enlightenment, you have to be free from, delusions, you have to be free from delusions, gassho, you say, this is perfect, next, you have to be free from this, gassho, next moment, you say, it's wrong, but you have to be free from this, and next, you do again, so, always, there is emancipation, that's why, in Zenki, Shobo Genzo, Zenki, total dynamic working,


read the first sentence, Dogen Zenki says, in the quest, I forgot, the whole sentence, Buddhist patriarch, the way, the great way, of the Buddhist patriarch, is, emancipation, and, realization, then he says, life, emancipate life, death, emancipate death, this is important, gassho, form, you do the Zen, the form of the Zen, you do, is, what? really, magic city, appears, and disappears, you cannot stay this, but, you cannot escape from, so, you have to always, create, anywhere, magic city, and, feel relief, without this, we cannot, but, this is magic city, then,


you have to, anyway, take a head, so, that is, anyway, impermanence, or, freedom, emancipation, we say, emancipation, or, liberation, so, constantly, there is, take one step, take one step, take one step, continuation, of taking one step, forward, that is, parable of, anyway, the magic city, some people, some individuals, really stay, not stay, really enjoy, this magic city, playing the pinball, the pachinko, you know, playing the electric games, sometimes, cross-country skis, sometimes, vacations, you know, sometimes,


go to movies, well, that is, we can stay, we can enjoy, and, feel relief, that's fine, but, on the other hand, there are some individuals, who just pass by, that is, very bodhisattva, bodhisattva, they know pretty well, that is, something, something, from which, we can feel relief, but, they just pass by, and continually move forward, just like a mailman, under all circumstances, hot weather, cold weather, hundred below zeroes, well, mailman has to walk, constantly, door to doors, and to deliver,


the letter, that letter, is, Buddha's letter, just continue, go, he knows, pretty well, he knows, pretty well, you know, they, they go home, and, to, keep their body, his body is warm, and, he knows, pretty well, to, to go there, anyway, to play, play, electric games, and, to feel relief, but, he doesn't, just, door to doors, continually, he walks, to deliver, the letter of Buddha, that is, Bodhisattvas, constantly Bodhisattvas, and, where, not in the Buddha's world, in,


this, in the world of, impermanence, so, next, ah, next, the, there is, a commentary, to this parable, ah, because, so is it, with the Tathagata, at present is, your great leader, acquainted, with all, distresses, the evil, the perils, and, the long continued, process of, mortality, from what you, must be rid, and removed, if living beings, only hear of, one Buddha vehicle, they will not desire, to see the Buddha, nor, wish to approach him,


but, think thus, the Buddha way, is long, and far, only, after the long, suffering of, odious labor, can the end, be reached, the Buddha knowing, Buddha, knowing that, their minds, are feeble, and low, by his tact, when they are, on the way, to give them rest, preaches, the two stages, of Nirvana, you haven't, accomplished, your task, the place, where you are, dwelling is, near the Buddha wisdom, take note, and ponder, that Nirvana, which you have, attained, is not, the real one, it is, only that, the Tathagata, through, this, tactfulness,


in the, one Buddha vehicle, discriminates, and speaks of, three, it is, just as, when the leader, in order to give, rest, to his company, magically, makes a great city, and after, they are arrested, the leader, informs them, saying, the palace, the place, of dwell, dwells, is, at hand, this city, is not real, but only, by magic, production, so, the palace of jewels, is, at hand, it's really, jewel, is, really, under our, foot, it's not, far away, and then, constantly, to be present, day to day, is, being, in, magical, magic cities,


but simultaneously, you cannot stay there, so, simultaneously, you have to move, next, that is, jewel, palace, place, of jewels, is, at hand, so, magical city, exactly, simultaneously, anywhere, place, of the jewel, which is at hand, because, you cannot stay there, you cannot stay there, means, you have to move, you have to move, means, anywhere, to reach, to be, to be, in the palace of jewels, which is at hand, simultaneously, so, gassho, perfect, move, gassho again, that is, palace of jewels, so, complete beyond, gurubhadra, we have to perform, the dance, then,


within this dance, which is, impermanent, there is, beautiful, eternal, form of dance, that is, just, moving, constantly, moving, so, behind the form of, impermanence, so called dance, there is eternal, that is, just stepping, continuation, of taking one step, taking one step, just moving, that is, which is called, the place, of jewel, is, at hand, so, and also, one more point, what I want to tell you is, look at, page, 157, middle,


middle line, the Buddha is, the eye, of the world, and, after long, ages, appears, through pity, for the living, he is revealed, in the world, surpassing, his, perfect, enlightenment, great is, our, felicity, and all other beings, rejoice, as never before, all our palaces, made beautiful, through, this light, now, we offer, the world, another one, condescend, condescend, in compassion, to accept them, may this deed, of merit, extend, to all creatures, that we with, all the living, may together, accomplish, the Buddha way, this is, we chant,


in, the, you remember, may the merit, of this, we say so, like this, this really, comes from this, exactly, same, so, this translation, says, may this, may this, merit, extend, to all creatures, that we with, all the living, may together, accomplish, the Buddha way, so, this merit, means, before this, may this, may this deed, of merit,


one, two, three, previous lines, all our policies, made beautiful, through this light, now we offer, the world another one, so, this light, I think this, merit means, this light, makes, everything beautiful, illuminate, so, look at the page, 147, the last paragraph, because, after the lapse, of ten, minor kalpas, the Buddha knew, universal, surpassing, wisdom, attained, the Buddha laws,


and, perfectly, enlightenment, was revealed, to him, before that, Buddha, left home, he had, 16 sons, the eldest of whom, was named, wisdom store, each of his sons, had various kinds, for valued, amusements, but, on hearing, that, their father, had accomplished, perfectly, enlightenment, they all gave up, the things, they valued, and went, to pay, their regards, to the Buddha, their weeping mother, mothers, escorting them, their grandfather, the sacred, pure, rolling king, with his, 100 ministers, and also, 100,000, mediae,


courtesans, of his, people, all surrounded, and followed them, to the terrace, of enlightenment, all desiring, to draw near, to the totality, universal, surpassing, wisdom, to serve, revere, honor, extol him, after their arrival, they did, homage, before his feet, with their head, and after making, procession, around him, with four, hands, and, in one mind, they gazed up, to the world, honored, excuse me, the next, next paragraph, next page, okay, next page, 149, the last paragraph, the Buddha, then said, to Bhikkhus, when the Buddha, universal, surpassing, wisdom, attained, perfect, enlightenment, the 500,000,


mediae, courtesans, of Buddha worlds, in all directions, were each, shaken, in different ways, even the dark, places, between, those realms, where the, august, light, of the sun, and moon, couldn't, shine, all became, all the living, in their midst, could see, each other, and, unitedly, explained, exclaimed, in this case, when, this totality, attained, enlightenment, that time, whole world, is, was illuminated, completely, with, the august light, of the sun, and moon, with, something, with, his enlightenment, illuminated,


everywhere, even the darkness, where, where the, light of the sun, and moon, cannot shine, okay, that means, that means, human mind is, really deep, human life is, really deep, unfathomable, unfathomable, not only love, hatred too, love is deep, unfathomable, but, on the other hand, hatred is also, unfathomable, so, very deep, you don't know, from where, love comes, you don't know, from where, hatred comes, it's, really deep, so, if you really understand,


the, the function, of the human mind, that's why, we love, constantly, human beings, but, on the other hand, we always fight, can't you see, this human world, always fight, on the other hand, we love, but, on the other hand, we hate, always, fighting, destroy, something, so, it's, really deep, complicated, so, when you, really understand, this function, of human life, well, you can know, you can understand, the, Buddha's teaching, which is called, ignorance, why, the Buddha says, ignorance, as a, first, item, first thing, of, twelve change, causations, ignorance, this, ignorance, psychologically speaking, it is our,


original, eighth consciousness, anyway, eighth consciousness, our original, is, exactly, the truth, on the other hand, truth, becomes object, for, to, further, anyway, seventh consciousness, means, equal consciousness, exactly, that's why, we can experience, the truth, when we experience, the truth, immediately, we say, I got it, we exactly, hang on, grasp it, and, hold on, this, that is, that is, my real truth, that means, why do you do, we don't know, so that's why, millions, millions, thousands, courses, you join us, already we do, why you do, you do this, we don't know, so,


it's very deep, that's why, we have to understand, not understand, understand it, and practice it, and taste it, and then, until, ignorance, penetrates your skin, muscle, and bone, then, this ignorance, completely turn over, at, degree of, 360, 60s, and that time, this is called, a la, virginiana, which is, truth, so, a la, virginiana, is, one piece of paper, with two, aspects, ignorance, and also, truth, not different, exactly, one piece of paper, so, through the ignorance, through the a la, virginiana, anyway, we have to, see it, we have to, understand it, we have to, investigate it, and practice it,


and, taste it, until, it penetrates, from skin, and muscle, and bone, and then, turn over, immediately, that is, religious transformations, because, that is the, characteristic of truth, you cannot stay, constantly, because, I told you, anyway, truth, you believe is, magic cities, so, you have to, truth, you believe is, anyway, constantly, anyway, you have to, rebalance, you have to live, next moment, so, because truth, real truth, is very, elastic, very elastic, very soft, very, what to say, flexible, flexible, that is, magic cities, it's called, magic cities, but, it's not magic cities,


it's really, characteristic of truth, which make you, be free, anyway, make you be free, make you, make your life, develop, anyway, constantly, that is, characteristic, of the Dharma, that's why, Dharma, constantly, support your life, okay, Dharma, that which, support, maintain, sustain, all sentient beings, so, that is, here is, that's why, we say, may this, merit, that merit, light, coming from, this Tathagata, illuminating, all, every inch of the world, even the darkness, which, the sun, and the moon, cannot shine, that is, really deep, depth, which is called, ignorance, it's really deep,


it's really darkness, we don't know, our average human, we don't know what it is, but, through this Tathagata's light, we can really understand this, experience this, who is, this Tathagata, you, this you, is, already, the Buddha, who existed, in the past, so, completely beyond, discussion, you are already Buddha, so, that is, may this merit, extend to all creatures, that we, with all the living, may together, accomplish, the Buddha ways, constantly, this is a, Bodhisattva vow, constantly, Bodhisattva vow, Buddha's compassion, Buddha's wisdom, that's why we chant,


every morning, like this, Friday, I would like to explain, a little bit about, the Twelve Genes conversation, I think, you don't understand, the Twelve Genes conversation, pretty well, do you? If you understand, I don't want to explain, it seems, to be easy, to understand, Twelve Genes conversation, but it's very difficult, to, understand exactly, with your body, and the mind, do you have some questions? I have a question,


one thing, on page 147, and I was just wondering, what, what, why? I mean, why did they have to say that? Weeping? Yeah, their weeping mothers, escorting them, I mean, their mothers were really sad, that they were, they were going to the Buddha, Yeah, even though, yes, because, the mother, has to, mother will be, mother is, the mother is, separate from the, anyway, her sons, you know, whatever reason, that they have, to become Buddha, or to, to Buddhist monk, or, to go to school, whatever, to live, to live,


to separate, is pretty hard, that is one of the suffering, it feels, when I became a monk, and, I went to age, monastery, and, all ladies, all women, in, in my village, who had, took care of me, very well, at that time, she was, 70, almost 70, she was very smart, and, very nice, understandable, and, very nice, woman, but, when I went to, when I leave the, village, she cried anyway, but I didn't go any place, just the age monastery, but she cried, and discord, she discord me, until the corner, of the road, that's interesting,


have you ever experienced this? Dear, is that okay? Oh, whatever reason, anyway, this is a suffering, from which, someone, one has to, be separate, from, somebody, who, you love, mother love, or father love, okay, separation, is very hard, that's why she is, weeping, it doesn't, sort of, represent, the idea, of leaving, a world, that, that we find, no, so it's not, an emotional separation, for them, no, but, the reality, if you, even though I live, in San Francisco, you know, and then, for certain period of time, still, we don't feel,


even though, you don't cry, well, you don't feel good, you know, you feel, alone, don't you think so? So, separation, whatever reason you have, you live, you have to live, you have to be alone, separating, from somebody, you are really, involved in, it's pretty hard, don't you think so? So, and this weeping, is not also, sadness, and sometimes, completely, totally, the, congratulating, on, this person, who is going to,


practice, Buddha's way, completely, with, perfect joy, at that time, you can cry,

