Holy Thursday: The Priesthood

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My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we know we are gathered together here this evening in order to, with our Lord Jesus Christ, to celebrate the unity that he has given to us. We celebrate the institution, the instrument through which our God preserves this unity in this church, and there he is, the priesthood. Now this is the first time that we are able to celebrate as priests this feast, this Holy Thursday, really and truly as one. Come celebrate as those who come celebrate. who therefore may become completely warm, and the very center and core of the Holy Mass may be pointed to the grave and to the cup of wine, and all with one voice say, This is my blood.


This is my blood. Still we feel that we are sitting here as a splendid array of alms and of stoves and of chattel. And maybe you are frightened, and you may say, oh my, the last things are worse than first. until here we are, left, a little block, fiercely able, on our own feet, to say the glorious name of this mass, the Little Night Orphans. So I wanted to take this opportunity in order to interpret, here in this circle of friends, of brothers and sisters of Christ,


What is in our hearts is peace. And at this moment, we know from our ideological and theological studies and what we learned in our liturgy years ago, and after all, we are the chancellor for any of these questions. And they are always hidden in their real meaning, as distant as they look. But they are simply who used to be. the in their essential form, the dress of the common man, who was greater than other commons, we are. And the two of Eden had to have a seamstress, because they had to take it in their disguise. There weren't too many of them around. And they had to work, do what? through the dirt of a street on their own feet. They're not being carried by anybody else.


And therefore, they have to leave the single room. And they have to be all worn out. The other have to be treated in such a way that it was not just simply going through the dirt all the time. And then there is the charter. And the charter will simply endow every purpose down, especially good for me, for everybody, so to speak, especially for the poor people, to protect them against the rain and against the cold, keep them dry, and keep them warm. Now they have changed a little. In their outer appearance, the materials and the colors have taken on in the torch of history an importance that they originally did not have. That reminds us of that, and we celebrate our Christian ministry and our Christian sacraments and our Christian life, really not before.


the Resurrection, but after the Resurrection. But that which shines forth in these vestments is the glory of the risen Savior, of the One who, as the Gospel that we just read says so beautifully, knew that the Father had given all things into His hands. and that it came for God and that He returned to God on the names and thoughts of Majesty. Majesty a reality, and His divine nature is the reality on which our salvation as creatures is based. And state, knowing all of this, Then he rose from the table, and he threw off his upper garments, all signs of glory.


And he took the towel, and put it around his waist, and he lay down. The mystery of the incarnation, the son who left his father's glory in order to become completely one of us. And that we certainly, as priests and in the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, we constantly remember. We know and we rejoice that we have been sinned, just as the song of the Lord has been sinned. We have been sinned in the knowledge, but not our own doctrine and our own teaching, but the teaching of the one who sinned And who is it, the Son of Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man who sent us, for what purpose did he send us? Not to judge us, but in order to announce the glad tidings of salvation.


A loving world, a saving world, a world of hope, a world of new life, let it be the poor Blessed be the peacemakers. That is what we announce as priests. It is a great joy, knowing and realizing that we are indeed in that prayer. In the power of Christ, and as ambassadors of God, we are servants of your joy. Not only that, every teacher meets an obstacle. And that is the fact that he addresses himself to the mind, and that he speaks out of the mind. And wherever somebody speaks out of the mind, addresses himself to the mind. So he is a really arrogant father. All kinds of things may creep up, which we see so clearly in the attitude of the representatives of the Old Testament, the disciples of Moses, who is the long-lived teacher of Islam.


He who brought to his people those sentences cut in stone that they should learn it. And unfortunately, we see in the attitude of the Pharisees, that in the end, they did not understand that one who came and who healed the blind and made him sign on a Sabbath day, what says, he is a sinner, period. So that is the danger, certainly, of the daytime of the Lord, of his teaching. and therefore be rejoiced in the fact that we as priests not only teach, but that we also are the heirs of that breath of the Spirit. And the risen Savior weeping into the face of his Apostle, saying to them, O God, as whom you have made their sins their own,


That spirit of peace, that spirit of reconciliation, and that is for us not a convenience in our struggle. We will not, could we as human beings say, I absolve you, if we did not do it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And therefore our gardens, which in some way make us a little foreign to ourselves, remind us of the fact that we have been taken into a spirit which is not ours. Into a glory which is not ours. The spirit of the resident. The glory of the resident. A spirit that is poured out over this world in order to remit sin. And then there is the last thing. And as priests, we are those who are in charge of the sacrifice.


But what is the sacrifice? Again, not the sacrifices of the Old Testament. There's so many lambs, and so many goats, and so many bulls were offered, and many, many, and more, and better. All of that is past and is gone. It has been taken and fulfilled in the fullness of warm, warm sacrifice. And therefore again, for the tremendous consolation to us as priests, and the sacrifice which we offer in your name, in the name of the people, is a sacrifice that we offer in memory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Do this in memory of me. that their foremost sacrifice culminates in these wonderful works. Again, we say them all together and let's hold them now. This is my work. This is my work.


Shed for the remittance of the sins of the men. There is the glory of the priesthood, and that glory gives the glory of the love that does not seek a home. It's the glory that we have as instruments of our Savior's redeeming, loving heart. That is our joy. And therefore, with great joy also, in this moment, we take off the chastity, and we do what our Lord did because that is the other wonderful thing that this evening means to us. And what the Lord has done, he has left unto us, not only in the form of his teach, not only in the form of the judge, not only in the form of the satan, but he has left it to us, as he says, as an example.


And in other words, as He comes, He transforms us and makes us just like Him. And so He takes all of us, and we take Him. And He kneels down, and we kneel down. And He washes our feet, and we wash our feet. Do this, I will give you an example. Do this to one. And from there, and in these words, and in his action, in this example, there, the power and the glory of the priesthood is pouring into your own hearts. You yourself, as Christians, you participate in it. When we celebrate this unity, this Eucharist, the sacrifice, we are gathered around the One And from this order, you all, from this order, partake.


And you partake in it in the spirit not of selfishness, as in Paul Vaughan's Ecclesiastes, in the words that we have just read, but in the spirit of mutual charity, mutual forgiveness, serving one another. So let us rejoice and let us give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, who, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, in the full consciousness of his dignity as the Son of God, knowing that he came from God, and knowing that he was returning to God, Knowing all of this, he rose from the table, and he put on his robe, and he knelt down, and he served his disciples. That is really redemption.


That is really unity in charity. That is really becoming brothers and sisters of one God.

