Foundation Practices Seminar: Refuge, Serial 00074 Part B

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According to the system of meditation expounded in the Three Visions, there are three aspects of training which a practitioner should endeavor to master. The first is study, the second is contemplation or reflection, and the third is meditation. These three requisite efforts, as we said, must be made by every every practitioner of the Mahayanist way.


Yesterday, yesterday evening, we focused upon the general theory of the, of the mantra practices or foundation exercises and I gave a brief description of each. Today we will devote ourselves to acquiring the necessary instructions, the necessary details of instructions for their practice and in particular we will learn something about the way in which these different exercises are to be performed in actual practice. So we can say that yesterday


Yesterday's session was concerned with the first two of the three types of training, that is to say, study and reflection. Today we will apply ourselves to the third type of training, which is meditation or meditative practice.

