Embracing Stillness Beyond Attachments

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The talk addresses the theme of practicing Zazen amidst daily life's distractions and delusions. It emphasizes the limitations of practicing with a goal-oriented mindset, as ideas and purposes often do not aid in navigating everyday attachments and illusions. The speaker suggests shedding attachments to find freedom in life beyond any religious or philosophical framework.

  • "Shobo Genzo" by Dogen: Mentioned as a reference in discussing the realization that individuals create their own experiences and must return to their core essence through practice.

AI Suggested Title: Embracing Stillness Beyond Attachments

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AI Vision Notes: 

Side: A
Speaker: Katagiri Roshi
Additional text: cont. Tape #2 first 15 minutes

Side: B
Speaker: Katagiri Roshi
Additional text: Zen C. cont. Tape #2 first 15 minutes of tape



audio mostly on Right channel


bubbling up, regardless of your own control, objective control, it's pretty hard. That's why we have to practice, please continue to practice. So anywhere we have to be free from this attachment. Attachment is not to ignore completely the delusion, existence of delusion, existence of ignorance, existence of desires. So if you want to, if you want to, some purpose for the practice, if you want to seek some goal, add a purpose, that purpose, the goal will help you, help you.


That's nice. So when you practice dazen, and your mind, your mind is distracted often, please, your mind should be placed here, or should be placed top of your nose, should be placed sometimes top of your head, sometimes on the heavens. Whatever you say, maybe it's helpful. But actually, such a practice is not helpful when you arrive, when you return to daily life, you know, daily life. Maybe such a purpose, that goal, cut off your delusion, but when you come back to your daily life, even such a purpose or goal doesn't help you.


Because in daily life, many kinds of illusions, which encourages, encourages your attachment, bubbling up. So at that time you are completely lost at the thought of what to do, what shall I do? This is our daily life. It's pretty hard, even though whatever kind of purpose you have in your practice, this purpose and idea will not help you, will not help you so well. Then all you have to do is, at last, what should you do? Well, just do your best, withstanding your world, no amount of explanation, that's all.


So, life must be, life must be free from the subtle delusions. And any kind of attachment in itself. Otherwise, your life is always affected by a certain idea or a certain purpose. Someone says, someone says to me, American people are very interested in many kinds of things, more than Buddhistic practice. Yoga practice, yoga, and so on. Why is it Japanese Buddhists are not interested in anything else, except such things?


I said, well, I don't know. I don't, that's your course. See, this is a very interesting question. I know, I know so well, I know so well why. In other words, everybody wants to live long. Nobody, nobody wants to die far earlier. 20 years old, nobody, nobody don't want to die. What's purpose of practice is? What's purpose of practice in yoga? You try to consider carefully your mind, what's, why?


Why I have to practice yoga? Why I have to live long? So, to live long, to live long, you practice. You practice yoga. Yoga, you practice anything else, anything, any kind of practice. Well, sometimes you want to practice fast.


I'm thinking of fasting after training period. Why? I ask to myself, why? Zen master says, I don't have enough time to practice fast in order to live long. If you have to die because I haven't practiced fast, that's all right, he said. He doesn't have any attachment. His purpose of the practice is to become himself within his liberation, liberation, freedom, which is called Buddha's world.


So, why Japanese Buddhism are not interested in yoga or anything else? Except, I don't know, that's called. Why American people are interested in many things? I don't know. I am, I don't want, I don't want to criticize such a way of life, that's all right. But, please be careful, please be careful, a man's attachment is always bugging up, okay, bugging up. This attachment, consciously or unconsciously, disturbs your life, or confuses your life. Then, try to take off any kind of cloth, dress, okay, yoga, or Buddhism, or Christianity, or religion, or fortune tellers, whatever, then what's left?


What's left? After taking off any kind of dress, clothes, what's left? There is nothing to do for you, nothing to see for you, but being left. You know, but the great part that life itself is left, that's all. That's all. How can you take care of this life? Can you take care of this life through the principle of communism, or socialism, or democracy, or Buddhism, or Christianity, any kinds of else?


I don't think so. You must be free from. Yourself means life itself is always free, always free from any kinds of principle, even Buddhism. So what should you do? How can you take care of that life? Then, Zazen always says, just Zazen, you know, just Zazen. Just make your life plunge into spring, into spring.


This is the best way of taking care of life itself. That's all. If I say so, you think. It is awful to think that you must take care of your life itself, in itself, in that way. That's why the commentator of Shobo Genzo says, much to your vexation. It is true everything is created by individual. Practices what you must be, you must return to yourself.


So I don't mean, I don't mean I refuse to practice anything else. I don't mean I refuse to use any kinds of technique. Well, all encouraging your practice. That's all right. Try to practice. But what is the crucial, most crucial point in your life?

