Concelebration and Participation of the Faithful

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It's a few points that you've got to bring to mind before we, this morning, then after, the Dutch rebuttal. It's just the scene, as it were, so there was a bit of some chatter about the procedure, the way of the procedure, of the apprehension. So we have a general idea. I would emphasize very much that of course this is a Great thing. Great.


It's not some institution. Great. Therefore, it is kind of beyond spirit which follows here. The beta-regularity. Beyond It's a special art, so it's not an institution in the sense, you know, that at certain times we have or it's going to be a problem. It's a free thing, especially for that reason, too, to lose this state of religion. process of time, certain things like that, you know, were introduced into the common life of the building, the community, which has, for example, I mentioned, a creation, which is not a voluntary, a free thing, not legislated for.


who also took the chapter of forms. These things have come in twice. It was not everywhere, not in every, say, school and group. That's the thought of Benedictine observers. Evidently, because they and has developed and becomes more acute, maybe as time goes on, the question of balance between solitude and fraternity. Solitude and fraternity. The question of how much the silence establishes The practice of silence establishes the monastery as practically as the living together of individuals, each one who is or is a soldier.


And the cerebral means of cry as he lives in and constantly in the presence of the but not with the possibility to... of communication. And that is great, and it's grateful. And it's to me that that became acute, or again very much just during this retreat that people... difficulties at that time, beginning by the studies, especially of the strict observance, concerning just this point. Balance between communication and modernity and time. So, in that this would be in the general data. And let's say on this general point.


And though it is your ability, as I see it, being practiced, for example, by different alcoholics in this little group, by the brothers, the brothers of Jesus, it is, of course, a spiritual shape. And it is a spiritual shape. One realizes that we are all engaged as a group in a community effort, in then warfare, in the battle for pride. We all in that way depend on one another. And therefore it is naturally that we share, that we share the good thing and then we also share the delinquency.


For the purpose, really, of practical, individual, personal, and also group, deepening in, not in a theoretical sense, not in a theoretical sense. I don't think it would be in the nature at all, in count of the vision to be, in regards to say, the sharing of goods and reserves in debate on monastic theory. What is the dying in the foreground of these things or into what it is, it's really the living soul. It's the heart of the individual. And so on that general basis, absolutely But of course, what happens in the heart, in the heart we have ascension and descension.


Ascend and descend. The ascendance up there can very well be a matter of shame for the edification of all. Somebody can and a brother can explain and should, you know, also. then what are the things that sustain you and lift you up? Perhaps that could be for all of those who are there, indeed a great edification. Every revision appears not satisfyingly directed towards thought, It is a very large event, not a kind of variety of chapter or forms. The religion in that way that the individual, what the individual witnesses, the individual witness to the community in confrontation with God.


The religion to be, be, life therefore, embraces the positive and the negative aspects both. The positive aspects, as I say, in order to contribute in education to other negative aspects, that means It means all kinds of obstacles that either the individual himself realizes, and that he would like to, I would rather say, to make known that he is aware. Very often, you see, that is referenced on the right person, the right spirit.


He has stepped into the truth. And it is very often, it is for others, the current brothers, a great help to realize, ah, yes, he is asking for help. Because that's what it comes from. If somebody in a revision of the myth speaks about himself, he doesn't speak about himself in order to defend himself. That would not be in the spirit. He doesn't speak upon himself in order to build up a public image. Again, we're not big in Lordship, but he speaks simply as a brother in need, realizing it, and asking the brothers to help him. So then we should keep that in the middle because, you know, not so that it goes around the way as you want it to be.


Unsure and outpaced means difficult. Either it is disintegrating into a kind of discussion club and therefore speaks about or being called the neutral thing, the problems in an objective. Of course they might enter into the picture at times, you know, but that is not the essential thing, is what am I here in this step? What is this doing to me? What do I need in the way of spiritual health? And therefore also, as you see there right away, if one speaks about oneself, in that way, one doesn't simply, and that's the difference between a religion of the weak and a chapter of fools.


You see, chapter of fools, that means fools is cruel. That means there are various cases, he asked. He has done this wrong, he has done that wrong, he has trespassed the rule here and trespassed the rule there. He has broken a glass, you know, or he has done something to a machine that wasn't, well, becoming. He might have done something to a coal that So that is not, it is not the matter of, let us say, pointing out or pinning down kind of individual cases, you know, I mean, of, of, of the force, I mean, in that way, of, of doing something, having done something here that was against the rule.


No. It is on a deeper level. It's on the level of the, I would say much more on the level of the, what we call the carrot. It has to do with suffering, because that's where we really need help, and where we need help in the daily workings of the community line. Because our community line is not only made up by the various things that we do here and there, a staccato of deeds. But of course, community life is made up of the person, the whole person. And that's something that has to do, let's say, with habit, has to do with character. And therefore, the religious order, we would tend, you know, into that deeper, inner, personal Naturally, you can see that right away, that all of this is a very delicate, very delicate thing.


It can, therefore, be the Holy, you say it again, in the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is necessary then, before the Revision of Peace starts, that people are united, really, in prayer. in the presence of Christ. The two or three or four are united in my name, I am the Lord. Therefore, in this spiritual statue has to be made. One cannot simply sail into it. In this spiritual statue has to be kind of made by the group that meets as a group. One does therefore, in theory, yield in the presence of Christ and in his love and in his peace. Therefore, one is not there in order to defend the cause or to defend the case.


One is simply also, one might say in theory, at the disposal of the Holy Spirit. freely. One does not know the new way we should want to be. It's a risk. It may work, it may not work. It's a risk. And therefore it has to be approached in that way. May the holy image in Christ, the only way, meet risks. The other thing, of course, which belongs to, you know, this belief in the presence of Christ and His love for us, is, of course, by the way, the trust in the love of the brethren. The trust in the love of the brethren. One wants to be a... And therefore, also, it is important, you know, that the way we show the bee, for example, does not degenerate into one man choosing the other man.


It can be here, of course. It can also be where you want to be. It appears it should be, but I would always say that the best guarantee that any kind of correction really becomes effective, becomes a power, is if this opening, openness, is manifested by the energy. there. I would not, in that way, during a revision, attack someone, for example, who hasn't said a word. But I would wait, you know, until this inner readiness is manifested. Then there is still. Otherwise, naturally, you push the other one into the and then the religion of the weak will enter the fight.


So then the Holy Spirit, and again, is this the presence of the Holy Spirit? Historically. Naturally, everyone who takes part in the religion of the weak should come in there, that's true, I mean that right, in the penitential spirit, that's true. It's part, I would say, of our general conversion of all. It should be, therefore, also accompanied, you know, with the inner, let's say, readiness and a spirit of total sacrifice for one's brother, a spirit of really caring for one another, loving responsibility for one another, not devouring and hoarding, judge absolutely out of it.


Mutual responsibility, mutual care, and on the part of the individual, that inner sacrificial act, penitential act. To alter one's self, you know, poor, but right. So, therefore, the revision de pie requires much humility, detachment, and also distrust of sex. Now, it is natural that the revision de pie in some way requires a direction and a certain guidance.


If I speak about this thing, of course, by the way, the problem comes in the alliances between what is the relation between this act of revision of the being and the superior. How do those two relate? Now, I would say that the Revision de Ville is essentially instituted for the spontaneity of the community. To give room, you know, really to the old stuff. And therefore, I would say hesitate very much to agree in that context with Bernard Mone, that the presence of a superior spiritual father is a must.


There might be situations in which it may help, for example, the, let us say, the spontaneity and also may give, let's say, the true spirit. It may give the spirit of corporate responsibility. If the superior, at least, doesn't hover over it all the time, a kind of a watchful eye, but if he is there, I would say Charles Darwin should be there as the brother of Glenn. That seems to me is important. That he is there in the group, as a member of the group. because it might, well it might, it should, certainly I would put it maybe this way, have the revision that we need not

