Divine Ascent: Faith's Journey Home

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The talk explores themes of spiritual ascent and divine refuge, drawing from biblical texts and traditional teachings. It discusses concepts such as prophetic journeys, the symbolism of the altar as a spiritual pilgrimage's destination, and the importance of maintaining faith and thankfulness in the Christian journey. The discourse also examines the nature of human ambition and divine guidance, emphasizing honesty and community support throughout spiritual growth.

  • Genesis Chapter 3: Referred to as the "second of the ages," illustrating humanity's estrangement and the journey back to divine connection.
  • Abraham and Lord Jesus Christ: Their experiences are used to articulate absolute obedience and the preparation for spiritual roles.
  • New Testament's concept of Ascension: Presented as a metaphor for spiritual elevation and reflection on human nature.
  • The Altar: Symbolizes the ultimate goal of spiritual ascent and pilgrimage, representing divine communion and faith reaffirmation.

AI Suggested Title: Divine Ascent: Faith's Journey Home

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So I think it's true. It's done very well. You know what I'm saying? It's done very well. You know what I'm saying? It's done very well. A little bit loads of children with me, but maybe they can hear us when there is some children with us. We, if I have any other problems, know that we have heard in the gospel, there are prophets taking the trail, starting from the end of the land, to now, with the one who shall be sent to obtain me. That is the technical term we hold it fit, taken from the Old Testament.


The technical term in which the evil people, [...] And then you could feel God's legacy as well as that who made the true God who was his refuge and his protection in times of his festival of exile. The God who was this.


And then another reason why this Sunday we recall him in which Sunday is, Because tonight with my wife Richard, we have listened to the story of the heart. Starting with the 3rd chapter of Genesis. That chapter which is called by people's tradition the 2nd of the ages. In this chapter everyone is invited to be Each country has its own sentence, where is the father's house, and the father is in a vineyard to God's home, and the father goes out to God's house. There we had almost two legs that got the first time in the age of the king of that children's dream.


He must have lived by the name of the king [...] So what can you do about it? So this really adds up to this. So how can we give the people text so that they can never find out in any translation? We can't do that. We need to give them the text so that they don't have to have to stop. of visiting his servants at his house to leave that beautiful land. And he would move on to that very multiple, multiple parts of the forest.


And there he pitched the everything. This is the thing we must make sure that we make old and the new outside of it. Abraham and our Lord Jesus Christ, in the confession way of the Gentiles, said that worship of absolute obedience is on your Father's court. If you believe it, they are coming to you, and they are coming to you, and they are going to have to go. Abraham prepared the Lord Jesus Christ for such a job. May you know. Now, here we are at the realization of the archetype of all things human. Let us pray the Ascent to Jerusalem.


Ascending the Ascent is the word which is preached in the New Testament. We try to consider our life as the Ascension, as the Ascension, Ascension. That is for the convenience even to human nature. We all would like to make it our will yet. Our time relies on thinking of it as the way which leads us higher on earth. What is the goal of this assembly here? I will not explain this here, because everything would then have to be written out by the Son of Man, which would be the whole thing.


So it is the expectation that a technique which does not follow the dance is either of human nature. Not that they didn't regret what we did the other day, because we have no other ambition to happen. It's not the understanding of the man who thinks he makes things yet. But it's incomprehensible, that's the nature of it. See, it's so beautiful. And if it is man's creature, then... As the people did so, they drew together to be God and maker, ready to go with the provost there. But there are people that don't do that. There are people that don't do that. There are people that don't do that.


How can we be poor and thankful, and not bring a disability or a problem to the church? It's true, it's an insult to the church, and not to thank the Lord, to share our faith. But we need to give thanks to God, to God and many gods, and they are considered to be beside us today. We need to thank God, and he has made us. And now we have very powerful systems. And they are all open-ended, but we didn't know that we had to pay for them. We had plenty of them, and we didn't think that we were going to have them. We just didn't think of it. And now we're working with many people. And yet, they did it in which they are not. They are not a person with divine power. They are not a person without a personal leader.


They are not a person with divine power. They are not a person without a personal leader. And you will ascend into the altar. The altar is the goal of the ascension. How can we call an ascension a pilgrimage if it does not lead to the altar? What is the altar? The altar is that. And then, for this occasion and this meeting, you are to leave our church with thanks, and lay open the stars. And we, in our secret way of life, shall be in our faith, we all, to praise this God who does it in the power to the heart of the human and faithful, and all the people who have a part in that God that's given to us all. Amen. And therefore it is not understanding English we build up our own self, but it is a function which is done in the way that ought to be done.


Of that, it's the evening of our world. And therefore, we believe that there are many parts of the world where we live, where we live. As we're living, let's talk about the second act of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are using the altar with our heads down. And that must take people to a certain place. A real thing is a speech, not faked by God, with hesitation. One can see interaction from the discussion. There is also a group that will tell you the topic of the question. That's a terrible job to do. We must stop it. We have to beat it. And we have to be honest. And we have to be honest. That's what it is. We have to be honest. We have to be honest.


We have to be honest. When we enter into the immediate experience, when the Lord repeats it to them and says, this is what we have to do, they will protest. That's not right. You should never walk through that because you are not a dog. And because you are not a dog, you should move, but do not deliver the spirit into a kind of direction. That was the people's reason, and our Lord announced that to that Christian, he said, Peter, do you think you can go to the Father? Let's not go to the Father. So this is the answer. It's the affection that leads to the Father.


And that's not only for this one of them, but for all of us. We are all the same. This field works the home, and it's the sweetest of all of us. So now I need to make a lot of the same statement, but first I need to tell you this big word for us. The function we often have on the box remains extremely strange. or even the significance of our community here on Earth. And they are building us homes, leaving their benefits after the new lockdown. We pray that you keep on trusting the activities of our Olympic community. Next. We hope you watch this open-ended presentation to stay awake, From the Hebrew, they said, who will bring it to me? And he said, in your village, you will pass it away.


So that is the paradoxical version, which means, when you expect what you have to bring, when you believe in it, that the one way out of a human perspective will be reality. They now have a following of the poor people of the world, and part of a bit of a labor with the convention of the Lord, but if you leave his child with the content of what you want, to explain with him to the poor people, that is the weakness. There is the real problem. What the Lord cannot is being out of state of existence. The reality of this presentation looks to match the principle of this condition, that Christ really has to be saved. We need to think clearly, without the thought of the invisible human being.


As you would think, there's no good in this story, but we will get to see it. So don't you worry about it. There's no science in that story. Take it ourselves. Be ambitious. If you have love in your heart, don't you compete with it. Don't you compete with it. Don't you compete with it.

