Silent Minds, True Awareness

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Sunrise Service

AI Summary: 

The talk discusses the nature of reality and how it is often obscured by excessive intellectualism and abstraction within religious and industrial contexts. It emphasizes the importance of silence of the mind to experience reality directly, without philosophical or theological prejudice. The speaker suggests that true awareness comes from observing and listening without imposing mental constructs. This approach is contrasted with the verbose, didactic traditions in certain Western religious practices.

  • William Temple's Concept of Materialistic Christianity: Cites the former Archbishop of Canterbury's idea that Christianity values material because it views it as part of the divine Word made flesh, arguing against its philosophical exclusivity.
  • Silence as Awareness: Draws from various traditions to promote silence as a form of heightened awareness, suggesting a return to a child-like state of open consciousness to truly "hear" reality.
  • Religious Traditions Criticism: Critiques didactic religious practices that prioritize verbal instruction over direct experience of the divine mystery, which can lead to distorted understandings of faith.

AI Suggested Title: Silent Minds, True Awareness

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AI Vision Notes: 

AI Vision - Possible Values from Photos:
Speaker: Alan Watts
Location: Mount Saviour Monastery
Possible Title: Word Out of Silence Symposium
Additional text: Sunrise Service,Side: One, 20 min 45 sec.Side: Two, 20 min 30 sec.2-track mono, Dolby B, 7-1/2 ips, TDK-SD.Copyright 1973, Mount Saviour Monastery, Pine City, N.Y. 14871



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so so Om. Om. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and by whatever other name that unfathomable mystery may be known.


I apologize that some explanation is necessary before we do what we do. But once it is explained, all of you will know what to do thereafter. And so far as you're concerned, it won't be necessary to explain it anymore. We're going to have what is for Christian and Jewish and even Islamic peoples a rather unusual kind of service. In our tradition, worship tends to be didactic. That is to say, we talk a great deal. And there is a place for that. Only when it's exaggerated, we get into heresy, which is the exaggeration of any single part of the catholos, or the whole of catholicity. And we get into telling God what to do as if he didn't know, and telling the people what they should do, throwing the book at them as if they would or could without the mystery of grace.


And so our forms of worship become excessively talkative, too bookish. The principle is that if I talk all the time, I can't hear what you have to say. In the same way, if I think all the time, that is, talk and figure to myself inside my skull, I don't have anything to think about except thoughts. Therefore, I lose touch with reality and live in a purely abstract world. And one of the major curses of our entire industrial civilization is that we value money more than we value real wealth, status more than material prosperity, and generally speaking, we eat the menu instead of the dinner.


William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, once said, Christianity is the only truly materialistic religion, in that it loves material, because it is the mystery of the Word made flesh. Well, he made a point, but let's not make it an exclusive point. So you may ask then, if we are out of touch with reality, what is reality? This question cannot be answered in words. There are those who say that reality is spiritual. There are those who say that reality is material. These are alike philosophical concepts. They're ideas about reality.


They are not reality. There are those who want to say that reality is mental, psychic. There are those who want to say that it's physical, whatever that means. But these, again, are philosophical concepts. Reality is not any of these concepts. Reality is And therefore, to get in touch with that which is, we need silence of the mind. Not all the time, but occasionally. Silence of the mind is not sort of blankness of mind.


It's a very high state of awareness in which we are simply aware of what is without comment. We become again as children, pro-temporary, absolutely naive, with whatever it is that is our consciousness completely open to just what is happening, and discover the revelation which that state of consciousness brings to us. The marvelous revelation of how many things there are that aren't so.


That we go into the eternal now, where there is neither past nor future. Where there is neither I nor other. Where there is just what we can only call this, but even that is saying too much. Veni creato Spiritum. Nobis Deo. Veni creato Spiritum. I do not know who you are, but I would like to meet you.


I do not know who you are, but I would like to meet you. Wollst du dich von den Füßen erneut versteh'n, wenn ich du dich mitnehmen muss? Wenn ich [...] dich von den Füßen erneut versteh'n, when Ich dich mitnehmen muss? Wenn ich dich von den Füßen erneut versteh'n, when Ic Choir singing in Latin. While serving in the past, the fight be in us, as can we at all, and it's not in us.


Do not let this be the end of the world, be it the end of us, or the beginning of the future. Deo tecidim annum Islam, ad nobis peccatum quamus, quamus, quamus. Deo tecidim annum Islam, ad nobis peccatum quamus, quamus, [...] quamus. Deo tecidim annum Islam, ad nobis peccatum Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and to the Holy Spirit, amen. Will you please close your eyes for the time being and simply hear


Simply be aware of any way in which vibrations in the air affect your ears. Simply know reality through your ears without comment, without naming what you hear, without trying to identify it or judge it. And from now on, don't try to make any sense of anything you hear. And if I should say anything, listen simply to the sound of the voice. And don't make any attempt to understand it.


Don't be ill at ease about clearing your throat, or blowing your nose, or coughing, or shifting. That's all part of the symphony. Just listen to sound, natural sound, as you would listen to classical music. And if you find yourselves thinking compulsively, still naming, still talking to yourselves inside your skull about what's going to happen, what has happened, don't try to suppress it.


You can't smooth rough water with a flat iron. Just listen to your compulsive thinking as you would listen to the chattering of birds outside. Listen to it as a kind of noise, not taking it seriously. Are the sounds inside your head or are they outside?


Or neither? Or both? Does the question have any meaning? Become aware also of your breathing. Sound is something in the air, theoretically. So is breathing. Don't attempt to do anything to your breathing, but just watch it the way it goes naturally.


Are you doing it? Or is it happening to you? Or both? Simply then, watch what is. And if you have words for it helplessly in your head, don't take them seriously. They're part of what is, too. So is the idea of the watcher. Just observe.


What has happened to the past? Where is the future? Where do the sounds come from? There's no verbal answer. Don't try to make any sense of it, just hear it.


Feel it. Can you hear anyone listening?


Are you sound? Okay. All the things that I have seen, [...]


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Namo'valokiteshvaraya And the angel of the Lord said unto him, Behold, I am the Son of the Father, and the Son of the Holy Ghost. And all that you are to me shall come to me, and all that you are to me shall come to me.


Agia Sothea Selezanima Agia Ischira Selezanima Alleluia Agia Satanata Selezanima Doxa patri keio kei agio pnevmati, kei nin kei aikei stus eonias ton eonum. Hagia Maria Theotokei, doxa si. Aum. Aum. Oh


Dona nobis pacem. Dona nobis pacem. Aum. Aum. Aum. Alleluia. I'm going to sing.


Ke kragota, ke legontos. Agios, agios, agios. I've your seal tongue, I've your seal mouth, I've your seal whiskered gnaw. Sand, sand, sand, dreamy does sand. When you all gather around the altar, the fathers and brothers and the members of the symposium in the first circle and everybody else in the second, we have to do it that way for the requirement of space. And in your mind's ear, I want you to think of a turtle, a starfish, if you like this, yourself.


You're just entombed all to your worst. And with that simple thought, Then I'll do the same thing. Is there a greater harm than harm? No, not at all. Remember, don't forget, our blessings, our love of life, and peace of the sea. That is the same as the wonderful swag of the sea. Open your eyes, the world is bigger. Doesn't matter how small, the answer is right there. Death is hell. So if you have a sound again, it's lost.


Now, I don't know what's going on. I don't think I can lift that. What?


uh Bene edicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.

