1973, Serial No. 00429

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Eucharistic Liturgy in the Roman Rite

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Speaker: Rev. Fr. Martin Boler, OSB Cam, Mt. Saviour monks
Location: Mount Saviour Monastery, Pine City, N. Y. 14871
Possible Title: Eucharistic Liturgy in the Roman Rite
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Word Out of Silence Symposium
Side One: 30 min. Dolby B
2-track mono, 7-1/2 ips, TDK-SD. Side One



Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1972


The skin is heavy, and the blood is hot. [...] The skin Lord of hosts, Lord of hosts, God of hosts, [...] Haltetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetete I will not leave you, [...]


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Yahushua, [...] Yahushua The Lord be with you. And also with you. May we celebrate by honoring one of the great saints, St.


Augustine, who, in sharing his insights and his devotion, has enabled us to know something of God's great love, something of man's great journey. And so the Church gives us today in the readings that basis of all of our God, that basis of all of our enlightenment, of our life itself, It's not our love for God. It's His love for us first. And so then in the gospel, in another way, it's saying, truth is given to us. We should not consider ourselves masters. We should not consider ourselves father. We have one father and one master. So let us, in preparing ourselves to celebrate this great mystery, think of the great dignity of man. the great saints who have lived in the past, and who have given themselves in so many ways for our sake and for God's great love.


And let us thank all souls, and let us go beyond all thinking to the realization of the greatness of God's love that surpasses all knowledge. You can be in poverty, you can be in a village, but you are not under the rules of the Lord and the King. And the Lord commands us, and the Lord commands us, to give and give and give and give. You will be served by the King of the earth. Christ the Lord. Christ the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the King of the earth. May your name, your mercy, be met by the Lord God of all. The Lord of all. What a battle we are at, I say.


Probably on the highway, I ordered peace to the other way. We did murder, yes, we did murder. We caused death, yes, we did murder. We did murder, yes, we did murder. We did probably fight, yes, we did fight. We, the European Slavs, are here to keep you all alive. Lord God, help me, God the Father, all alive. And all the Jews, all the scribes, and all the names of God in the Psalms. And Lord God, the Lamb of God, the Son of God. You don't want to let go of the lost things, no, I [...] don't want to let go of the lost things, no,


As life is to me, and all life goes on. You don't know what it was like before. You and I, I know it's time for the Jesus Christ. Pray the Lord, He's here to fix it. In one moment, it's all gone. Allah [...] We ask that you do that peace which the world cannot give, which you have given us in Christ Jesus, our Lord.


Amen. We read from the Translator of Psalms. My dear people, let us love one another since love comes from God, and everyone who loves has begun to find God, and knows God. Anyone who fails in love can never have hometown, because God rules love. God's love for us was revealed when God sent Him to the world His only Son, so that we could have life for Him, This is the love I need, not our love of God, but God's love for us when he sent his son to be the sacrifice that takes our sin to revenge.


My dear people, since God has loved us so much, we too should love one another. No one has ever seen love But as long as we love one another, God will live in us, and His love will be incomplete in us. We can know that we are living in Him, and He is living in us, because He lets us share His Spirit. We are ourselves a stone, and we testify that the Father sent his Son as Savior of the world. In any holy fellowships, when Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God. We ourselves have known and put our faith in God's love for ourselves.


God is love, and anyone who lives in love lives in God, and God lives in him. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia He said, God loves the Christians, and if He cares for me, I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah


Chanting. A reading from the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians. No one can say Jesus is Lord, unless he is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. There is a variety of gifts, but always the same Spirit. There are all sorts of service to be done, but always to the same Lord. working in all sorts of different ways in different people. It is the same God who is working in all of them.


The particular way in which the Spirit is given to each person is for a good purpose. Just as the human body, though it is made up of many parts, is a single unit, because all these parts, though many, make one body, so it is with Christ. In the one spirit we were all baptized, Jews as well as Greeks, slaves as well as citizens. And one spirit was given to us all to drink. Christ is risen from the dead.


There is none worthy of worship except Allah O Holy Spirit, come and lift up every mind, shine on us, come.


O God, the One, the God of all, who made time dissolve into dust, bring your light into our hearts. Gracious Heaven's swallowing water, make your omelette with high scores, really deep and sweetly cold. Your omelette has been boiled, and the bitter taste of sours are spreading. Give us our omelette, we still know. Thou art God, and thou art my [...] God, and thou art


Lord, I shall reign in the city of sin, For it's in thine ears which I will prove, Even though the truth may be false. Though the truth may be false. Though the truth may be false. Though the truth may be false. Thou knowest it, and I know it too. Give to us, to our faithful God, We who put our trust in you, For your gifts, the only gift. May thy lights be filled with grace, to lead them to a world of happiness, from death with eternal tomorrow. Amen. [...]


Amen. [...] What are you going to do? At that time, Jesus said to his disciples, You must not allow yourselves to be called master, since you have only one master, and you are all brothers. You must call no one on earth your father, since you have only one father, and he is in heaven. You must not allow yourselves to be called teachers, for you have only one teacher, Christ. The greatest among you must be your servant, Anyone who exalts himself will be honorable, and anyone who abhors himself will be abominable. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! We gather together, we are gathered together on the ocean floor.


Create and renew as it were. Brought together by and for. to make present the one in whom all things are at their end, and to whom all things are at their beginning. And so we celebrate and make present the death and resurrection of the whole. The gift of life, man, Adam, is a celebrant of life. Death is a reality for us. It's the term of human life. But in Christ, the new life, the Eucharistic life is here again. Not the gift of life, but the gift is God himself. God, Spirit, Spirit rules over the chaos of the world.


Death now is part of history, but the resurrection has never came. Man's destiny, now, is the very life of God. One transforming man, one ascending woman. Not to another world, but to our world already perfect in Christ and half yet imperfect in us. We know God is like the fish. But it seems he can say it. But now it is given to us to know the very creative word himself. Not who what he has been, but whom what he has become. Our idol. Yours and mine. on the angels, in a life filled with Christ we know.


Let us put on the rings, things in our arms, and then we will stand and make a petition to the Lord. So let's join now in these petitions which we make God our Father.


In Jesus' name we bow our heads, we bow our heads, we bow our heads. In Jesus' name we bow our heads, we bow our heads. Lord, have mercy. For peace in the world, for freedom and justice for all. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For the victors, the lonely, the sick, the broken, the hurt and the fought. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. that by listening and pointing to the thought of Jesus, we may turn our anger into the ardor of joy. Let us pray, O Lord. Lord, have mercy.


For all those whose hearts have been sent, that they may not despair of God's loving mercy. Let us pray, O Lord. Lord of all, we thank Thy power, for Thine oneness is supreme. That our service to one another may be done fervently and cheerfully, let us pray in those halls. Lord of all, we thank Thy power, for Thine oneness is supreme. That we may be promised ancient lands in the victory of Christ, let us pray in those halls. We'll all have the time of our lives to see. For all the little things that make me want to dance. For our gifts are always family, friends, and benefactors. Let us pray to the Lord. Let us remember God, seek the Lord, let us pray the Lord. The Lord God of hosts,


The apostles, James and John, possessed a desire to share the cup of Jesus. Let us the same part in spirit, that we might share the cup of him who shared our new destiny. We might know your love for all creatures, and share in bringing about that unity which you are one and is one in the Holy Spirit. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Allah is the Greatest.


Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Allah [...] Alleluia.


Let us now set aside all argumentativeness, all criticism, all hatreds, all annoyances. Let us not only forgive one another, let us love one another, and ask God or Mayfather that our sacrifice will be acceptable to Him. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His Church. O God, our Protector, look upon the face of your Christ and critic itself for the redemption of us all. Grant that your name may be glorified by all nations, from the rising of the sun deep to its setting, and let me declare a king of nations may be offered in sacrifice to your name. This we ask of you, Christ our Lord. Amen. The Lord be with you.


And also with you. If it isn't of your own. We lift them up with one accord. Let's give thanks before our God. His desire to give us thanks and praise. For in maintaining His right, we should give due thanks and glory. You are our God, living and true. Through all eternity, you may be an approachable light, source of light and goodness. You have created all things. You've been your preacher with every blessing. I am made your lamb in the joyous vision of your heart. Countless hosts of angels stand before you. You do your will. Build a finer splendor, and praise you, my London.


United with Athens, and in the name of every creature under heaven, we do praise you, Norway, as we say. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, [...] O Thou who art the Lord of all creation, O [...] Thou who art the Lord of all creation, Father, you must give knowledge and wisdom, all your actions, to show your wisdom and love.


You once had your own likeness, and sent him over the whole world to serve you as your creator, and to rule over all nature. Even when he disobeyed you and lost your friendship, you did not abandon him to the power of death, but helped all men to seek and find you. Again and again, you offered a covenant to that. and goodness brought us, taught him to hope for salvation. Father, you so loved the world that in the fullness of time you sent your only Son to be our Savior. He was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, a man like us in all the things that stand. To the poor he proclaimed the good news of salvation, to prisoners, freedom, and to those in sorrow, joy. In fulfillment of your will, He gave Himself up to death, but by rising from the dead, He destroyed death and restored life. As we might live no longer for ourselves but for Him, we send the Holy Spirit from you, Father, as His first gift to those who believe, to complete work on earth and to bring us to the fullness of grace.


Father, may this Holy Spirit sanctify these offerings. Let them become the body and blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord. As we celebrate the great mystery, He left us the everlasting covenant. He always loved those who were His own in the world. When the time came for Him to be glorified by you, His Heavenly Father, He showed the depth of His love. While they were at supper, he took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take this, O Lord, we will thank Thee. This is my body, which will be given up for Thee. Allah is the Greatest. There is no god but Allah. In the same way, the cup filled with wine.


He gave thanks, giving the cup to his disciples and said, Take this, all of you, and drink. This is the cup of my blood, the blood that you will devour. He will be shed for you and for all men, for that sin may be forgiven. Do this in memory of Him. Aum. Father, we now celebrate this memorial day which is caused by His death, His descent from the dead, His resurrection, and ascension to your right hand. And looking forward to His coming in glory, we offer you His body and blood, the inexhaustible sacrifice which brings salvation to all.


Lord, put upon the sacrifice which you have given to your church, and by your Holy Spirit, gather all who share this bread and wine, issue to one body of living sacrifice and prayer. Lord, we offer those for whom you offered this sacrifice, the family, all our folks, bishops, and clergy everywhere. Remember those who take part in this offering, those here present and all your people, Walsh family, the Sisters of St. Joseph, John the Younger, Brother Augustine of Weston, Arthur Bridgerton, the Bill Storey family, John McAdrian-Douglas, and all who seek you in sincere love. Remember those who have died in the peace of Christ. Ernest Stott, George and Margaret Thornton, the deceased of the Abel and Ben family, Captain Mananac, Brother Bobbitt, and all of them whose faith is known to you alone.


Father in the university, grant also to us, your children, together into our heavenly heaven, in the company of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, your Apostles, in the custody of all your saints, that in your kingdom, free from the corruption of sin and death, we shall sing your glory with every creature, through Christ our Lord. We do it in the name of faith, [...] in the name of faith Amen. It is now up to us, our adopted sons, to inform us of the words which Christ Himself has given.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. He gave us this day our daily bread, And for it was like Christmas to us, And sweet for me was his redress, While he gave us ours. And for it was like Christmas to us, [...] And for In your mercy, keep us free from sin, protect us from all anxiety, as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your Apostles, Peace I leave you, my peace I give you, let not our sins but upon the fame of your church be pleased to grant us that peace and unity in your kingdom may live forever and ever. Amen. Let us give one another a sign. La, la, [...]


Who will take away the sins of the world? And what good would it do us? And what good would it do us? Who will take away the sins of the world? This is a man of God who takes away the sins of the world. Half the other hoes are going to fall through the family. Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed. Where's the millions of living waters?


And so do I long, with all my heart, to go to you. And it's the greatest of many wonders, Cause of life, of life, of life, of life. It's the greatest of many wonders. I could hear the birds o'er running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my love. As the demons of the grave destroy all the birds, From the storm of my love, with all my heart, you go to him soon.


I'll lead a rejoicing crowd into the house of God, on which rise of gladness and light he'll lead, the long, wild, great John. Pass the years, so they can be parted. God and soul, you are God, with all my heart, you go to Him. Send forth your light and your truth, let peace be my guide. and I can't bring me to your holy mouth, to the place where you dwell. And the sun begins to make its big rise, and so do I now, with all my heart, to go to you.


And I will come to the altar of God, the God of my joy. My Redeemer, I will thank you above, O God, my God. That's the biggest story in all of this. And all of us don't know who I am, I can follow no matter how you call me. Lord, you have a words of everlasting life, giving wisdom to the simple and rejoicing life.


Lord, you have a words of everlasting life, giving wisdom to the simple have rejoiced in God. The precepts of the Lord are quite, they gladden my heart, for the man of the Lord is clear, he keeps right through the night. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life, If faith makes them pure and simple, every age shall they see God. The faith of the Lord is holy, alive and forever, but in prison all is unproved, and all of them shall die.


Lord, have mercy on them, and let them not see God. If anything we've done could last tenfold, Everything joins in pride. They've got more to be desired than all, Than the purest of foes, And sweeter are they than honey, Than honey from the foes. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. Give me wisdom to the stiff world, and I will preach your excellent life. The survivors have it.


We are fair. Ladies and gentlemen, we love you for beauty so ancient and so new. We bless you and we thank you for your everlasting love, for your spirit which has renewed the face of the cosmos, which has become for us the face of Christ alone. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Ye are trips and we are rewinds Bride and servants there will be at last Your gifts on the last day While you make your home upon your path And what a time for glory and springs and smiles Never forget your trips on the ways of saints and squires


Allahumma la ilaha illallah wa lillahi l-hamd [...] Allahumma la ilaha illallah Allah is the greatest, the most merciful, [...] God is with you in all things. Amen. [...]

