1973, Serial No. 00422

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Byzantine Liturgy

AI Vision Notes: 



Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1972


Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama, Hare Hare Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare


Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama, Hare Hare I see you. The grace of God, the fellowship with one another, and harmony in nature bring you all


and also with you. Let us pray. All depend from us that this inactive ritualism or a meaningful life all depends on our good intent, on our simple faith, on our sincere collaboration in helping in creating here, now, forgetting the past, carefully regarding the future, regaining the freedom of a child,


And we create power here. To use some words on sacred space. an authentic gathering to which we can put obstacles. Could we not go for one hour, let go all our concerns, also all our ideas,


We have still to learn to pray together, because the prayer is new every time. We need to be reconstructed to make whole, to regain harmony in nature, to reconquer fellowship with man, we would like to re-enact this moment.


The unconscious bore of our union with and our estrangement from nature. Thus, we shall bring the four elements to the altar, revere and worship them, bless them, and bless them. We shall bring, in the second part, the world of men, and again, hope and joy, our fellowship, and suffer the wars of incommunication, it will become a pattern in our own different understandings.


And thirdly, celebrate with faith and joy, again, which will again stress that we are one and yet split, that we have same calling, praise the Lord of Heaven.


Praise the Lord of Heaven, praise Him divine. Praise Him, all ye angels. Praise Him, stars on high. Praise his heart and waters, which are love's eyes. Whence its purple banners, star-spangled in the night, Raise the glorious mountains, O'er the fields and the seas, Rocks and hills and mountains, Steel and stone of peace. Praising God's unbreakables, snow and rain and fire, So ye in the living, all ye gifts desire.


Praise him, heart and mantle, praise him, soil of kings. Praise him, head and veins, all the ancient kings. All the people of God is excellent Lord. Let the waters come into the sanctuary and put on the altar. Okay.


so before everything was made. The waters that cleanse the spirit, the body, the matter. The waters that adopt any form,


the dominant romantic recipient and also a summit in the galaxy. The waters were the first symbol of life for the whole universe. holy waters on which the Spirit was floating, which come down to just men and to human life, as the Atharva Veda says. which we for a while have thought inexhaustible and which now we begin to realize that they are also limited.


We revere the waters. And we ask the blessings from Cairo also through the water. Let not part of ourselves which we call Earth enter the sanctuary Holy Mother Earth.


a reputation. We have sinned against you. And we would like now, more than just a synonymous sign, an answer for the weakness of you, recognize that you and we are closer later than when we sometimes with human pride tend to think. And as an act of attunement, And also, as a pledge, that we would like to be with you with more care, with more respect, never forgetting that like the plants and the animals, also we spring from the earth.


Come here to the altar, those who care. But we still used to say, don't belittle our hands by the touch. Om Namah Shivaya. In my heart, in my mind, in my thoughts, in my feelings.


In my heart, in my mind, in my thoughts, in my feelings. In my heart, in my mind, in my thoughts, in my feelings. In my heart, in my mind, Let us set fire. Let's receive this fire.


Embrace it. Take it to us. And remember all what we know and forget. I see you Om Namah Shivaya


so Namo'valokiteshvaraya And the fire disappears.


not to produce smoke. So that our hearts and our loves may illuminate and kindle warmth but not produce that stifling smoke which we sometimes produce. We have brought these four elements in the water, is for us now, or for some of us, if we want, to go outside and fetch the air, inhale, But please, only when we are convinced that this is a symbolic act, whose meaning we may


you. All the rise, the rise, and the stand. Ardent by the dawn of truth. Eyes away, our minds away. Ardent by the dawn of truth. I'll do it all kinds of ways, and you'll be in my hands, too. And you'll be in my hands, too.


All the doors will open, O my true-blooded son, I was made a dog of you. I will be your dog in the morning, I was made a dog of you. I will build a house of praise for you, [...] You are my true love, my true love.


You are the light of my life. You are the real love to me. You are the light of my life. You are the real love to me. Let the fruits of the earth, the flowers of the fields, also share in our celebration. ♪ All the earth proclaim the Lord ♪ ♪ Sing a praise to God ♪ ♪ All the earth proclaim the Lord ♪ ♪ Sing a praise to God ♪ ♪ Sing in the Lord ♪ ♪ In His presence sing for joy ♪ ♪ All the earth proclaim the Lord ♪ ♪ Sing your praise to God ♪ ♪ Enter His gates, bring His healing ♪ ♪ O enter His courts, all sing His praise ♪


♪ Sing your praise to God ♪ ♪ Our Lord, He's good, He is loving, He'll do for me ♪ ♪ His word is a boy, He doth it for me ♪ ♪ All the earth proclaim the Lord ♪ ♪ Sing your praise to God ♪ The world of man is a small world, but complete. Let's open our eyes and see the light.


Let's sharpen our ears and hear the silence. Let's develop our flair and still see the incense and the flowers


Let's now touch one another and do a dance. La, la, [...] la. Jai [...] Namo'valokiteshvaraya Nithyanandam [...]


Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you. La, la, [...] The world of man is also mind.


The mind has words and ears. wise words of our ancestors. And then two more words are trying to get in. And then he goes on and gets more until he finishes the whole section of the sermon. And the others, more and more, went from his first prayer to his second, to his second, to his third, and going on. Who can describe the greatness and the glory of the things a man gathers as he walks through the field of prayer? And when the word comes out of his mouth, the word goes to his ears, and his ears hear what his mouth is saying.


And then the word begs and pleads of the soul, each word begs and pleads of the soul, never to be separated from it. And as soon as the first letter comes out, like the first B in the word, listen, it begs and pleads of the soul to not leave it. Because never do you come from me. You see how great the love is between us and how deeply we're bound to one another. and you see my glory and my beauty and my grandeur, how can you separate yourself from me and go away from me? It is true that you have to go on because you have more treasures to get, but how can you be separated from me and forget me? In any case, see that wherever you go, wherever you come to, you never really forget me and you never really part from me. How much worse will he finish his entire prayer, if the whole word, the whole prayer, begs all that he has heard from the letter?


And the word comes before him, and fondles him, and embraces him, and kisses him, and doesn't let him go. Because she says to him, how can you be separated from me?

