Women and Buddhism Serial 00006

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Taught by: Jetsun Kushok

Interpreted by: Richard Barron (Chokyi Nyima)


I'm aware of the fact that many Eastern cultures, particularly, are considered to be male-dominant. That there is always an oppression or suppression of women, and an abrogation of women's rights, and so forth. But, she said, I don't want to make any flat statements on that, because it's only something I've heard. I haven't studied it deeply, I haven't lived in those cultures, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but I understand that there was a general tendency cases, particularly in Eastern cultures. But in my own experience, in my own region, this was not the case. So thank you very much for all of your questions.


I hope that what I had to offer in the way of response was helpful to you, proved to be a benefit to you. I would like to conclude the gathering tonight with a formal prayer of dedication. Dīqan nasrī l-lunā l-mu'minūn wa l-yusrī [...] l-

