Unknown Date, Serial 01451, Side A

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The trees are getting ready to give us the sweet fruit that the sun has produced. We have invited you to enjoy one of your farmers. to materialize abundance, rich in that wasted rich, the grace of God, that God has given to things here on earth, to live in things, produce fruit, this above, in which we are born and parted. Therefore, soon during this month, the Church calls us into the truths God said that the divine will have a plan. And the pre-eminent souls now lie entered in all the truths. Feast on the founts of wisdom that God has prepared.


And the fact that we are celebrating together is a part of that divine gift. We are all invited today to share in the mystery of God's wisdom and the mystery of his truth. The truth is spoken to us immediately as we commune with God. Take and drink, because the Lord is with you. And blessed is the man who does his work. Let my dear friends, that is the truth in God's love, is that who stands on the tree of the cross, right here in front, And it was of him, the fruit of our God, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that made us.


And today it is for me, second-born in this good man, we part and we partake. So that is the heart of this person. It is that mercy, that gift of mercy, which God has given and gives constantly to those who are gathered in his holy temple, so that when you are up here and make sure the invocation of the Holy Spirit, that God has given his mercy in the midst of his death. They make it now, and they will be thirsty. And maybe it's worth saying, the air that gets you to the bottom leads to some degree the beauty and the power of that fruit of God's wisdom.


We saw when we yesterday, when we spoke about the wisdom of God, It's all the faithful mission I invited to be in the course of this month of Advent. When we analyze the little forms these wisdom books contain, It follows that there are stages, thought stages, which have a certain force, generation, through their perspective, or with the unusual way in which they pass through our attention on them, and establish the form of the character or lost within the form of a very, very fabulous world. What is the ingenuity of the one who has invented to catch the attention of man who lives in this world is so distracted by all the variety of business that he has or thinks he has to achieve.


For the divine wisdom then is one of these means, it lies with our Lord, which is made at our heart, so our Lord will. Wisdom and love cannot be separate from one another. It is the divine love which makes our wisdom a real fruit on which with the Christian life. And it's there for the one who gives the word of wisdom and faith, and the one who sees it, trusting in the thought of his teacher for him, it is a song. And it's the Father, and not only the Father, but also the Father, those two, the two who give their life, are the quality to the child.


They are what's important to them to be the divine of wisdom to the child. Father and mother, both are the child's teachers of wisdom. And we, as we should, we experience that fact every day, color and not. It is the father, daughter, father, conflict, all relative to sin. But it is the mother, the church, which presents it to us every day, even for English and mother too. So for that it's hardly we can truly understand. Because it is good water, rather than fire, he understands it speaks the language of the child. So with that, why we are instructed in wisdom. But now what is the truth?


In order to understand it then, one has to see it on the background of what is supposed to. Of course you raise your fist for it. For the one man who has had his heart apart was born. But what is God? What is foolish? In the language of the divine nation, of our heavenly Father, and of our God of the church. Foolish for he is there left. Which man as a loser, when he has lost the spirit of God, when he has lost the funeral of the Lord, when he has emancipated himself, and as he follows in the spirit of indignation, his own wisdom, his own inspiration. That inspiration always comes then once the spirit has been excluded.


The spirit of God and me, this inspiration, is prepared in us for what God does. Flesh is the source of inspiration to the soul. We see that all the time. How the world is perceived by people. A little bit, he can see why. A little bit younger, what do you think? What do you think? To learn the word of God, it must be like to pray himself and read it to his father's house, ask for what he believes the Father owes me, and work hard and work. Out in the air, in a country where gifts will never be paid in, and the money that is spent will take it high and low, but will be paid in with big money and with debt.


And so it is, the foreigner's son. Under the leadership of the pluralistic of the flesh, he works hard on any support. That is the essence of foolishness. There is no equality. There is no control. There is simply the impulse of the law. He is delivered into the house of will. Of that is foolishness. And we know very well in that reality that is full of destruction. We think that on every page of the Christian, it's true that the one who stirs foolishness will not pass death. He will not pass death. And then can we see every little individual that are the enemies in the relation of big politics and of the patient.


On the other hand, foolishness, inspired by regret, then released by the emancipated man, by a man who wants to stare at himself, and a girl who wants to walk away, is led to an employee, but only to himself. But then there is waste. With the refinery, how to start the spill on the spirit of life? We can see that when a man must believe, the way of his future is quite. But if he takes a wonderful path, in his terrible, wonderful world of wisdom, God will be there in our support. The love of this life. And then finally, dreamless into it, the spirit of it. And so it changes. These things are played into a living being, as Holy Scripture explains.


But at the moment in which they have the joy from these things, that every father feels, too, what does he become? Just as every father does. And thus I don't mean that by the effect of meaning merely in the physical sense, but just in, let us say, theological sense. I will say the polytheist thought. Living in exile, squandered by his father's money, he was just. He is, indeed, a preacher, a good man, I thought. But they can't explain it. And they devalue wisdom. They devalue inclusion. Now, what does that devalue wisdom, the wisdom of the Spirit, do? It does what is indicated in the gospel of the devil.


When you have that lever, there is a minister who uses his powers and his money that has been entrusted to him by the Lord in order to buy the favor of the dead. We are all members of the church. But what does the divine happiness breaker do? The divine happiness breaker, that is, our Lord Jesus Christ, the brother of God, is the believer. What does he do? The wish of the God of God is there. What do I say? It comes to me. He takes upon himself the strength of our sin. That willings give that which are to be stripped off. He will create upon himself what the devil is supposed to do. I will kill. That will create upon himself.


And when he kills, he kills to the state. He kills to the state. All that man can do, I will give him. Or it has been accumulated through the angels to the salvation of man. Their image being erected as it is. We are being free. Not that we would pray. But the fear is complete. It's being virtuous to something. By the way. And God gives Jesus, as we call him, a place to be, shall we put it that way. And that is the similarity to the atmosphere. There, that is the divine truth. That is the divine truth. That is the mortal world, which, through the end of history,


That is the one way in which the changes are done. We begin truly into the dividing. Give glory to it. The fact that the world of God was made man, that it died for us, that we pay to the devil our debt, And that in this way, he follows our eternal grace. Other than that, in this way, he bows his head to us for a day. You see, there is the door to faith. the Holy Spirit enters into that piece of dust that we, as sinners and as body of stones, are. It enters the door to new life in us that we believe, that we believe that we sign that seal, that we approve of it, that Christ,


The father let the child stop, tried to stop, became unworked, and died. And then Lily said, yes, you surely, you took the partner's hand off again. You hang our faith. And that is God. That is the answer. The letter just can't be written who accepted that redemption of their death from the ugly. That is the truth to which the children are divided with. That is the way that is the matter of the truth and of all Oh, my dear friends, let us be one. Let us be kind to foolishness of this world. Also, if the foolishness of the world approaches us in the deepest time of justice, in the light, the voice of foolishness says, Now what you have committed can never be forgiven.


Since you are a sinner, therefore you are excluded from happiness. This prayer is the only answer that my dear friends will publish. Hope and faith that are the recipients of the divine grace. So let us believe and let us believe that God loves us with a love which is stronger than any. That God loves us with a love that knows to take on power. That God loves us with a love that pays our entire. And let us in faith find that what the good will be, let the good be. And after that day that comes forth, that hope which is expressed in such a beautiful weather, why did this holy country live?


Tell me, that's me, because the Lord is me. And I'm blessed in that who puts his hope in me. Let us say all that. After, in this holy celebration, we see it again, this holy sacrifice taking place, we see it, and find it here upon us as the witness, his body and his blood. We celebrate the glory of his death in such a real body, let us accept it. Yes, it does. As soon as you say that, as soon as you say you are invited to the canon of the mass, then immediately the priest invites you and he says, through divine instruction, will you be called?


Let us say, I am a father who is in charge. You see, my dear friends, that is the poison of the spirit, of that spirit which is the fruit of your faith. And that spirit, Jesus, leads you to the path. Then when we all together say, Our Father, Lord, ever, then you'll always know that we are his children. Forgive us our trespasses, and we forgive those who trespass against us. And then give us the fruit of thanksgiving. That we may have received the gifts of our trespasses. That we always can be like in our own body, what is led by the Spirit of God. We have suffered the woes of society.


We're injured out of any training in our life. We strike it out. We reduce it instead. It doesn't exist anymore. And so, my dear friends, this poor, very strong genius, we may put it that way, of the divine wisdom, which frees us of the debt, frees us of the liberty of this debt. Let us imitate that in our daily life, that same genius of wisdom, in the way in which Christianity has always preached it, to forgive those who trespass against us. In other words, we not simply bathe in evil with evil, but encounter evil through good. That, I would say, is the most practical principle of divine wisdom, God.

