Unknown Date, Serial 00691, Side B
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congregation before the altar that wins the war-gathering. His son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is coming at the resurrection. You can still be completed by him. And don't smack us, dogs, and we will take it upon you still. We are the brethren of the Lord Jesus. as there is still room and vegetation. But, and that's not the only issue, everybody looks at your relationship. It's not good duty for the illustration of black shoe. It is rather unsustainable work of St. Peter, which we have heard today in the epistle. It's rather unsakinable work, and you're tailored has chosen you upon the Lord Jesus Christ. While he procured, he wants you to take care of you.
And he has shown that. This act of holiness and trust, which you externally, in a symbolic way, have borne, when you lost the mercy and will of your life in the altar, And when you push the document of completion, sign it with the signature of the author, this hand is a liberation. This is the entrance with your own heart, accepting for you with your own heart, let's say love, which is described in such an immortal, truly divine way of today's life. Well, I did see a girl doing fine. As is the good shepherd, leaving the height of the mountain and sinking into the valley.
And you, soldier, where is the party in? Why, it was me I told you, in this capital, that Peter wants to take upon his own shoulders And He wants to create that land that is lost within the thorn bush of this world. He wants to present anger. He wants to breathe through the power of His blood. And He wants to put it upon His shoulders, and He wants to cast it into Heaven. That is the care He has for you, of which safety is. And this thing here is constantly with you, as the second part of today's parable shows you, is constantly with you in the church. The church is very much a house, and as it was, it was.
And then it was the light, it was the moon, it was the entire house, and here to fight it out. If you are here today, and to make this ask of a nation, first give your spirit into their hands, or the shepherd, who carries the word on his shoulders, that is only the case, because you are faithful daughters of the church. The church is the consecration here on earth of Christ's love for you. Therefore, we speak of the church not as of an institution, but we speak of the church as our mother, giving us life. What is there not? Why is there not?
Life is not a good step. the Lord of the Good Shepherd, that he has breathed into the church after his resurrection, that he made the apostles, breathed upon them, and said, Be ye healed. So this chapter is here that it presages to you their mother, their fatherhood, and we, We, we talk with this one in the church. We, the community of one Savior, and you'll tell all the days, we hear the voice of the second and the triumphant voice of the church as they give an anchor in our own hearts and us who are part of it, singing this Eucharist. This band did it. That's why it's so crazy. And we played it way shorter, even louder.
Because here, at the beginning, the British character has to fight, and not cheat. Mother had to fight, wrote, and have been lost. And it is such a great story here among us. Not because you come here and you kneel before this altar, unless they are in the spirit of the facts. And as the waters were setting out here, look at us. Are we in a void? How can our life in this way be forgotten? And as though we had a left way also, the wild have taken a trance. Holy Mother Church, or they're not. They're not the spirit of this sermon, and if you don't, then we rejoice, and you rejoice, because this act is not more than a contribution, but this act is a manifestation of what is not worthy
which is answered by them in this way that should probably be confessed. We express our thanks to him who has loved us and is loved us unto the end. And this is promised. It is the foundation and gift of Christ to make this operation and this box. And then we push the wheel until the end, because you've lost until the end. Those that are lost in their yearning is given life.
In life, I am sure that this variable purpose we perceive the world on gratitude touched a lot of the, if not the, deepest motive of our natural life. The validation of our existence has much And what a beautiful thing it is to consider our monastic life under this aspect, under the aspect of gratitude. How much we have learned to see that our monastic life is really the glory of the Lord today, the glory of the children of the Lord. If you only believe in it and believe in it, in the relations of our daily lives, on that level of which yesterday we heard, on this level of the solidarity of men, the solidarity of a brethren in Christ, who serve one another in that mutual consideration, in that mutual reverence,
In that feeling that we are all one, brethren, we need the one God which has given life to us, the Lord God. And the fact is, you would wish some speakers, I would say, of a monastic life, that the real monastic life is full of love. mortification of burdens, of sacrifices, and it is evident that sacrifice belongs to gratitude. But nevertheless, the aspect of gratitude shows to us first this, the glory of Israel, the glory of the children of God. And we are certainly waiting for the word that has been spoken yesterday. And today, the past, that we celebrate here now at this moment, when we get ready again today to take the chariot of the Lord as the expression of our gratitude, it requires the many words of the priesthood, the Holy Spirit,
which pointed in the same direction and shed light on this beautiful mystery of the glory of the Lord in them, the glory of the children of God as lived in the monastic family and as lived by all the Christians. We speak in the Lucid human contract, the body of Christ, that emptiness, vanity, this so difficult to translate, please make contact with Holy Scripture, divine as emptiness, nothingness, to which the whole of this creation has been subjected by the fact that the one who died in his great mercy And his infinite generosity, as established in the world as his lieutenant, had been created in his image and likeness.
That man, like Adam, did not pray for the world, but took things into his own hands. And in that very moment, repaid the victor of vanity, failed to protect him. It should not end. And since then, this creation is subject to this slavery of corruption. It shall fully do if he amends. The Godless shall not insert. That is exactly the true description of the life of man, slaves of corruption, far from the Spirit and from the liberty of the Spirit, and not in any way living in the fullness and the truth of God.
perhaps living in some kind of living of that what is really and truly divine. And that is the essence of vanity, of the emptiness. Man without the world and without the obedience to the word of God is able to create a world which looks like iron, and looks like beauty, and looks like something great, and in reality is slavery to corruption. We see that in the Gospel, this wonderful contract, where it says Peter and his companions, presenting mankind in the slavery of corruption, were ordered down, trying to catch the fish. and this invading forced by the Urabians.
Their efforts were invading. That means they came to profit. Frustration is the root of such a death. But then, in the world of the past, in the world that is standing on heaven, That great English book is the kingdom of the darkness of our fantasy with the divine truth. That word says, I am the light, and I am the truth, and I am the world. In this word speaks, and it's like a beacon. It's hungry love, obedient love, because it's shining, We feel used to it by following the work of Master and Mastering them. And then it happens, the gift, the gift of divine generosity, so great that the human, that human capacity is unable to keep it.
It breaks because no ear has ever heard, and no eye has ever seen, and in the heart of no man has ever come what God has prepared to those who love him. Therefore, let that human that breaks, the divine generosity manifest itself in all its full. And we spend the first election to this unheard divine gift, the realization that here, the highlighted, the one who believes, breaks into this world of human darkness and of human vanity. And fear is the election. But the wicked would fear The fear that the creature has, and certainly in my yesterday I told you, the majesty of the Creator appears before us.
And so St. Peter, passing himself down at the feet of the I Am, says, Away of me, O Lord, with God of me, O Lord, because I am indistinguishable. St. Peter, when they put it perhaps this way, St. Peter became, in one way, a furious day, the son of God, when he accepted and followed the advice of the other. In your word, O Lord, I shall have the day. That was the first step out of the frustration of the valley of human knowledge. The second step was there where the majesty of God appears to him in this unexpected, unheard gift.
Internet of World History, Magnificence, which makes them not realize that they are bringing not only goodness, but the holiness of God's magic in His presence, which it is only who are making us to stay thus far. And then how is that gift that after breakfast will draw for me, Buddha, because my head is dimmed? He, Saint Peter, does not take this gift that he has received for granted. That gift, on the contrary, It hits him. It's in the loudest and deepest days and settles him. It makes him conscious of his own world.
O Lord, I am not afraid that you should come under my roof. There is the word which we say every time when the majesty of the Lord is going to enter under a horrible law that I have not heard. And this out and only one can say of this second death, of this death of the failure of the Lord, in realization that we have sinned before God's infinite majesty, That then makes us able really to receive the divine gift truly as God has given it, and in no way has it preserved the fruit of our own imaginations or efforts. So it is this act of the fear of the Lord that into the deepest roots of our being purifies
And out of that then, flowers the beautiful flower of wealth. So that is really the sum total of the good will of Saint Benedict. He is an omniscient trustee of spiritual people. He is also the brother of God. That is the living of God. That is the sacred word which we have got. Leaping the net. Leaping the net of his word. All our own effort. And what was the master? And then we tied the multitude of the fish. The web. All of them, who left the club, who went to the club, we are lucky to know them.
We found them in the department of the hostages. In the table that is covered in the day before us, with the department of the hostages. And again, they are good. Encourage the important second-step works. Let us not take it for granted. Let us not think that way because we have power. The words of God are better than other words. Let us, on the contrary, be feared more deeply and radically and absolutely with the fear of the Lord. O Lord, I am not worthy. to live under your roof. And out of that comes what is the glory of the Lord, that beautiful, transfiguring love of God, the Eucharist, the thanksgiving,
That what we celebrate here at this moment, it is truly digno negustum, meat and wine. That we should give you thanks for. As your children, as those who realize in every moment of their life that they have truly been saved, that without you they would be slaves of corruption. But through your grace, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we taste already now the first fruits of the Spirit, the glory of the children.