Unknown Date, Serial 00679, Side B

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It's very complicated. It may instil the image and the finding of the Holy Cross. These devotees, and also the Holy Sacrifice this morning, is often one of the benefits of living and seeing how our saints, for that matter, give. here those ladies are gathered together who at the very beginning in this monastery was being founded to interest a little child and with their womanly heart to care of so many of our bodily needs. It seems that that is one of the most glorious missions of the woman here on earth.


We can see it in its fullness and beauty in our deity, the Mother of God. This is the beginning of the month of May, and we dedicate this month who are they for what reason? Because it is not but out of the world of new life. The mystery of spring is the mystery of world. And there is where the woman, the mother, has the place of greatest dignity. He resents to us that mystery of growth in all of its beauty. That mystery of growth which consists in this and the beginnings of life never depends on ourselves.


Life in a place Light here on earth is a manifestation of God's supreme love for us. Our lady was overshadowed by the virtue that comes from on earth, the power from on earth, which overshadowed her and gave her the grace to break forth the child's teeth. The month of May reminds us of that wild happiness of our Lady in carrying the Lord of Heaven and of Earth in her womb. And if this was empty, empty,


that God's love in this world may be perfected, may come to us in all its goodness. Therefore, ladies, we have chosen to this mystery of growth in her womb, was the magic. My soul may have the power to The gift that she carried, she filled it was a gift from on high. The only possible reaction in her heart to this gift was gratitude. She added a prayer to the life in her womb. She magnified the Lord through the hymn of gratitude. She knew that the goodness of motherhood was not her own machine, nothing that she was able to produce or to make.


But the mystery of motherhood was a gift, a realization therefore of God's supreme love and grace. I'll please disdain it first. And therefore, she magnified the Lord in the cup-house by the hymn of thanksgiving. The good standing was in her. She realized it was not wrong. And then, of course, she came to the throne by the gratitude through the hymn of Christ. That is the beauty of human motherhood. But let us not forget that this mystery of motherhood, which, in its beauty and, let us say, in its merit, is represented to us in this month of May,


when we see the stars full of growing light, when we see the bushes full of birds, and the gates of the birds full of rain, and it all is the manifestation of nature's wonderful. And let's not forget that this gloriously happy beginning of this healing and of giving growth in thanksgiving, then it is completed on the cross. Mary became a mother in a different way and in a deeper way when she stood beside the cross. The image was called by the Son suddenly and it knew what was. Mother, be noble to your son.


It's so beautiful, therefore, that this first Sunday of May should coincide with the feast of the divining of the Holy Cross. The cross will be the inner deconvolution of the mystery of motherhood. See it and contemplate it. in plain words and gratitude as a mystery of grace. But our own grace really is completed there, where the strong, the big object of our wishes and our knowledge can be found, the strong, the fruit of motherhood that lies on the cross. And that way fully becomes the stone of this heavenly body. And fully becomes the stone of this earthly body by your standing by the cross.


Your yes and amen to this supreme sacrifice. And that is the key, too, that we should never forget, and that we should remember today, too. And that I would like to invoke in the hearts of those good ladies and friends of Raphael's family who have heard and experienced many proofs. Don't forget that in the beginnings of the life of our Savior, where under the wings of Merry Christmas. But so also was the critical period when our Lord rolled into manhood. They entered into that fateful year in which his hour was up, that was crowned by his death on Calvary.


At the beginning of this year, the 11th, which is Mary, his mother, at the wedding feast of Cana, being prepared by her son to look forward to this hour. At the beginning of the August of Crony, the preaching of our Lord, which is again a group of women, with his mother taking care of his bodily needs. And when he dies, he sees his mother and a group of women gathered around the cross and singing heaven is dead. And that is really the triumphant end of that mystery that has begun with giving life to the Lord. is the mystery of our Lord and our Lady carrying Jesus in her womb.


And that object is in the Christian life of every Christian woman and of every Christian mother really the decisive step. It is beautiful to realize the mystery of growth as a manifestation of God the Father's blessing. It is beautiful to see the woman and to see every man filled with the spirit of gratitude when he realizes the goodness of growth wherever he finds it. But it is still more difficult, and it is the true completion of this Christian faith and Christian gratitude. When this earthly life comes to an end, when earthly life dies, there is the other side of the mystery of Christian womanhood.


If we bother Clinging to love and space. Every movement, maybe in a deeper state, loves the mystery of the world. That day the problem happens to them when it comes to the inevitable death. When this mystery of the world ends in the regretful mystery of death There is the moment when the woman's and the mother's sufferings really start. Suffering is true since years already the beginning of time. But the mother is always happy to suffer and bear that her man may be born into this world.


But our deep business struggle, when this manage we have given him to the world, dies. When sickness comes, when death comes, when love deepens, there is more deeply wearied us by the other than by everybody else here in this world. But there our business may gives a new and beautiful answer. And it is that answer which is given to us today in this feast. In it, held the mother of the emperor Constantine, the mother of the king, who on Calvary found the cross. And maybe we should wear the cross to the reception And there was the great mission of Our Lady, who once was stood on the counter, and quietly pounded the cross and gave the cross to the church.


But that cross ever is kind of pride. That is the greatest and most perfect and happy-making answer. that Christianity gives to the mystery of death. I am blessed through the infinite sacrificial love of our Lord Jesus Christ, the start of his heavenly power, and the start of Mary his mother. Death was turned into a new life beginning that death was turned into a birth, that death was the final and strong definite birth of eternal, of the fullness of life. That is the mystery of the cross.


That mystery of the cross in which the Son of God in perfect obedience gave himself through the salvation of mankind, that the true death I will explain and give, may be healed in our hearts, and that through this supreme sacrifice of selfless love, our Heavenly Father may be included in the glory of God. In this I say, if this devil must misbehave, all through his love unto the end, giving life to us sinners, and giving supreme glory to his Father. That is, I think, the last good given of the mystery of our Lady's conception and of our Lady's carrying the Son and her womb and living life.


Because they found that in the water the same act of love towards those with us. And I praise to us the one who has the author of our life. Our God in his name completed the victory of Guadalupe at changing the soul of the Guadalupe. over the death of that life that she has brought into this world, keeps her going into the greatest possible. And therefore, my dear friends, on this first Sunday in May, when we remember Mary, Mary the time of the Lord, when she gave birth to the new life of the state, On this same day we also sing the liturgy of this man, that we glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.


We glory, we sing the Magnificat, not only over the history of the world of God, but we sing we glory the sin they did not praise, Assisting at the mystery of the date of the action. Seeing that the mystery of this day has been changed by Satan's love into the mystery of each other. And therefore, let us on this day, women and men, let us all join our faith in this theme of Christ. Let us in our own mind always remember that anything good we see in ourselves comes from God, does not come from us. And that therefore, looking at everything good that we see in ourselves, we should not boast.


We should not give ourselves away. One we should give globally to God. But then the other one, when difficulties come, when sacrifice comes upon us, when we see life slipping away from us, in sickness and in death, when we suffer over the sin and guilt of man, in which those to whom we have given life in the beginning seem to forget about their true mission before God, seem to fall in selfishness, into cruelty, into war,


into one of these things to which mankind absolutely commits suicide, because they want to glory in themselves. Let us not be secret in our steps and in our things. Let us then also do the honest and proper thing, the gratitude in our heart, Here, through prayer, through charity, to tell this mystery of death, eternal beginning of a new life, and let us glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory not only unto thanks and the revealing of life, see the good things that they do, but glory also they ever received it, destroyed it not.


Gloriously, at this manifestation of God's heritage, God believed me in the resurrection and healed me with a faith and a love unto the end. Healed me that death made through the grace and final grace of God, even the deeming of eternal life. And in this way, gloriously came the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, may the Lord have mercy on you. May the Lord have mercy on you. Let us pray.


Let us pray. who died on the first day of the war, and who died on the first day of the war. He died on the first day of the war.


He died on the first day of the war. [...] And I'll show you how to do it. And I'll show you how to do it. And I'll show you how to do it. ΒΆΒΆ


May God bless you. [...]

