Unknown Date, Serial 00679, Side A
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We are still in that time of the Ecclesiastical Year in which the church meditates and penetrates more and more and absorbs more and more the mystery of Easter. At Easter we have celebrated the passing of our Lord Jesus Christ from the likeness of sinful flesh into the glory of the Spirit. And that is indeed the very essence of this chapter, of our Christian faith, of our Christian life. The passing, the constantly repeated passing from the flesh to the Spirit The next chapter today is a truth which, from Judaism and from Christianity, has spread into the world at large, so that today it can be considered to be as one of the generally accepted ideas of mankind
and convictions of mankind, that the spirit is higher than the flesh, and that really the meaning of human history is indeed this transience, this passing over from the flesh to the spirit. But it is true also that the world in which this word, spirit, is interpreted. And this way is very different than part of various opinions and human philosophies. One is flesh, and one is spirit. Some propose that it's true that flesh and the spirit In this way, the literary object parted the spirit with liberty and the flesh with slavery.
And so therefore, one of the most important, maybe the most dangerous debate in biblical history is the passage from, let us say, political dependence to a vehicle in the past, as a consequence, a form of passing over from the flesh to the spirit. Others, again, would understand this distinction even in a satanical world. The spirit that is the human intellect, spiritual knowledge that is intellectual knowledge, And therefore the pastoralism and digging rid of superstitions and the pastoralism into intellectual, let us say, scientific knowledge do not award these forms of the pastoralism from the flesh to the spirit.
Now the Church, during these Sundays, possibly after Easter, tries exactly to do this and to clarify for us and to lead us gradually more and more into the secret of what she understands and receives as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit. And in the next Sunday, it is reported daily in faith development Because it is on this Sunday that if you are approaching Feast of the Cross to descend on the Holy Spirit, the Church in the Epistle, as well as in the Gospel, shows the essence of the Holy Spirit as being a gift.
All that Australia has been, we live. All that Australia has been, God has been. Old Nadal to Optimus in that beautiful epistle of every good given. He stands for the God, for the power of life. In whom there is no strength and no strength. Voluntarily bringing out of the depths of his will, he has bought, given further to us through the word of truth that may be the beginning of his future. And in speaking the gospel, our Lord Jesus Christ speaks of the Spirit whom he will send after he has gone, after he has departed.
That means after he has ascended to that height of the throne of God, where he himself then sends the Spirit as the best gift from the Father. So the Spirit, and that is part of the essential aspect of the Spirit, is understood by the Church as a need, as God given to us. That is the essence of the Holy Spirit. God given to us. Just the other day, I came across a little poem which comes from Robert Southwell, a chef who was a market in England in the 16th century for his food. This is Robert Southwell puts it in this way.
Gift better than himself, God does not know. Gift better than himself, God no man has. This gift does here the giver give and bestow. Give to this gift that each receiver. God is my gift. Himself he freely gave. God's gift and honor and number God shall have. If better than himself, God does not know. If better than his God, no man can see. This is the spirit of the giver, giver-giver. Into this gift let each receiver be. That is indeed the central mystery of Christianity.
Christianity consists self and the realization of the value of faith, of good, of the Spirit here on earth. However, you know very well that the Church, for this reason, does not in any way consider her spiritual freedom as a freedom from commandment, and as a freedom from ruin, and as a freedom from, but rather as a freedom from sin. The Church has not provided, for example, external and visceral ceremony in order to give root to the spirit. The Church does not refrain from giving laws because she would consider them as nothing against the freedom of the Sabbath.
The idea that the Church has, receiving from our God, about the Holy Spirit is this, that we must carry out is indeed the age of the Spirit. But why? Because it is the age in which the Father gives himself by standing in the stone to die for our salvation. And the death of the stone man makes him, as he waits, Christ who died for us, he is good. He will essentially give. He is essentially God of life for us. This Holy Spirit therefore is essentially God given to us.
Now, it never seems that there's any objective essence of the Spirit. What that makes us spiritual people, or let us say, men of the spirit, it is justly not the liberty of any. It is not the status of materialistic independence. But we are men of the spirit because we see we don't have a gift. into our heart, with ourselves, cannot be but important a gift to him. If he gives himself to us, no one what he should have. So God given as a gift to us means that we, in everything we do, impart a gift
God giving himself as a gift to us is the expression of his absolute supreme love for us. We are the slaves giving themselves and becoming a gift to God. That no one but God may have is the expression of the form in which our love for him, our response to God's name. our gratitude to them. For this becoming a gift to God, that really is the essence of our Christian existence. But let me tell you right away that this essence of our Christian existence, this honor becoming a gift for God, does not displace us. does not have to dispense us in any way, and cannot dispense us from obedience to God.
Therefore, only the one can become a gift to God, who prestigious, willingly, the divine compound, the divine word, the expression of God's will for us. And this progress is the way in which the operation of this man really puts the very essence of how a person exists. Well, in the exam, they used to prepare to make this underused evidence for the class. Although, she made the marks of the faithful truly unbelievable and overwhelming. and therefore that purpose is to receive a matter of protection, and therefore give to your people to love what comes with this trouble.
It is a matter of purpose for me to love and for what you promise, that they may come undone as our inhabitants, that they may avoid these, the ups and downs of this world. Our hearts may be perfectly established to hear where the true joys are to be found. Now in this biblical revelation you see that they are in the same midst to the other ways to be led astray. not as a freedom of thought, but as a freedom of thought. The law is not abolished by the spirit, but it is fulfilled by the spirit. And we enter into this specific fullness of the spirit not by feeling ourselves vulnerable, not by not observing it,
but by entering into it with our entire Jesus, with our total love. That is fulfillment of love. And that is really also the issue of Christianity as a religion of the Spirit. There does not mean that for the sake of the Spirit, We should avoid, for example, all external material manifestations in the service of God in the work of mercy. But it means that where external ceremonies are given to us, we should understand them, and by understanding them, should not filled with the structure of our own inner heart.
And in this way, then, we become truly visible. Spiritual, the spirituality of a Christian does not consist in this, that he cares himself freely for all external rules and laws, but instead he requires penetrate into the very essence of his thought, seeks the manifestation of God's will, and then with the depth of his heart identifies himself with this will. A will which, and that is important for us to understand, does not in any way say out of our own heart, but descends to us because he agreed that we give descends upon the cross. And just because God gives descends to us upon the cross,
Therefore, we have to receive it through the spirit of obedience. But this spirit of obedience can stand the way when it comes to liberty. Because it can stand the way in which we become a perfect people. They will have to seek, for example, all of the old school degree to live a monastic life. They enter prostitutes and novices, enter through a whole stack of wounds, and they fight. And they can feel that there is vanity, ignorance, liberty on every side. And they are completely interior in their lack of, let us say, freedom for their individual belongings, wishes, and desires.
But what is the answer to this problem? It is not the shaking of the external body which is being given to. but it is the inquiry into its meaning and the free and loving response, so that disobedience may not be any more the obedience of the slave, but may be the obedience of the son. And there indeed is the key to our presence and to the actions of the Holy Spirit. St. Augustine's dance was so beautifully extinguished that no one knows the dance. The vocalist carried costumes, not as one who is born, but as one who is living. And that also is our world's greatest question.
We can reach perfection in the degree in which we become a wholehearted, generous, limitless gift to God. And that, of course, for me, does not happen. But in this life, which makes us a gift to God, works in us a free and a cheerful and loving obedience Then, in the power of this power, we indeed reach the inner spiritual form of the Son, of the champion of our ability. And therefore, that really is what Christianity wants, and that is what the Church wants to show it during these Sundays of the Pentecost, how we, through the power of the Father, which the Father sends us through His Son, who has come from His Son's world, how through this power we become imperfect to the Father, and as perfect gifts to the Father become His sons, with the freedom of the children of God, in which we then can see with the fullness of the heart
That beautiful versicle that they will learn, which in a special way that also dominates this Sunday, the word Alleluia, the glory of Christ. It is this Alleluia which expresses our life as gifts to God and His children. And the Alleluia is to be the voice of our liberty