Reception of Four Postulants; Meaning of the Response "Mercy"

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the body is nil. And certainly it is also true of the sacramental order of the Church. The gift that our Lord has given us in its own body and in its blood, without the spirit, the body is nil. In this way we have the order of life, daily life, knowledge, deliberately and carefully again and again brought into contact with the sacral interaction for us concentrated in celebration of the Mass. The body is still. its personal needs for our life, for our individual life.


For example, this relation between the spirit and the body, that can be applied in many different ways to our life. For example, the way we have handled the life of a prayer, of a public prayer, as it is the life of an individual, personal prayer. And there in some way we have that relation again. Out of the spirit, the body is in. The public prayer, in some way, is God. But it has to be very impersonal, like our efforts, the experiments that we have been trying out, and now suddenly, again, on a feast of Christian vigils, it's one of those attempts to try to


for the celebration of virgins. Because virgins, there is a certain volume, and the volume often has an image between the elements of the body. And that volume has to be unimpeded. Still it has to be, has to pervade, has to inform. Now, we have tried and tried to display it, it's on the top one, I should say. The solution, we may have no external solution of the problem, but sometimes the external form may make it safe in a special way, and make it more easy to have the problem instead than to give. But there is also the other evidence in our life that it's about the two orders of prayer and of work.


And there too, again, without the stillness, the body is dead. Then we can apply the concept of the body power to the growth, to the daily work, to work. in the office where we are, not here at the desk, at my office, or whatever it is, or else, work without this, that is, that very thought, without the spirit, the body, that is, between what we do in the chapel, and what we do at the desk, or wherever it is, place where we work, We should be aware that in our deliverance, we have a fornical, explicit connection, so that from the chapel we don't turn immediately to the other path, and then


the law of the world takes over, we forget that we are involved, we are immersed, we proclaim that we are not in the world. The death in the world is a body without the soul, and it is death. So in many languages, for example, life on earth, the life of living beings, breath on earth, The body is in it, the mind is in it. So we could always, I just wanted to remind you again, we always need that, again, again, to think far and to remember it. When we come up from the chaplain, go into the realm of action, practical actions, like The priest takes the chalice.


It's something that practically acts as something that God has prepared for us. It's his chalice for us, freeing the meaning of the chalice in the Old Testament. And regardless of its providence and its guidance that appears for us in our daily life, We have to stomp, we have to make that a note. Stomach's human and say, now I'm sure to take the chalice. I want the Lord's chalice of salvation. And Lord God will be equal, I'm sure. In the Lord, the name of the Lord. So, our hill is in the name of the Lord. It's the middle. I have to say it again and again and again. The Japs will have to go away and before we start, whenever we are, whatever it is, that's in the line of obediency and tackling it in the course of the day.

