Prophetic Witness of Weston Priory and Mount Saviour

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the Psalms of Christ, we begin with a canonical vision of the sign of the Good Shepherd. Now we celebrate what we call the Sunday of the Good Shepherd. It's Christ, the curious beloved, who has conquered by giving his blood, he has redeemed us, he now is the shepherd who owns the sheep by the blood that he has given for, owns them through his love for. Leads the men on the pastures as he defends them against the wolves and the robbers, because they are so fearless.


And that is the Lord to whom you dedicate yourselves today in a special way, in a wishing, in a sweeping time, which you live under the special supervision of the Good Shepherd, represented of you by the Honest Master, and you are there, that carefully protected foe, appreciate, and you go in, you go out, and it is in order of high pasture, there you are being fed. Faith has been the reliance, that's both a function of the good shepherd and the other one, being defended.


Faith against the devil. It's all kinds of efforts to get into the fold, to disturb the peace of those that are there under the protection of the good shepherd. The good Shepherd is the one who feeds you. Our Lord Jesus Christ feeds you. What is He? There is shoring in His love for you. The good things, good things of God. What He wants you is to have that hunger and that inner zeal to find these good things that the Lord has prepared for us. On the vastness of the Holy Scriptures, these things are filled with His own presence, in His mystery, especially in the Holy Eucharist.


There you meet Him, the Good Shepherd, And keep that picture of Christ as the Good Shepherd really deep in your soul. The one who feeds is the one who knows what is really and truly good. He shows you the right path. And that's what your deed, that's what makes your life as a novice. and they are on a happy memory for the rest of your monastic life. Then your eyes are opened as the eyes of the disillusioned emeralds, and they recognize Him. And they suddenly see the glory, the depth, the goodness,


message of the Holy Spirit. That is nothing in a vision, it is not something that wants to kind of put you into a ready-made form, and kind of press you into it. No, it's a time when you should be on the path. You should rejoice in the Lord, and we In all these, the true balance of the whole world, God's creation itself, all then belongs to the past. And then you have your brethren around, and they are not the past. And there you find, you find good example, you find virtues, You buy and find all these things that lift up your hearts and make your hearts rejoice.


Then there is also the other function of which I will speak. He gives his life. He gives his life. You realize that on the water you have seen a little more of the world. And you now are entering into this year to kind of waitfully look back on the omination or circumstances to which the Lord has taken you out of the world as far as it is. Not serving, not to lead by Christ. You have tasted in heaven so in awe. You will experience the frustration connected with that search to find somewhere in this world to be placed and function that really and truly fills you.


And you will see how much all of a sudden the environment puts it to the charge that unfortunately so many people, whether it's family, And the soul that you bring on the land stage, it's the blood of our God that has redeemed you. And that's the same also with you. For according to you know what you are doing, and you turn away and turn to the monastery. That's for us. It's for the whole world. simplicity of being. Then the good shepherd has still another function. Not only it feeds you, not only it gives its life to you and serves its contents, simple as love, but it also leads you into that face-to-face, from person to person.


He is the soul, Now, son of this heavenly Father, for he has come here to us to open the way to the God who sees me, sees the Father. The Good Shepherd calls his own by their name. That's really the meaning of it. He is the Father's brother. He calls the sheep by their name. He knows them. In the wisdom of the Father, leads them to this personal encounter of faith. Bless what you are speaking to, Lord and Son of Christ. Now, usually in these things I have noticed, I forget, the main thing then is the giving of the name.


Do it right now. Brother Walt, because of all this we have said, we thought it would be good for you to take and leave your monastic life under the patronage of St. George. St. Jerome is a man who has tasted the bitterness of the world, and that chalice that the devil has to offer. And he had stirred away, and he went and he ran to the good pastures of the holy scriptures, to those words of Eli, And he was the man who was able, with his background, also his literary background, education that he had, was able to appreciate deeply, not only that, but also opened up the meaning of Holy Scripture to others.


And Julian did not, for the Scripture, follow Satan. And they had to learn how to cope with him. We have spoken about it, and you should have seen Philip, the apostle. Do you notice that, since Philip is not one of the most brilliant stars on the trip, and why he's not the apostle? But he's one of the slow ones. It takes him a long time. But since I know him, it takes care of him. And then he, at the last sermon, at the 14th chapter, becomes the Christian of the Lord, makes it known to be his own, and he leaves them. And there St. Thomas and St. Philip are the two who are with him, not that the sick want to go on a trip.


It's a little heavy, and it's in Philip, but Philip has that one ring. Screw those bottles, and that's all we want. That's what people call simplicity. And then it's really truly by internal advice, you know, what what God has given to your soul, and then that warm, big desire towards the Father, then it's all gone. See, there is, thanks be to God, oneness, that's concentrated on the warm, big, then desire, and then the Lord tells you, through the Spirit, who sees me, sees the Father, And then he tells him, and then it's the awakening to all of us, and we apply it to all of us. You have a credibility all of this time, and you have a link.


And then it's the truth. How long, how often, and how many different ways we can seek Christ, be with Christ, read about Christ, still do not We do not penetrate to that inner, his inner mystery, that he is the Father's face, that he is the Father's manifestation, radiant, truly the Son. If there is what is our monastic life, the soul of our monastic life is this. with the son, our son, and as sons, and only as sons, see the father. The person could not see the father. The beast don't see him as son. The father is not simply a neutral object that you can look at with a microscope.


Father means in itself an inner personal relation of the son. And do you know we are imperiled? The rule of St. Benedict is simply geared to this, to fool those and kill those who don't want to see anything but the Father. To whom it is enough to see the Father, to be consoled. And so they are consoled in that. with the guidance of a sympathetic being, live your monastic life in such a way. And then you will have the two of them, both of them constantly being reborn by the Son, by the Word, as children of your heavenly Father. And wherever that relation takes place, that's between the Father and the Son, there also is then the Holy Spirit.


There is no reason, because, in general, we cannot have children of the same father out, and also, being the ninth of a kind in the Holy Spirit is called the perfect form of charity. And that is what you are looking for. So many of us are being given the time of salvation. Live it with us, wait for the love of the Lord, in full joy, in the spiritual pastures that you are allowed and invited to feed on, and bring them, following the love, bring them also. Celebrate with the love of the Lord.

