Unified Spiritual Connections in Rituals
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Cosmic Christian Liturgy
The talk titled "Cosmic Christian Liturgy" outlines a vision of a spiritual gathering that emphasizes integration with the divine, nature, and humanity through communal rituals and prayers. It explores themes of unity, elemental reverence, transformation, and spiritual communion, drawing on liturgical elements to create a holistic spiritual experience and discuss the interconnectedness of all beings.
Referenced Works and Connections:
Moses and the Prophets: Used to explain the fulfillment of religious prophecies, pointing towards the significance of scriptural narratives in shaping the understanding of divine presence and historical religious revelations.
Creation Sacrifices: Mentioned as symbolic reenactments that highlight the ongoing process of creation and transformation, linking religious rituals to cosmic processes.
Melchizedek's Offering: Referential to biblical traditions of priesthood and sacrifice, underscoring the importance of continuity and tradition in spiritual practice.
Sri Ramana Maharshi: The mention of this figure connects the talk to spiritual traditions outside of Christianity, suggesting a universal application of its central themes across different belief systems.
The Last Supper and Eucharistic References: These are invoked to elucidate themes of sacrifice, remembrance, and unity within the Christian tradition, drawing parallels between historical events and their symbolic representation in rituals.
The Lord's Prayer and Islamic Prayers: Integration of Christian and Islamic prayer elements suggests an inclusive approach towards spirituality, promoting unity among diverse religious practices.
AI Suggested Title: Unified Spiritual Connections in Rituals
AI Vision - Possible Values from Photos:
Speaker: Raimundo Panikkar
Location: Mount Saviour Monastery
Possible Title: Word Out of Silence Symposium - Cosmic Christian Liturgy
Additional text: Side one: 43 min 45 sec, 2-track mono, Dolby B, 7-1/2 ips, TDK-SD. Copyright 1973 Mount Saviour Monastery Pine City, N. Y. 14871. Duplicating Master
Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1972
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. We wish you a very, very happy birthday. Happy birthday. Oh, the reason you do this, oh, [...] I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. I bear witness again and again that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji. the grace of God, the fellowship we can't not have, harmony in nature, peace in all. No, no, I'm so guilty of you.
Let us pray. All depend from us, the priest, Be it heavenly ritualism or a meaningful life, all depends on our will and intention, on our simple faith, on our sincere collaboration in helping both of you, each other, in creating here, now, forget the past.
Here's the regard on the future. regaining the freedom of a child and re-creating the human heart here. The use of words is one sacred state. not so automatic. A holy time which is not heavy movement of the body. In authentic gathering
to which we can put ourselves. Could we not go for an hour, let go for longer? We are already here. May come to the spirit. just for a while. We have still to learn way together, because the prayer is new every time. We need to be reconstructed, to make it whole, to begin happening in nature, to become fellowship with men,
to establish communion with the Divine. These steps would be good like to re-enact these models. being conscious both of our union with and our estrangement from nature. Thus we shall bring the four elements to the altar, prepare and worship them,
Bless them, and bless me. We shall bring, in the second part, the world of man, and again, both, the joy of our fellowship, and the suffering, the wars of incommunication, And thirdly, celebrate with pain and joy again our communion with the God. It will again be stressed that we are quiet
and yet split. That is man's same colleague, yet not the same King. The Theatres, the Bibles, would manifest as powerful quotes Archdiocese, if this worship is for family. Amen. Praise the Lord, amen. Praise the Lord, all thine inheritance, Prayer makes me feel alive.
Prayer makes me feel alive. [...] We'll walk on the road of life, the road of life, so that we'll live on the road of hope and hope. Praise God the Lord in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Robots to end the game of Xenoblade 1, Xenoblade 2, Xenoblade 3, Xenoblade 4, Xenoblade 5, Xenoblade 6, Xenoblade 7, Xenoblade 8, Xenoblade 9, Xenoblade 10, Xenoblade 11, Xenoblade 12, Xenoblade 13, Xenoblade 14, Xenoblade 15, Xenoblade 16, Xenoblade 17, Xenoblade 18, Xenoblade 19, Xenoblade 20, Xenoblade 21, Xenoblade 22, Xenoblade 23, Xenoblade 24, Xenoblade 25, Xenoblade 26, Xenoblade 27, Xenoblade 28, Xenoblade 29, Xenoblade 29, Xenoblade 30,
Religions meant for all the time and for the purpose of the world Religions used against all the people of the East Religions used in the memory of the nations of the East All the people [...] of the nations of the Let the waters come into the sanctuary and into the altar. Yes.
Yeah. We mould your waters before everything was made. Waters are cleansed, spirit, body, matter. The waters that the dogs aim for are not unfamiliar to the recipient.
All of them are solid. The waters were the first symbol of life. for the whole universe. The holy vortex on which the spirit was floating, which comes down just like living and lying, the type of ignorance which we for a while had thought inexhaustible, and which now we begin to realize that they are also limited.
We revere the waters. And we ask for blessings from higher forces through the water. Let that power of ourselves which we call Earth. End of the century. Holy Father Earth, who sustained, who saved everything, who nourished everything.
We have sinned against you. and would like now more than just a moment of silence, as a convenience for you, recognize that you and we are closely related, than what we sometimes with human pride tend to think. And as an act of atonement, and also as a pledge to God, that we would like to be with you with more care, with more respect, never forgetting
that by the reliance of the Antichrist also wills pain from the earth. Come here to the altar, those who care, and touch him. And perhaps, as we still used to say, burden a little our hands, but no touch. Those who would like to come to the altar and touch Thank you. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Let's set fire These are the stars, which illuminates the sun, which also brings us all around. Come, Lord. And see this time, embrace it, take it to us.
Let's remember all what we know and forget as we go along. Let's put our hands in the fire. Om. Om. Om. I don't want to lose it, that's why. I don't want to lose it, that's why.
I don't want to lose it, that's why. [...] Aum. Sri Ramana Maharshi
And the fire disappears from the outside and enters into our hearts. fire is warm and lively, and which we pray not to be extinguished. So that our hearts may now last, may illumine the kingdom of war that now That strangling smoke will be some time to finish this.
We have brought these four elements into the altar. These four masks now. Some of us, one, will go outside then fetch the air. Inhale, take the breath of air in. But please, only when we are convinced that this is a symbolic breath, whose meaning we may ponder later and even discover more and more. If we are on this day, or try again to establish a world of perhaps lost local nature.
We follow. The way and sound, all the way to the way and sound, are inspired all through. By the way or by the way, are inspired all through. I will, [...]
I'm a spider, [...] I don't know the reason I'm crying today. I don't know the reason I'm crying today. I don't know the reason I'm crying today. I don't know the reason I'm crying today. All right, all right, all right, all right. May the fruits of the earth, flower of the fields, also share in our celebration.
Amen. Amen. If it's your love, it's me you're praying to, I'm a lost one, I'll be there. Oh, if it's your love, it's me you're praying to, I'm a lost one, I'll be there. Chosen to be part of the world. All hail the God of truth, All hail the King of all, [...] All hail the
Oh, if he had not come from the heavens above, he still would be living on earth as you are. He is true, he is true, he is a boy, young and old. The world of man is small, but complete. Let's open our eyes and see the light.
Let's sharpen our ears and hear the silence. Let's see our result. Let's take a look at our flair.
Still, the seed begins to bloom. The flowers, the earth. Next stop, touch my mother and do a dance. Namo Buddhaya [...] I love you.
I'm all alone in the basement [...] Yeah. Thank you.
Oh The world of the mind is also the mind. The mind of this world, this earth, this cosmos, this universe. this now, in this part of ourselves. Why have two worlds? Why all this? And two more words and then it goes on to the end of the tour.
until he finished the whole section of his book. And yet there's more and more of his first character, his second, his third, and so on. Who can describe the greatness and the glory of the things a man does as he walks through the field of prayer? And when the word comes out of his mouth, the word goes through his ears, and his ears hear words and act the same. And then the word bends and feeds on the soul, Each word made conveyed in the soul, never to be separated from it, and is simply the first word presented. By the first being of the word, blessed, it begs and pleads in the soul to not leave it. Because when we become true, we feel with the lovers between us that deeply we're bound for another. And you see my glory and my beauty, my grandeur, How can you separate yourself from me, and go away from me?
It is good that you have to go on, because you have more treasures to get, but how can you separate yourself from me, and forget me? In any case, see that wherever you go, wherever you come to, you never really forget me, and you're never really far from me. How much worse will we finish as an entire earth, In the hope word, to a hope thread, big hope would be as for a little brother. And the word comes before him, and follows him, and graces him, and keeps him, and does bread and love. Because she says to him, hadn't he been separated from me? I know not any more words yet to say, and we won't part thereof until the service is finished. But ye have a day, mate. And therefore the only thing to do is to make all of prayer one.
So that in every word that man speaks there will be present all the words of prayer in others. So that from the beginning of prayer to the end of prayer the prayer will be one. It will expand to the last letter of the last word of the last prayer. He will still be standing there and still be present with the First Man. I am neither Christian nor Jew, nor Zoroastrian nor Bosnian. I am not of the East nor of the West, nor of the Land nor of the City. I am not of nature's knowledge, nor of the simply known. I am not the earth, nor water, nor air, nor fire. I am not the impermanence, nor the dust, nor of existence, nor of entity. I am not a pentium, nor a child, nor an alternative, nor a substance.
I am not of this world, nor of the next. Nor of paradise, nor of hell, nor of Adam, nor of Kings, nor of demons, only this one. My place is the placeless. My trace is the traceless. It is neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the world. I put broadly away. I have seen that the two worlds are one. One I see. One I know. One I see. One I call. He is the first. He is the last. He is the outward. He is the inner. I know none other except Yahuwah. Yah-ma-hu. I pray for all of us here, for all the beings that we love, for all the beings that we don't know, and for all the people on this planet, that we could take your gifts in a way that is good for our beings, for your purposes,
and that we can take it into ourselves and transform it into more gift and more faith. I don't know what this is. Every day of my life is like a further entering into what this is. And I feel like it goes far enough into what this is I would find the center of it, the answer to all the questions that they may ever have. So I thank you, really, for all the stuff that you do. There aren't enough words ever to give you praise, to say thank you. Thank you.
Thank you for all. Amen. I ask that you bless my eyes, that they may see me on working. I ask that you bless my lips, that they may speak in your sound. I ask that you bless our hearts, for they may have meaning in our lives. May the Lord be in your heart. Put the right words in your lips. Inspire your mind to answer for all of us, with words, with fire, to convey to us the view. I speak for you. from all planets up, Dakota vision man.
In the life of the Indians, there is one intangible duty, the duties of training, the daily recognition of the unspeakable and eternal. The daily devotion of the Indian is more necessary to him than may be fully. He wakes at midday break. He puts on his moccasins. He steps to the water's edge. Here he throws hands full of clear, cool water on his face, or plunges in full body. And after the bath, he stands erect before the advancing dawn, facing the sun as it dances over the horizon. and offering his unspoken prayer. His mate may precede him, his mate may follow him, but she may never accompany him.
Her mate may precede her, her mate may follow her, but he may never accompany her. For each soul meets the morning sun, and each soul needs the sweet earth, and each soul needs the new day in the great silence of God. Whenever in the course of the day they come to bed, you come upon a scene that is strikingly beautiful or sublime, a black thundercloud with a rainbow-loving arch above them, a white waterfall to the heart of a green gorge, a vast prairie tinged for you with the blood of the setting sun. You must pause, pause for an instant, and attend to worship.
You must never have spent a part, only one day for praise. Seven names were revealed that God of our people had given us. Seven names of the will, belong to Him, in prayer. Let's pray, please, that they may walk the path of the truth on these earth. May the Kingdom of Righteousness for you, of all who come from country. This reading shares with us the awareness of the sacredness of the earth, the sacredness of the daily, the sacredness of sharing, not only the fruit of the earth,
truth of life, sharing God's love and life. That same day that Jesus was crucified, and a woman, Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary had gone to bed. And all the women told the apostles that they could not find His body to Two of the disciples were on their way to a village called the Veils, which lay about seven miles in Jerusalem. And they were talking together among all these sacrifices. As they talked and discussed it with one another, Jesus himself came along and walked along with them. But suddenly he came to their eyes and said who it was. They had no awareness that this stranger was Jesus.
And looking at them, he asked them, what is it that you are debating about? They halted, their faces full of gloom, and one thought clear was answered, sir, you must be the only person staying in Jerusalem not to know what happened there the last few days. What do you mean, a stranger said? All this about Jesus of Nazareth, they replied. A fraud of thorough speech and action before God, before the whole people. How our priests in liturgy handed him over to the Assyrians and how they crucified him. But we, they're hoping, he was the man to liberate God's people. What is the order? This is the third day since it happened. And some of the women who were accompanying us, they went really close too, but failed to find this one.
And they returned with this story, that they had seen a vision of angels, angels who told them Jesus was alive. So some of our people went back to the truth and followed things just as the woman had said. But Jesus, they did not see. How dumb you are, answered the stranger. How dumb, how stupid to believe all that the prophet said. Was it a sign like one to suffer before a new Lord? Then the stranger began with Moses and all the prophets, and explained to them all the passages, referring to himself. By this time he had reached the foot from which they were going. And Jesus made his way to continue his journey. But then Christ said, Sir, please stay with us.
Even if you throw a spear, the day is almost over. So he wanted to stay with them in the inn. And when he had sat down with them at table, he took a breath, and said a lesson. He broke the bread, and offered it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And immediately, he vanished from their sight. And they said to one another, did not you feel our hearts on fire? as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us. When you're on a voyage, I know you'll be with me.
You'll carry on walking my way, smiling bright on our journey. When you're a star that's almost gone, you'll be with me. Wherever I come from, you'll be with me. You know that, don't you? Every hour of my life you have given all of me this way. Thank you for my salvation. Every hour of my life you have given all of me this way.
Thank you for my salvation. Every hour of my life you have given all of me this way. Thank you for my salvation. Every hour of my life you have given all of me this way. O Allah, make your hand on the Prophet's chest, make your hand on the Prophet's forehead, make your hand on the Prophet's feet. O Allah, make your hand on the Prophet's chest. May the Lord accept.
Bless. This is bread, wine, water in the wine which is no longer water, our prayers, our gifts, our time, our space, our sadness, our sorrows, our joys, our doubts, our certainties. And not only ours, but those of the whole world. Accept, bless, and transform
this bread, this wine, this water, our prayers into what they asked for. Not allowing, however, never prayer be excused not to act in order to contribute ourselves for what we are praying for. And our sufferings into something fruitful if they can not be alleviated. And our joy is in something more than just superficial enjoyment. and ourselves also unto you, and the whole world also into that final stage of transformation, which we may call the New Heaven, the New Earth.
May He accept the sacrifice for Abel, the first man, the normal man, like us, with whom we are now in communion. Merciful step, these are offerings also in union with the offering of the All-Patriarch Melchizedek. In the name of Abraham, the father of the believers of one of the filaments of the human tradition. In the name of that one and unique sacrifice, according to the Shruti, which is performed in the beginning of the world, which is reenacted each time we commemorate the
and which shall find its fulfillment in a place where there is no place, in a time which has transcended time. May He accept all our gifts, ourselves, and this offering be a real offering, so that the sanctified may be also Pray for your son. Pray, friends, brothers and sisters, that these sacrifices today, at the breaking of the day, be acceptable to God, the All-Mighty Father. Amen. May the Lord be with you at this hour, and with your spirit. May the grace of God be with you today, and with your spirit. May the grace of God be with you today, and with your spirit. Our entreaties, prayers, intentions, we feel inclined to share with God and with one another, may now be God's.
by remembering this moment, Father Thomas, who is present among us, and whom we also have included in this sacrifice, because it's also possible, it was before And your father, Thomas Burton, poet, fell. And your mother, Ann Steinhold, my fifth spiritual father, who I adored and so inspired by. I drove down here again, wanting to be with the person who was unable to be with me.
Born here in the country of Earth, you're stubborn. No, it's not true. The only way I've come into the world, I've ended up in line with the truth. where is the Godness of human beings? Perceive and challenge and admire others that they may gather the fruits of it for the future of justice and for the poor people that live there. Families and poor family. I vow to live a life without egos, without love, without hate, without fear. May all mankind live a life of love and peace, with love and joy.
For my mother, who gave us her 1600 year of life, that she may live it to the fullest. For my wife, on her 21st wedding anniversary today. For the children of Belfast and Vietnam, where there is no silence. For Brother Peter, for Brother John, for Brother David, for all the brothers of this monastery, for their hospitality and generosity. May our words be not our words. May our thoughts be not our thoughts. May our lives be not our lives. We're all residents of chapels and inmates of asylums and non-sedation. We're all who have been hurt, either knowingly or actually, willingly, or unwillingness, and those who ever will, knowingly or unwillingly, destroy life.
For all men and angels, to which we return. Well, I thought I'd listen to my father's successful life. John made an insistent resolution. During these days, together, we have been drinking from the same cup. A cutlass cup. And as we go away, Let us, let the flavor flow. But nothing falls.
Nothing. But we may remember this mountain as holy all our life, endlessly. That on the last day, when the secrets of all hearts are revealed, not the secrets of our hearts, but the mercy of God may overwhelm us. Thanksgiving for our vulnerability and our willingness to allow God to reveal His kind side. that as we are all together, silently, in the mind of God, we might be, from time to time, and into eternity, a pulse beat in the hearts of one another.
May you come to truly honor and love, and reset one another's world. Realizing that all this may trickle down to every plain fold, holy bed, everything the same. I pray for the gift of pursuit for all of us, that we may continue to thirst Our Lord has been strengthened in saying this. Those we have hurt and those we love,
Nothing has been left unsaid. Nothing has been forgotten in our prayers. And if something of the wide world and the universe has not been included, we'd like still to embrace it, so that our prayer falls again on us, investing us with the power, the responsibility of realizing, of being instruments of that for which we fail, collaborating with you. The Lord leads you.
He cannot harm you if you do not obey Him. He thanks you, Lord our God. It is right to give thanks and praise. It is right to give thanks and praise everywhere, in every moment, in every occasion, but perhaps especially, Lord, today. It is night and dark, the same view for everything, and to ask me to maintain us in this attitude of thankfulness and gratitude, which is only possible when we are totally empty and we receive every breath of life, every ray of life, every word of man, every sight of things, as the gratuitous and gracious gift coming ultimately from you, so that our works then may be sincerely uttered, not only when something flatters our vanity or is agreeable to our senses or matches with our ideas, but also when enriches us in a paradoxical way, coming
in the opposite family. So that then our lives will be a hymn of praise and gratitude, and just now we'd like to join our thanksgiving and praise with the rocks and the flowers and the fruits and the animals who didn't want to come inside today, but whom we have already even blessed. and with the world of man, and with angels, and dominations, and asuras, and gandharvas, and all the spirits, thrones, and trinity, so that, with the whole creation, we may atone the killing of the whole universe, to the infinite and powerful Midgard, singing. O my Lord, [...]
O God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Allah is the Greatest. The world began with sacrifice, goes on unfurling to the participation, to the creation, to the beaming and transforming sacrifice.
Do you remember how our Lord Jesus, just before He was going to face death, The death had perhaps been the choice by which he previously accepted, before he was betrayed. He gathered his friends and assignments around him, he gave thanks and praises to God, his Father. He took bread, he blessed it, he broke it. and gave it to his disciples, saying, take this, all of you, and eat it.
This is my calling, which will be given out for you. After supper, that holy Jewish feast He was celebrating. He took the cup, gave thanks again, gave the cup to his disciples, saying, take this, all of you, and drink from it. This is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and the blessed. Come, it will be shed for you and for all men. So I say this, may we forgive. Do this in our faith, in Islam. As we lift up our heads now and ask, Lord, as we lift up our heads now and ask,
The Spirit of God is outside, The Spirit of God is inside, The Spirit of God is outside, The Spirit of God is inside, May the Holy Spirit come. union with the whole world, with all the peoples of the universe, and again remembering all the sayings, all the sacrifices of the Covenant, humbly we beseech you, O Lord, to accept also our participation, to share,
in you, in the way you have given us. And this is why now, with a new heart, we would like to sing an old song. O God, who art in heaven and on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Give us this day our daily bread, I thank you for giving us a lot of credit to start this event. I love to remind you of all the good things that you've done, and I'm so happy that you can start.
I thank you for giving us a lot of credit to start this event. I love to remind you of all the good things that you've done, and I'm so happy that you can start. leaving us off from any evil, real or imaginary, small or big, from any anxiety and despair, and through us in hope and joy to our surrounding world. We'd like to receive from you the gift of peace, that peace which surpasses all understanding, which comes only from above, and of which, from which we receive, and of which we'd like to be instrument, instruments of that very peace.
which we have already given to one another, which will appear, but perhaps in a humble way, in a state of giving up things which are sincerely close from our hearts, less symbolized by wanting the peace just by asking forgiveness to one another, but not evangelistically, feeling that we can already offer a peace, but that we may, perhaps, feel at the feet of one another, saying, It's more possible to be hurt than hurt man.
And that's what I'm going to do to you. He's telling me he's pissing out in the bathroom. And I know if you wait to receive Communion, I'm asking you to hand over the Body of Christ, and the life, and seed, and yield, and name. The law of the sign of Communion and also contradiction. We need to play with each other. That's good.
I've been there. With the rising of the sun, the coming of the sun, the sun on the whole earth, we thank you, Lord, for this week, for this coming weekend, for all the efforts, essays, inspiration, mistakes,
good direction, wrong ways, love, and sometimes maybe, perhaps also, less love, which we have lived and experienced these days living together. This could be a phantom another mockery, a new act of hypocrisy, an elitistic separation from the real world and ignorance of the problems of mankind. This could be an escapism and an aesthetic intuition of a narcissistic soul, or a real turning point in our life In the lives of this community and of all prospective communities, in our hearts, a deeper understanding of the failures of ourselves, of the shortcomings, and of this infinite desire to become one, to give peace to the world, to establish justice among men,
the sampling of our importancy, and the growing of our daily powers. All these we would like, Lord, to include in our final prayer, asking from You that blessing which we don't know what it is. which we don't know how to formulate, which every symbol is imperfect, and every word is a lie, and yet we realize that without Your blessing we can do nothing. Let us then humbly bow our heads and accept the blessing from You, who still either is the one who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There will be no more. The mass never ends. And what do we do in peace? We live in peace.
of the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia