Unknown Date, Serial 00413

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Sunday through Saturday Lauds/Vespers

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Possible Title: Friday Lauds - Vespers
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Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1972 Most likely recorded on consecutive days


so so O God, come to my assistance.


O Lord, make haste to help me. Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For now and forever, amen. Alleluia. Rescue me, Lord, from your curse. from the blood that gave me strength from the wounds of my neighbor and her heart day. Push off the mantle of my advance, with the voice of a viper of theirs. Lord, guide me from the hands of the wicked, from the vile that keep me slain, and guard the way of his son. Though proud and bitter or troubled, they have spread out lines of death.


♪ Set slayers across my path ♪ ♪ I have said to the Lord, you are my God ♪ ♪ Lord, hear the cry of my appeal ♪ ♪ Lord, my God, my mighty God ♪ ♪ You shield my head in the mountains ♪ ♪ Do not grant the wicked their desire ♪ ♪ God, let their plot succeed ♪ Lord, so lovingly lift up their heads, let the valiance of their speech go around them, let the waltz of fire ring around them, let them be drunk in the abyss to rise no more. Let the slander not endure upon the earth. Let evil of the world back to death. I know, O Lord, that I was so poor, that He wrote You justice for me.


Yes, the just will praise Your name. Your blood shall live in Your presence. Praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. ♪ Whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ In our lives without you, what do you do? Let my prayer arise before you like incense. The raising of my hands like an evening ovation. Said, O Lord, adore for my love.


Keep watch, O Lord, at the door of my faith. Do not turn my heart to things that are wrong. Do evil deeds with them who are sinners. Never allow me to share in their feasting. If a good man strikes or recruits me in disguise, But let the oil of the wicked not alight my head. Daily I count with them balanced bread. Their faces were thrown out by the side of the road. Then they understood that my words were gone. As a millstone is shattered to pieces on the ground. So, with one last question, You are in order to spare my soul.


From the traps they have laid for me, keep me safe. Keep me from the slayers of those who do evil. Let the wicked fall into the traps they have set. While I pursue my way on. Give grace to the Father, the Son, and Christ, too, Both now and for ages, and then beyond. With all my voice I cry out, O Lord.


With all my voice I have preached, O Lord. I pour out my trouble before you. I turn in all my distress, while my spirit faints within. But you, O Lord, know my path. On the way there I shall walk. Then in a stint when traveling, Look on my right and see. There is no other taste, my Lord. I have no means of escape. Not one who cares for my soul. I cry to you, O Lord, I have set you on my branch, all I have in the land of the living. Listen then to my cry, for I am in the depths of distress.


Rescue me, O God, so that soon, for they are spoken Bring my soul out of this prison, and then I shall praise your name. How proudly the just will ascend, because of your goodness to me. Praise the God and the Son, and I'll be still, both now and for later on. A reading from St. Paul's second letter to the Corinthians. Scripture says, I believed and therefore I spoke out. And we too, in the same spirit of faith, believe and therefore speak out.


For we know that he who raised the Lord Jesus to life will, with Jesus, raise us too. Indeed, it is for your sake that all things are ordered, so that, as the abounding grace of God is shared by more and more, the greater may be the chorus of thanksgiving that ascends to the glory of God. No wonder we do not lose heart. Though our awkward humanity is in decay, yet, day by day, we are inwardly renewed. Our troubles are slight and short-lived. and thereafter come an eternal glory which outweighs them by time. Meanwhile our eyes are fixed not on the things that are seen, but on the things that are unseen. For what is seen passes away, but what is unseen is eternal. For we know that if the earthly frame that houses us today should be demolished,


We possess the building to which God has provided, a house not made by human hands, eternal and inherent. In this blessed body we do indeed groan. We yearn to have our heavenly habitation put on over this one, in the hope that, being thus clothed, we shall not find ourselves naked. We groan indeed we who are enclosed within this earthly frame, We are oppressed because we do not want to have the old body stripped off. Rather, our desire is to have a new body put on the world, so that our mortal part may be absorbed into life immortal. God himself has shaped us for this very thing, and as a pledge of it, he has given us this view. Behold our Lord, like heaven and grace, alone, disposing all your pain, at your command the earth conformed, the reptiles and all things appeased.


You spoke and they were given life, the mighty creatures you have made, and put them in the heart of man, that he might use them in his deed. Drive far away from us your sons, the evil that endangers us, have ceased to mingle with our thoughts, and so with self in all our deeds. Be still, all of us, the voice of joy, the graces you alone can give. Break loose the chains that this choir brings, make blessed be to thine own. O Gem, The Father, the Mother, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Father, the Mother, the Father, [...] the


His mercy is eternal, all those who fear him. Christ, all glory, Christ, my love, my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. He looks on, discerning no nothingness, henceforth all ages will call me blessed. The Almighty One smiles for me, holy is His name. His mercy is from age to age on those who fear Him. He puts forth His arm in strength and scatters the proud apart. He casts the mighty from death's throes, and raises the lowly.


He fills the starving with good things, sends the rich away. He protects His child, His herd. Remember Him, His mercy, the mercy promised to God. for Abraham and his sons forever. Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and forever. Amen. His mercy is eternal on those who fear him. Let us pray for all those who fear suffering and death, that they may receive the gift of faith in the victory of Saviour our Lord Jesus Christ.


The Lord have mercy. That we may be confident we give to one another according to the Spirit of God's love for all. Christ have mercy. For all young people and their faith may be given. And they may pay tax in our lives to conform to the wits of those around them. Lord have mercy. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to stay our neighbourhood, I will forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Amen. Why is the deal with all of them? Alleluia.


Alleluia. [...] You and I are one in the same, we have no difference. There are many, [...] many Shanti [...]


Om Namah Shivaya Amen. you

