Child-like Humility: Path to Redemption
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Talks to Community
The talk explores the concept of divine election and redemption, emphasizing the necessity of aligning with the Father's will and considering oneself as a child in humility to enter God's Kingdom. It underscores the tension between predestination and free will, suggesting that fulfilling the Father's will offers a pathway to divine joy and redemption. The process involves overcoming three main obstacles: indoctrination, ambition, and entrenched habits, proposing that true transformation requires a child-like simplicity free from preconceived notions and pride.
Gospel of Mark, Chapter 3, Verses 31-35: Illustrates the idea of entering into a spiritual family by doing the Father's will, challenging listeners to consider their spiritual kinship over biological ties.
Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 11, Verse 25: References a prayer wherein Jesus praises the Father for revealing divine truths to "little children" rather than the "wise and learned," proposing the child-like quality of receptivity as vital for divine understanding.
Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 18, Verses 1-3: Discusses becoming like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, emphasizing the need for humility and transformation.
Reference to St. Paul and Calvin: Used in discussing concepts of divine predestination and the will of the Father, suggesting the importance of theological frameworks in understanding spiritual election and fulfillment.
The talk encourages deep reflection on personal beliefs, competitiveness, and habitual behaviors as potential barriers to achieving a child-like openness and purity necessary for spiritual growth and alignment with divine intentions.
AI Suggested Title: Child-like Humility: Path to Redemption
AI Vision - Possible Values from Photos:
Speaker: Rev. Fr. Damasus Winzen
Location: Mt. Saviour Retreat
Possible Title: Conf. #3
Additional Text: Total time c. 66 min
book about the plan of divine election. Now of course, I realize that always thinking, think about these things. Especially the problem of election creates in nature, that needs to be the human mind. He is, he's mute. Especially on his own. And to me, this tremendous thought is necessary as part of the power of power into the human mind, which leads to reach another world, which was only a quiver of doubts of difficulty, difficulty of thinking of thought. Hallucination, we are all predestined in Christ, then how can we be free from that?
That is to say, the first immediate, uh, natural reaction to this, that is, the power of existence in the divine self, in the world. I warn you, don't listen to these thoughts now, hate what we have said, While things probably unfolded from the official to the official, take that as a manifestation of the obvious principle at work on which everything stands, and that is the Father's love for you. Also accept that this Father's love for you goes through the thought But bear in mind, through this love of the Father, which flows through the thoughts, you will become better.
The one who dies for you needs to bear hope and adore the actions of the Father. So that is the extent of the message, you know, that we were concerned with the fact that we wanted to convey, specifically, so that you can see the entire pattern of Divine Redemption. So it states that the whole pattern of Divine Redemption, the whole scheme of Divine Redemption, is the scheme of the Father's love who loves us first. That's the important thing for all of us to do in the year of the following session. And I want me to use, you know, to state that this divine elector, and I don't forget, he makes, he's a god, he's part of the power of divinity. I would also like him to tell me a thing that we are not sure of.
to the world in which our Lord Jesus Christ Himself invites us to enter into that function, to become a part of that function, to join Him. There is the first quotation which you should take down and pick up. That's from the Gospel of King Mark, the third chapter, from the thirty-first to the thirty-fifth verse. That famous scene where the mother comes to see the child. They merely come to visit the Lord. And they say, Your mother and your brother are dead. Our Lord answered. He looked around and he stared. who are my father and my brother.
Behold my father and my brother, those bodies, whosoever shall do the will of God. The same is my brother, and sister, and mother. Receive the admission into the family of the Lord. He is listening to the family of the Lord, he is to come to God's humble, by doing the will of the Father, doing the will of the Father. He promised to do that at the entrance of the door, he does the will of the Father. Therefore, the spreading of the Sanctus during the will of the Father. But of course, during the will of the Father, even if the person excretes, it still jumps, isn't it?
Constantly again and again, do the will of the Father. For if you have a will of your own, you have the will of the Father. Therefore, Adam is against our Lord's plan, and Satan's the path that leads him to life. And few will find, and few will follow. Many shall cause the few of us to be there trusting in between, in between the divine invitation, the divine call, And? Do we need to explain this? Do we need to? If, for you, we focus learning of a concentration, the progressing concentration, or is it a progressing memory?
Does the element of all human life And then to me that's a whole representing the whole human race! Wow! He doesn't know how to talk like that! And then it's the chosen people. And then finally it's the worst individual. Our Lord Jesus Christ. In that way it's the narrowing of the surface, Master. But in reality, of course, it's the narrowing of which destinies rise to the fullness of salvation. Because here this one individual, our Lord Jesus Christ, he is the Son of God. And the Son of God does the will of the Father, by nature. So therefore,
Not necessary to be counted as children of Ava, but not necessary to be counted as to be faced with the light of the stars of Ava. While Ava transforms far from the progeny of the stars, but what is necessary here is one enters into the disposition of the stars, and one gets to live of the stars. And what is the will of the Father? Yes, that's what is the will of the Father. In the name of Calvingtonius, God is heaven. It's Father Edith, in the name of Calvingtonius, and St. Paul Paul, in the name of Calvingtonius. And for this new resolve,
of the real structure. It's not a paragraph that regulates, for example, the actual life of total people or anything like that. It's not a circumcision or anything. But it is clarity. The law of the New Covenant, our Lord Jesus Christ, shall enter into the will of the Father. That means entering into His galaxy. Now this entering into the will of the Father, which therefore is a free act, and which is a constantly renewed effort, this entering into the will of the Father means that it can be reconstituted. The victory of the Promised Peace can only mean that we become the children.
Now, that is clearly the present depiction of our Lord, who again and again speaks about the children as our example. And those of whom we have to admit actually want to enter into the Kingdom of God. Now, in speaking about that, our becoming human, our Lord can be seen in this. Three groups of faith, and three doors with human traces. How we become human, and what that means to become a child. In the gospels of St. Mark, St. Matthew, or St. Luke, there are three thoughts, you know, which illustrate how we should and should not be coming to.
And all three are just in your mind, you know, meditated upon yesterday. The one is, imagine time as being in St. Matthew, The eleventh chapter and verse thirty-five and the following. Wonderful in prayer of thanksgiving to the Father, who, our Lord and Master, hath hidden these things from the wise ones, and hath revealed them to the children He read Matthew 11, 25. After 15 and after 15 books, it was enough to hear howls. You see here what is the child.
The child is the pattern of the true disaster. The child is doing the foreknowledge. The child is, as yet, transformed by sophistication. Therefore, to become a child means to enter into that disposition of a child, and neither less to learn. A thing is free from indoctrination and sophistication. In other words, it's what we call a child-like space. Child-like space. That child-like space is in these places there, into the Son of God, I should refer to. So that's the first link we are becoming closer.
came now under the leadership position of the T-30 Panzer. But from this the idea that he had to go, it really was the air party. Away from the wisdom of the West, was being forced on the wisdom of the West. So when it's war, they war. And the second story is, You'll find that in the Dropbox game bar. The 9th chapter. Verse 37. You know, that is fast thinking. Well known to you. Further details in the description. Subscribe. Follow us. It's... It's Bottleworth. He goes to hell. He'd be talking to a rabbi of secret expressions.
They'd follow him in a respectful distance. And afterwards, he'd run around them. And he'd ask them, you know, what did you talk about? And it was like he was probably going to know what the experiment was all about. What was in their minds. And of course, then, that happens right off the face. Don't want to tell him. Because he's, he's a gentleman. I don't want to hear any more of that crap. I'm done with it. [...] I'm And there's just people that kind of repeat these questions again, you know. Who would be the great one? And of course, when the real great ones happen, what they're talking about, they immediately realize, well, these are things that engage me.
So that's what they've been talking about, who was the great one? All the followers of God. And then... he got to consume you he sat down and he called the church and he said now here is one of you want to be the first he should be the last one and he should be the first with the church and then in order to illustrate this in He takes the child, but keeps him in school. So he came into the midst of his human mediums. Then he became complex with it, and he took him from his home. However, once the child was from his home, he became complex with it.
How he did this, and when he did it, ... He said to them, whoever takes one of these children, the boys are him by name. That means, It's been where the prophetical cross of the traitor may receive it. He receives it. So there's a series of things, therefore, that leads to the other. One gives the child, the child is the humble one, the child is the lowly one, the child is the most helpless of all creatures. Our Lord took on the child upon His own.
where the world of man became a child in the manger. That's the way the Son of God takes the child into his arms, speaking to our land. He becomes the lowest, the last of all. And so, whoever in that same way He descended from a heavenly throne. Whoever descends from a heavenly throne, that means whoever leads the person across, he becomes a child. They couldn't become a child here in that connection, he just becomes the child. For then, at the same time, so is the needy. That's what we call a trial and error. And in this way it answers. It answers the question. That's the thing it answers.
And therefore there are so many aspects. What does that mean? And then there comes it further. And there you can find, combined with the one I was just talking about right now, the St. Basil's in the ancient chapter. Ancient chapter of St. Basil's. And that is, it is, why it's good, it's good food. And later on, though, then, St. Matthew will give me a combined two days of the program where St. Matthew's God Spirit gives the God Spirit his whole plan, and where he leads his God. The whole plan, the whole process, all of it. So here's where St.
Matthew always puts the subject matter that belongs to every person. So it is true, then, that you have these concerns, but my concerns are not upon us. How can we cover up these? We need to confirm these words, as if we shall, I mean, to confirm these, so we can cover these in line with the law. Fairly, I say unto you, if you are not convinced of the things you don't know, we need to confirm these words. If you don't go and become like Jesus, is there enough interest in the Kingdom of Heaven? It says there, of course, to disciples, as I said before, who already have become acquainted with the Lord,
who already are in the majestic realm of the kingdom of God, belong ultimately to the offsprings of the Lord. But as they have not experienced, they are not as yet really penetrated by the Spirit. So in order to make the penetrating deed, in order to open the path, Our Lord tells us, if you don't circumcise, be calm like a little child, you cannot insert into the Kingdom of God. Now what does that mean? That means, Our Lord tells us, you need to undergo a radical change. A radical change of... A radical change of...
Therefore these are vain, we put it in a negative way, because these are three obstacles which prevent us to become children of God and to enter into his kingdom. With groups of obstacles, I just put them before you so that you can, at the beginning of the retreat, then take off for a little while yourself, too. But I wanted to warn you of one thing, and that is don't listen. Take the advice from me, though, and stay now. Go talk to this one, and go to this one, and that side of this, and that side of the other, please. Don't do that, though. Things are too serious, though. That's change. Change them all, do you think? Because everybody has every option. So, which group they are obstacles we gather to defeat?
Which one is? Suffocating. Long in the finish. The victim of the world that we have absorbed. and which prevents us of taking the attitude of the disciple. The second obstacle is, and this is human thought, who is the good? Even among the followers of Christ, the fact that they are followers of Christ don't mean, you see, that they don't know In exchange, it can get into a heated discussion among themselves over the break-up. Therefore, there is ambition, there is competition, and all these things. And all that is just yet to get under the general label of human fraud.
It may then serve to humble ourselves in the cost of unfulfilling those And then the third, the turn, the conversion, the radical change, what prevents us from that state, that laziness and waste that everybody carries with themselves, it is natural habits. Natural habits are also acquired habits, wrong habits, the famous character, or the If a man is out of three categories, you know, I wouldn't say that they are non-really exhaustive, you know, and give the entire picture. I only take them because they evidently are put before us by the murder of five to six. We are standing at the entrance door into the kingdom of God, you know, and this is the stage of the mystery.
I would not say that we become spiritual. And we have a flame, that means the coffee's quite good. We'll take on that glow, isn't it? Hello, Scooby-Doo. Ready for a radical test. That means, of course, get rid of the old mess. Oh, great. No, the old mess. Now, let us take these three things still and little more in detail. But it would be fair that I repeat that same warning to all of you. So let's start with the first one. First read fortification, indoctrination. This attitude so often prevents us from wanting even to live. We have our pre-conceived notion.
We have our ready-made judgment. And that's the great, greatest entry into the Kingdom of God, especially across to and through that, from the Kingdom of God, which stands as it stands in its own, which is Peter's perspective. But you only think, you know, think about your own acquaintance, your own things and cases that are known to you. But it's a minute obstacle for the spreading of the faith. The fact is that most people are so full of their preconceived notions of their prejudice, they never give the church even a chance, not even a little. For, if they listen, they only listen to contradictions.
They have already their answer ready. They know before they listen that there are a lot of things that are going to be convinced. Because all of you doctrinators, well, survive fully and always, all kinds of ideas. For this also, I want to, uh, Dramatics, like three of the greatest ever to be here at Mount Statham. For others, you know, so much depends on how our economy all goes by. And our big dreams, I would say, have to be everybody else's big other's favorite. You're mechanical. You travel for it. But it doesn't do anything of mine. by giving me a common treasure of doctrine necessary for everyone. Everyone there has to have his certain treasure of doctrine.
And of course, if we talk to them, not just them, we have to give to them. For us, this is good, because those who have nothing to carry on, They have many of them, and it's formally one way or one or the other kind of indoctrination. Which we in other say nowadays, you know, have to take. Having action. If they are even more, many more people reading religious books, especially books on spiritual life, You all have yours, and have you, and have read your books on the third of July? If so, what is my wife's job of teaching? Is there a deal? You have maybe already formed a certain line of thinking.
You have read a book that has really great information. It helps you greatly. And of course, all the things that first enter into a kind of, uh, fancy-tiered mind, might happen to you. Yes. Therefore, there is many ways of developing a good attitude. also reviewed booklets with pointers at a certain community of ideas and ideals. The other issue was how did the first and the last two dialogues enter the individual's consciousness between the individual's strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes it doesn't even seem to be 15 years between him with the use of the laser to finish off.
I was told to observe at least one XT-8 million at 1006 XT-8 million. Why don't I let you know the way in which the XT-8 Every monster in the grandest of night here now that is possibly a god in that way, or else they doesn't exist yet fully. Then, the great danger is there if you stop and he can touch you to something which, to some extent, doesn't exist yet. And he is asked to interpret this thing and to fiddle with the statue with his own eyes. We enter small stages, sometimes with the intention, oh, maybe if I'm there, then, then, then, then I will push the thing a little along this line. Yeah.
To be paralyzed about. That's... natural, but these things... configure certain things. And you have to check, you have to think you are this in your head. I wish that you would think everyone here is me put down, you know, that would think of this. What about my look of joining Bombay, dear? I would think that you would think of this about. So those, you know, those things, you know, made them, they didn't because it's unavoidable, it's because of development, it's going to develop, it will develop. Year after year, the gap seems suddenly to be, suddenly there seems to be a gap, that one hasn't seen it before. There is those who have nothing to guard, those who have sinned.
Don't they know the last of how many? There's a danger in the strong sense. Now wait until I return. Now that I know how they really should die. They pass the runner. Things will be different when I'm gone. That's the thing. And the third thing I want to point out is also all of us, because we are all getting rich, in one way or the other, and then they do the same. I mean, you will, if you don't remain in this mentality of property, you'll be windswept into all these things after a certain time, but you will You will read your books. You will study your philosophy. You will study your theology. And then you go to which of their theological schools.
And then you say the same thing. You say, now I know. Now I can tell what's bothering God. These are all things that are there, and we should see them, everybody should see it, you know. Only it's on, it's on, er, er, what I just want now, I just want to give the kind of, of, er, the old, you know, stuff later on, we go into the details of the practical way to deal And the other great obstacle which would be enhanced despite his, naturally everybody noticed so well, is that of pride. Of pride. One does not want to struggle. That's really its whole history.
In late and fallen human nature, the fears of idiocy, We, we, we don't like a beach. It's our foreign nature. It constantly is that inner thing to have third world there. It's going to have been our, it's been our youth that I mean, you know, you know, uh, don't, well, uh, Christ was independent. Independent. That's one thing that everybody believes in. That he is independent. Independent. Many doctors even draw on the front of the necrophies in the way of making the tendons, but feel the pain.
And that is, as I said before, another occasion that's so deep in everyone. This age is an individualistic age. And this country is an individualistic country. Independence is the goal of everything. The maximum of independence. Within the corpus and all of the time, on its order, that's the concrete corpus. The maximum of independence preserves is the minimum of obligation. Time. And that's not like time. To walk out the year again, turning into a mother's girl, using English to call to me, it's... strange.
One cannot resist to observe what's in the things. that simply runs out of our reach, or soul, or attention. But with that, what then? Enter into the kingdom of God, as we know from the poem, which explains the animosity of God. So there's the great fundament of it, and you have to realize, For there is too many things, you know, in the house, telling me what's up. I can feel the distance between us, shifting with all of us, of, I mean, of, well, of being rude. Great distance of being rude. And there is a danger, you see, again, we are about to be in that way, and this is unspoken.
We don't have a tradition. Those who enter here do not enter into an established institution. Then, for many things and rules of daily life, even the externals are not as they should be. But, of course, it would be completely wrong if we could make a kind of a stock trade off that. As I say, now the spirit of Montevideo, you know, is taking it easy with the world. That, of course, would be wrong. And that would mean, at the end, it would lead to the world's complete disintegration, if you think about that. Because it's a great difference, you know, to follow one's thoughts, it would be just a mechanical thing.
And you put all the emphasis of the monastic life on the external rules. And then immediately look at everybody who breaks the rule as well, which kind of condemns death. It means that it's completely different in our society. They can make rules, they can have a kind of a tariff-based system. But it certainly is not right, you know, that if we, if we recognize, if we want to recognize and want to take care that after all, the rules that I impose, that we put on human society, the rules of violence, I impose that they invented that, rules that are based on charity, rules that are based on charity.
To recognize that, and therefore also to have a certain kind of blinding to the observance of the rules, a certain kind, he's calling a superior, a certain entry type. That means interpreting the rules in all fields. The mind of the legislator will know to see the upper task and to manage the upper task. and all those who represent power strength. It's for a monetary investment, not for these things. God has a gift to uphold. So in that way, yes, but it's up to me, I'll have these big things. But oh, don't look bitter for a few minutes, don't look bitter for long. That would be completely wrong, because we have to do that, that's what it is.
That's how in the power, how we do our observing of you, or at best, doing things that are just as one likes to do them. There is, there is a barrier behind which that person will thrive, that person is independent, and that person will take up structure. Or simply latent, not scaled, being misplaced. So therefore settling in a community, a community that is large, without the observation of rules and the observing of rules, gives an important meaning to breaks and interchanges. And then another thing is, for example, is the satisfaction, the deep satisfaction.
That sure is the whole field of the monastic life, in which the whole body of the world can also have feelings, even if it's sort of indiscernible. And there are miracles as well. And therefore to judge the young, especially the young ones, they have to check this. If they really have that readiness to make that impact. Yet to speak about that later, this is a question of confidence, that impact. But you know, you're just a girl. I only wanted to call your attention to it and first take care of yourself. Now, what is my attitude towards that? Do I feel honored? Do I have a sense of responsibility that I can get despite the destruction I do?
And the pride too, that all of us, you know, that you know, respect us, and all against us, as we ought to. All that they mean is, all of us, that are dangerous. They have to go, they will go to marry you later. And truth and fact, that covers your problem. I, for example, install the exits, find them during time that he will be anxious. Yes. Then let's come to this for the others to sit there happily in unison. Now, if they have heard me this far, it will be good, you know. Will we make him see me? No. Can he see me still? Yes. Amen. There's the third group of difficulties in our becoming children and things which we know of God.
We are not so fit here then. Or let's call it the old mess. The old mess. Those things that make our, our cabin. And how many things belong to them. Things of, for example, of natural characteristics. Natural characteristics. And I point out, I point out on purpose, here, in that connection, certain things which, even if they don't seem to be neutral, seem to be of no importance. in relation to the Kingdom of Heaven, or in relation to the observing the Command. They took kindly what their role would be to lay in it the opposition, in order to inform the English people how lived and died the Kingdom of God, the skies,
How many national prejudices enter even into the Catholic Church? How many dissensions within the Church on the grounds of nationalism? There's an indication that, you know, that the change has been radical. They have not become stiller. I mean, why are they stiller? I say, oh yes, of course I want to be a Catholic, but a German Catholic. I want to be a Catholic, but only the French are the true Catholics. I want to be Catholic, of course, the church is in Italy. The Pope and the church in Italy. So if I go to Sunday Mass or not, it doesn't matter. It's too many for one person. Enough of church business.
Because of the Irish way, we have carried the church. No political talk, no spiritual talk. For example, your beauty, all these kinds of things, which are very taboo, they are absolutely banished. Too many for Irish. Did not the church do this? Of the Irish way, we have carried the church through a difficult time. The failures of those. And then, John, you see all these kinds of things which are so true that they are absolutely real. And do you know what has been more difficult for you? They have made the enigmas of this. How often the feet of a monastery have been in detail trenched in pieces.
Because there was a group of Germans, there was a group of Irishmen in the feast. And the Irishman said to a group of Irishmen, [...] Irish and indeed they caused long discussions about it. So there are naturally these natural things. Then also, of course, being the various things of the family background, to talk of the broad-scaling role that plays in our lives is largely related You have to be a noble man if you want to enter one, otherwise you won't have any chance. You come as one. You are not a nobleman.
It's unbelievable the fact that that. And there are facts which make us the noble way of all these things. Because these things exist. These things exist. Those who have bad education and those who have no education. Those who have no education, that means they're not in conflict. Those who have education, that's a superior conflict. That's what we meant, you know. No, it's true. I mean, these things are tremendously, really tremendously important for us. Everybody should take care of them. On the things that are connected to our nature, for example, our character. Some people, by nature, do good to you. By nature, do good to you. Nature ought to spit over things.
A little bit else, a little thing else, then again something else, then again something else. And this fits too good this latitude then too. Prevention always an obstacle for the radical change. We need to conserve this way again. You don't turn and become like Stirling, you also have to have a little bit of love. Other things are a lot of temper, temperament. And another temple. One is Lennon College, the other is Cornelius. The other is the Stone Clinic. Warms you to the inside. You are the warmest. There's a link between this and that. There's no answer.
What's not to see? So there they began to grow, it's a tremendous thing. And sometimes they're growing, sometimes that's an interesting thing you have to think about. It is true that there are downstreams in our natural territory which we taste. And we have constantly explored ourselves. And we think, well, wait, oh, we get to go generate our death. And then, oh, Lord, you should change that. Because He was the storm in our time. But then there are other, you know, other things going on, and that is because we were caught in the lovely fog. The lovely fog. Those things that he knew how to reach them before, he loved them.
He loved them. And many, many things go back to him. He knew what I loved very much. For example, by nature, daring rats, you know, good rats in the area, Bring it, bring it. Schnell, schnell. Kommst du auch? Na, aufwachen kann ich jetzt nicht mehr, aber du sollst wegräumen. Die Karte mach ich mir, die krieg ich vor, zahl dann die mir. So sieht's aus. And then his fingers were, he could only get that out, all the little things he was not interested in getting out. But if crime would take that away, nothing would be left of it. What would be left of it? What would be left of it? For others, you know, I have done
I don't know, I don't know how to explain it to people. [...] I don't know how to explain it to people And then again they thought, if death would ever be taken away, then more would be left. For a lot is certain, and it isn't, after all. Emotions, I tell you, need to be running high. I'm trying to think. Next life, I can raise a brush and pull it out. I don't want to waste away the poor. It's good.
So why if I didn't have my book, what would I be? Oh, well. Tent of Adventure. We don't need to have an outdoor tent of adventure. And we love adventure. I don't wish I would be clever to think by my superior to have this adventure going to happen again. I could lose it sometimes. You'll be there. There are many things like that. It's not necessary to try to be confused. For what is next guarantees that we must go further. These things are our character.
Also, we cannot stake especially to win so easily, as they are neutral. Kind of neutral, like this. Nor, even though, planning to change goes beyond them. It's not, you know, I don't stay with that, you know, that we would. It was just a fake and a waste of certain new-born character that before they may stay with us. I'll never forget this fantasy, then. Oh, and also, um, did you change the dressing yet? You know, I told you I want to become a monk. And he looked at the end and thought, what we have to do with all this? And he came there and was thinking, oh, of course, all this pain, the bones, they can't all be parallel to all this.
Then he looked at me, and he said, you won't last a second. He thinks that's the life, that's how we are now, that's the life, that's the country, that's all the fun stuff. Kind of how I got the idea, you know, just, you know, living in a kind of a barn, where I could drop the sheep and the pigs and the cows, you know, and have that German barn. The only one I ever did. They're in the Hanover, they're in the Heidel, you know, they're all lived together. Every cow in the garden gives a pinch, you know, out of it. Yeah, and that's a legal catch. Come on, Stanley, throw up through it. Throw up, you know, let it swing up, and there, [...] there. See, see, we are saving the records tomorrow. Terrific. So he gave me the impression that all the zombies in town thought I said already there's a zombie every night time.
And then he asked me, you see, because I think maybe I've turned a little pale or something. He asked me, and I said, now what do you think? I will see the greatest difficulty in the hands of the monastery. And then I said, uh... One very big... I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. He said then, he looked at me and he said, and you will fall, and I said, what? But I'm not coming to the point of saying that, you know, but I mean, that isn't bringing it even to the point, you know, if it's all a matter of becoming certain or changing.
We cannot change our nature, or can God change it? Yes, God can. But we cannot change our nature. And that is not the matter. The matter is that we don't get to know, that we won't get entrenched in our nature. See? That's just the matter. Don't get entrenched in our nature. But to let me out, we fall in that way that they use in your being, us. The regime. The child of God. rich mineral of sulphate. Long be chased is on a field that is changed by the... ...explositious characteristics of the bones matter. So the internal attitude changes, therefore the investor instead of fixing attitudes towards the program, of course, they choose with the will to overcome it.
Or to add to it, I would say with the pace, that the challenge we are fighting is stronger than all of my natural shortcomings and all of the barriers that the old man put into my way. See? Therefore, what we have to prevent, what we have to be careful about is that we don't, that we don't allow these people Ventriloquially, it seems that the end of the world seems to be near. But as soon as the glory ends, they get a hold of us, and we jump out.
And we lost our real capital. But it's important for all of us to see. I mean, you too. I mean, you, especially, living in the Monastery. We observe what others receive. You do what others receive. That's that. That's what I've been able to do since natural time. How is your health, Richard? We know also and see very often that monks may stay in the monastery 10, 20 years, and 30 years, and 40 years, and years, the same thing. And then we may get influenced by how they do that stay, you know, the kind of loose, all-conscientious stay. You know, you wouldn't know anything about the charity. And that is a dangerous thing. so that we change our habits and these habits.
And some things that we take for granted, in ourselves and in others. And that's therefore we don't need to touch the others. We say, for example, oh, well, Father Jones told me so. Well, he's very sensitive, I quote. These are correct, Father. who tried the great first thing. Then the woman has to decline and the end becomes the study of man, you see. Just as we have all been stuck in our nature to finally live in one state. Therefore you need to observe and reflect, and yet you can all become observant and be tired of doubt. We'll see this challenge. We'll see it's the only thing we need. Who always told me the power of challenge. With me as a professor, I began centrifuging to the heart, to all of these questions.
Of natural tactics, natural characteristics. Even cannot get rid of our natural characteristics. Then at least Charlie has a way to make them stepping stones for God's grace. Sometimes we make them weird patterns also. So that we control them, of course. That's true, that's true. But when we pick it up, of course, it gets stuck in them. And we don't want to fix it. We don't want to fix it. And we say now, that's the way God makes it. Thank you. Say where you are, that means I'll find you. That was lost in space. So therefore, in that way, don't get stuck now in your mission.
That's the important thing. We need to look at your heart. We need to see that your job is so important. And with that, I want to close this call. In order to make that sooner, you see, let us thank the Father, Christ, and tomorrow we celebrate Holy Mass, you know, we say that. And for any who are not part of the youth, I say, I say to them, preceptivicus lectus. I shall enter unto the altar of God, from God to me, and to all of you. God forgives the slaughter of my youth. And of them what take of their own outcasts will be great help. To remain young. To remain children. It means to me to remain eagerly tired. It's just too late.
Greed is for prejudice, Twinkle. Please note that the original wire recording of this retreat conference ended right here. This is a copy of Conference No. 3 given by Rev. Fr. Damasus in January of 1954 to the Mount Savior community at their annual retreat.