ADZG Temple Talks

Showing 391 talks

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Title Speaker

What is American Zen?

Serial: TL-00503

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Rinzai, Mahayana, Lay, Transmission, Practice Period
Jan 08 2018
ADZG Temple

New Years and the Practice of Resolution or Vowing

Serial: TL-00502

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

New Year, Commitment, Intention, Renewal, Paramitas
Dec 31 2017
ADZG Temple

Winter Solstice Poetry and Dr. King's Interconnectedness

Serial: TL-00501

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Darkness and Light, Letting Go, Balance, New Year, Priest
Dec 24 2017
ADZG Temple

Dharmakaya as Resource in Chaotic times

Serial: TL-00500

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Dharmakaya, Nirvana Sutra, Thich Nhat Hanh, Impermanence, Nirvana
Dec 11 2017
ADZG Temple

Dharmakaya Overview and Dogen's View from Space

Serial: TL-00499

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Dharmakaya, Nirvana, Nirmanakaya, Nirvana Sutra
Dec 09 2017
ADZG Temple

The Background Awareness of th Dharmakaya

Serial: TL-00498

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Dharmakaya, Nirvana, No-Self, Nirmanakaya, Buddha Ancestors
Dec 08 2017
ADZG Temple

Jo Raku Ga Jo in the Nirvana Sutra

Serial: TL-00497

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Dharmakaya, Nirvana, Nirmanakaya, Bodhisattva Way, Samsara
Dec 07 2017
ADZG Temple

The True Self of the Dharma Body

Serial: TL-00496

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Dharmakaya, Nirvana, Nirmanakaya, Nirvana Sutra, Samsara
Dec 06 2017
ADZG Temple

The Dharmakaya and the Physics of Universal Consciousness

Serial: TL-00495

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Dharmakaya, Nirvana Sutra, Nirmanakaya, Nirvana, Sambhogakaya
Dec 03 2017
ADZG Temple

Playing Bodhisattva Vow

Serial: TL-00494

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Bodhisattva Vow, Balance, Bodhisattva Way, Manjushri, Bodhidharma
Oct 30 2017
ADZG Temple

Dogen's Arousing the Vow and "The Nature of Things" of Lucretius

Serial: TL-00493

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Bodhisattva Vow, Commitment, Sesshin, true dharma
Oct 23 2017
ADZG Temple

Zenki in the Fiery World

Serial: TL-00492

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Zenki, Sesshin, Freedom, Global Warming, Money
Oct 16 2017
ADZG Temple

Zenki sesshin III: Functioning Completed

Serial: TL-00491

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Zenki, Sesshin, Freedom, Letting Go
Oct 15 2017
ADZG Temple

Zenki sesshin II: Totality weaving in particulars in the karmic boat

Serial: TL-00490

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Zenki, Freedom, Blue Cliff Record, Daily Life, Sesshin
Oct 14 2017
ADZG Temple

Zenki sesshin I: the Whole Works in Zazen undivided and non-separated

Serial: TL-00489

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Zenki, Zendo, Sesshin, Freedom
Oct 13 2017
ADZG Temple

Wider Views of Self and Relatedness

Serial: TL-00488

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Letting Go, Monastic Practice, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Renunciation
Oct 09 2017
ADZG Temple

Self and Sangha Study with Suzuki Roshi and Dongshan

Serial: TL-00487

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Tozan, Mahayana, Interview, Religion
Oct 08 2017
ADZG Temple

A Good Time for Zazen

Serial: TL-00486

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

realization, Karmic Consciousness, Letting Go, Lotus Sutra, Buddha Ancestors...
Oct 01 2017
ADZG Temple

Cooperation and Samadhi That Fulfills Self

Serial: TL-00485

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Separation, true dharma, Concentration, Chanting
Sep 24 2017
ADZG Temple

Kind Speech and Beneficial Action

Serial: TL-00484

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Balance, Offering, Faith, Shobogenzo, Conversation
Sep 18 2017
ADZG Temple

Traditional Sources for Buddhist Social Action

Serial: TL-00483

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Branching Streams, Lotus Sutra, Priest, Lovingkindness
Aug 28 2017
ADZG Temple

Practicing Patience and Skillful Means

Serial: TL-00482

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Patience, Paramitas, Daily Life, Bell, Avalokiteshvara
Aug 27 2017
ADZG Temple

The Solar Eclipse and Lunar Poems from Saigyo

Serial: TL-00481

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Letting Go, Freedom, Liberation, Attachment, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
Aug 21 2017
ADZG Temple

Charlottesville, the Japanese Sanctuary Temple for Women, and Earthlyn Manuel's Testimony

Serial: TL-00480

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Sanctuary, Patience, Zazen Mind, Interdependence
Aug 13 2017
ADZG Temple

Bodhisattva Songs: Dylan's Chimes of Freedom and When the Deal Goes Down

Serial: TL-00479

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Freedom, Lotus Sutra, Bell, Bodhisattva Way
Aug 07 2017
ADZG Temple

Hiroshima, Psychic Numbing, and Zazen

Serial: TL-00478

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Balance, Peace, Bodhisattva Vow, Building
Aug 06 2017
ADZG Temple

Zazen and Generosity

Serial: TL-00477

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Gratitude, Money, Fundraising, Building, Dana
Jul 24 2017
ADZG Temple

Zazen as Creative Expression

Serial: TL-00476

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Balance, Letting Go, Platform Sutra, Posture
Jul 23 2017
ADZG Temple

The True Human Body and Dogen's Intimacy and Estrangement

Serial: TL-00475

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Intimacy, true dharma, Dharmakaya, Monastic Practice
Jul 10 2017
ADZG Temple

One Bright Pearl and Dogen's "Understanding"

Serial: TL-00474

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Patience, Doubt, Hindrances
Jul 09 2017
ADZG Temple

Independence day and Bodhisattva Liberation part 2: Radical Respect and Speaking Truth to Power

Serial: TL-00473

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Thich Nhat Hanh, Freedom, Bodhisattva Vow, Liberation, Happiness
Jul 03 2017
ADZG Temple

Independence Day and Bodhisattva Liberation in the Age of Trump: The Deep History of U.S. Non-Democracy and Positive Responses and Vision

Serial: TL-00472

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Freedom, Interdependence, Happiness, resistance, Liberation
Jul 02 2017
ADZG Temple

Positive Visions from Yunmen and Dogen in Response to our Global Crisis

Serial: TL-00471

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Blue Cliff Record, Transmission, Harmonizing, Politics
Jun 12 2017
ADZG Temple

Appropriate Response to the Current Crisis

Serial: TL-00470

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Blue Cliff Record, Bodhisattva Precepts, Offering, Buddha Ancestors
Jun 11 2017
ADZG Temple

Mutual Response of Ancestral Ways

Serial: TL-00469

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Letting Go, Hongzhi, Bodhisattva Vow, Tenzo
Jun 04 2017
ADZG Temple

Shifting to Ancestral Zen

Serial: TL-00468

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Letting Go, Duality, Chanting, Practice Period
Jun 03 2017
ADZG Temple

The Deep Source Undisturbed by Conditioning

Serial: TL-00467

ADZG Sesshin,
Dharma Talk

Silent Illumination, Practice Period, Silence, Chanting, Sesshin
Jun 02 2017
ADZG Temple

Interact Positively and Appropriately

Serial: TL-00466

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Silent Illumination, Practice Period, Balance, Silence, Emotions
May 29 2017
ADZG Temple

Hongzhi's Rhythms of Nature and Sangha Harmony

Serial: TL-00465

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Balance, Hongzhi, Intention, Letting Go
May 22 2017
ADZG Temple

Sharing Nirvana Amid Living Beings

Serial: TL-00464

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Practice Period, Nirvana, resistance, Samsara, Silent Illumination
May 15 2017
ADZG Temple

Graciously Share Yourself

Serial: TL-00463

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Practice Period, Letting Go, Hongzhi, Book of Serenity
May 14 2017
ADZG Temple

Let Go, Accept Your Function, and Mutually Respond

Serial: TL-00462

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Letting Go, Darkness and Light, Practice Period, Mandala
May 07 2017
ADZG Temple

The Wonder of Playful Samadhi and Response to Climate Conditions

Serial: TL-00461

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Silent Illumination, Practice Period, Concentration, Peace, Letting Go
Apr 24 2017
ADZG Temple

The Response of All Beings Ancestors

Serial: TL-00460

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Practice Period, Duality, Attachment, Don't Know Mind
Apr 23 2017
ADZG Temple

How to Contemplate Buddha

Serial: TL-00459

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Practice Period, Separation, Doubt, Duality, Observe
Apr 16 2017
ADZG Temple

Exploring Genuine Reality

Serial: TL-00458

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Practice Period, Heart Sutra, Silent Illumination, Ceremony, Hongzhi
Apr 10 2017
ADZG Temple

Practice Period and True Reality

Serial: TL-00457

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Practice Period, Letting Go, Silent Illumination, Heart Sutra
Apr 09 2017
ADZG Temple

The Flower Ornament Sutra's Wisdom and the 50th Anniversary of Dr. King's Vietnam Speech

Serial: TL-00456

ADZG Monday Night,
Dharma Talk

Thich Nhat Hanh, Attachment, Practice Period, Silence
Apr 03 2017
ADZG Temple

Forgetting about Personal Merit is Fulfillment

Serial: TL-00455

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Freedom, Dharma Transmission, Hongzhi, Aspects of Practice
Mar 12 2017
ADZG Temple

Truly Appreciate a Single Thread

Serial: TL-00454

ADZG Sunday Morning,
Dharma Talk

Letting Go, Harmonizing, Practice Period, Silent Illumination
Mar 05 2017
ADZG Temple
