lecture Talks

Showing 187 talks

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Teachings for the Welfare of the World

In this summer series, teachings will be offered for those who aspire to embrace and sustain the great earth and all living beings in order to realize peace and freedom in our troubled world.

YRB-2019-Summer, Silence, Funeral, Emotions, Interview, Soto Zen, Practice Period,...
Jul 09 2019
The Yoga Room

Teachings for the Welfare of the World

In this summer series, teachings will be offered for those who aspire to embrace and sustain the great earth and all living beings in order to realize peace and freedom in our troubled world.

YRB-2019-Summer, Letting Go, Karmic Consciousness, Silence, lecture, Enthusiasm,...
Jun 25 2019
The Yoga Room

Book of Serenity case 12: Dizang Planting Seeds

Serial: TL-00561

ADZG Wednesday Morning,
Sesshin Talk

Book of Serenity, lecture, Rinzai, Bodhidharma
Dec 05 2018
ADZG Temple

Zazen Is World Transformation

Koans, using consciousness to go beyond consciousness; the path which can be spoken is not the true path.

Enlightenment, Consciousness, Meditation, Conversation, Priest, japanese, lecture,...
Apr 01 2017
No Abode Hermitage


Samadhi, Impermanence, Vow, Fasting, Intention, lecture, difficulty
Aug 22 2015


Compassion, Attachment, Subject-and-Object, Non-duality, Non-discrimination, Breath,...
Aug 21 2015


Precepts, Lay, Vinaya, Meditation, Samsara, Intention, lecture, Sangha, Anger,...
Aug 17 2015


Don't Know Mind, Dragons, Samadhi, Subject-and-Object, Continuous Practice,...
Aug 03 2012

When Dharma fills Body and Mind 

When Dharma Fills Body and Mind Tenshin Reb Anderson No Abode, July 14, 2012 AFTERNOON

Lineage, lecture, Soto Zen, Desire
Jul 13 2012
No Abode Hermitage


Dependent Origination, Daily Life, Don't Know Mind, Greed, Posture, lecture,...
Jan 13 2007


Repentance, Confession-and-Repentance, Faith, Non-duality, lecture, Tassajara Zen...
Nov 11 2006


Soto Zen, zen, Vow, true dharma, Buddha Ancestors, lecture, Interdependence
Feb 03 2006


Lay, Precepts, Funeral, lecture, Sangha, Happiness, Offering, Buddha Nature,...
Feb 02 2006


Soto Zen, Dharma Transmission, Sangha, Ordination, Enemies, lecture, zen, difficulty...
Jan 29 2006


Heart Sutra, lecture, Impermanence, Politics, Funeral, Zazen, Samadhi, Vow,...
Mar 13 2005

September 11th, 2004, Serial No. 00133

lecture, Peace, Ordinary Mind, Ego, Patience
Sep 11 2004

September 11th, 2004, Serial No. 00150

lecture, Ordinary Mind, Peace, Lay, Ego
Sep 11 2004


Lineage, Bodhidharma, lecture, Sixth Patriarch, Precepts, Dharma Transmission,...
Feb 19 2003


Dharma Transmission, Bodhidharma, Continuous Practice, Instruction, Compassion,...
Feb 15 2003

Camaldolese Creativity

Serial: NC-01072

Community Retreat Spring 2002

OSB Cam, Renaissance, Ambrose Traversari, Marsilio Ficino, Neoplatonism, Platonic Academy (Florence...
Apr 2002
3 of 5 (#4 not recorded)
New Camaldoli Hermitage


Teacher-and-Student, Subject-and-Object, true dharma, Dragons, Monastic Practice,...
Mar 15 2002


training, Practice Period, Religion, Continuous Practice, zen, Fundraising, Rinzai,...
Mar 15 2002


Impermanence, Lineage, New Year, Intuition, Teacher-and-Student, Buddha Ancestors,...
Mar 11 2002


true dharma, Silent Illumination, Monastic Practice, Fox, Rinzai, Family Practice,...
Mar 09 2002


Monastic Practice, Soto Zen, zen, Chanting, Greed, lecture, Sangha, Anger,...
Mar 09 2002


Soto Zen, Heart Sutra, zen, lecture, Culture
Feb 24 2002

January 16th, 2002, Serial No. 00078

Joshu, Beginners, lecture, Transmission
Jan 16 2002


Dragons, Instruction, Culture, Teacher-and-Student, confusion, lecture, Anger, Buddha...
Oct 09 2001


Repentance, Daily Life, Vow, Practice Period, Culture, lecture, difficulty, Precepts...
Aug 10 2001


Attachment, lecture, Greed, Dragons, Posture, Teacher-and-Student, Dharma...
May 18 2001

Church Life in the 11th & 12th Centuries

Serial: NC-00155

Camaldolese History Class, "Church Life in the 10th & 11th Centuries" (during Romuald and Peter Damian's time).

OSB Cam, Money, War, Ordination, lecture, Happiness
Apr 26 2001
2 of ?
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Camaldolese History Class

Serial: NC-00159

Camaldolese History Class. Introduces where to find Camaldolese resources in the NCH library. Discusses bibliography and primary sources. Life of the Five Brothers (earliest...

OSB Cam, lecture, Zoom, Ordination
Apr 19 2001
1 of ?
New Camaldoli Hermitage


Subject-and-Object, Posture, confusion, lecture, Zendo, Duality, Breath, Continuous...
Feb 04 2001


Heart Sutra, Four Noble Truths, Buddha Nature, Buddha Mind, Freedom, lecture,...
Feb 02 2000

Parables: New Testament

Serial: NC-00064

Part of "The Kingdom in Parables: New Testament, Cosmology and Contemporary Poetry"

2. Parables: New Testament

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, First Principle, Mandala, Buddhism, lecture, Diversity
2 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage


Daily Life, Happiness, Sangha, Repentance, Meditation, Vow, lecture, Don't Know...
Apr 24 1997

Camaldolese Artists: The Miniaturists

Serial: NC-00296

Part of "Camaldolese Artists"

3. The Miniaturists

OSB Cam, Greed, Continuous Practice, Enthusiasm, lecture
Oct 13 1995
3 of 5

October 13th, 1995, Serial No. 00949

Serial: NC-00949

Camaldolese Artists: The Miniaturists

OSB Cam, Greed, Continuous Practice, Enthusiasm, lecture
Oct 13 1995
3 of 5
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Camaldolese Artists: Guido d'Arezzo

Serial: NC-00298

Part of "Camaldolese Artists"

1. Guido d'Arezzo

OSB Cam, lecture
Oct 11 1995
1 of 5

October 11th, 1995, Serial No. 00947

Serial: NC-00947

Camaldolese Artists. Lecture 1 (of 5). Guido d'Arezzo (musician)

OSB Cam, Camaldolese History, Guido d'Arezzo (musician), Romualdian Spirituality, ...
Oct 11 1995
New Camaldoli Hermitage


Buddha Ancestors, Sangha, Dragons, Religion, Diversity, Practice Period, Compassion,...
Apr 08 1995


Precepts, Buddha Ancestors, Practice Period, Vinaya, Family Practice, Beginners,...
Apr 06 1995

The Triple Good / Applications

Serial: NC-00016

Part of "Romualdian/Camaldolese/Benedictine Spirituality"

2. The Triple Good / Applications

Archival Photo

OSB Cam, Vow, lecture, Fasting, training, Intention
2 of 4
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00322

Monastic History Class, Congregations

OSB Cam, Vow, Enlightenment, lecture, Money, Bell
Apr 20 1994
33 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00345

Monastic History Class, Carolingian Monasticism, Charlemagne

OSB Cam, Money, lecture, Hate, Vow, Politics
Mar 02 1994
23 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00338

Monastic History Class, John Cassian

OSB Cam, Balance, lecture, Beginners, Intuition
Feb 02 1994
15 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00336

Monastic History Class, Augustinian monasticism

OSB Cam, Fasting, lecture, Ordination, training
Jan 26 1994
13 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00332

Monastic History Class, 4th - 5th centuries, Palestinian monasticism.

OSB Cam, War, Demons, lecture, Money
Jan 12 1994
9 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00329

Monastic History Class

OSB Cam, Monastic Practice, resistance, Demons, lecture
Dec 31 1993
6 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage

Monastic History

Serial: NC-00327

Monastic History Class

OSB Cam, Dragons, Mindfulness, Balance, Demons, lecture
Dec 23 1993
4 of 34
New Camaldoli Hermitage
