Fukanzazengi Talks

Fukan zazengi (Japanese: 普勸坐禪儀), also known by its English translation Universal Recommendation for Zazen, is an essay describing and promoting the practice of zazen written by the 13th century Japanese Zen monk Eihei Dōgen. The date of its composition is unclear, and the text evolved significantly over the author's lifetime. It is written in Classical Chinese rather than the Classical Japanese Dōgen used to compose his famous Shōbōgenzō.

It is traditionally thought to have been composed in 1227, shortly after Dōgen's return to Japan from his years of study in China. This is based on a statement to that effect in his essay Bendōwa from 1231. However, a manuscript of Fukan zazengi discovered in modern times that was produced by Dōgen's own hand ends with a Colophon (publishing) stating it was written in 1233. This version, known as the Tenpuku manuscript, also has a number of major differences from the more widely known version, the "vulgate version". The vulgate version, which is included in the Eihei Kōroku, likely has an even later date. Carl Bielefeldt, a scholar of Dōgen's work, believes it could not have been composed before 1242 based on similarities with the Shōbōgenzō book Zazen shin, which was composed in that year. There is also a Shōbōgenzō book entitled Zazen gi, composed sometime between 1243 and 1246, that appears to draw material from the vulgate Fukan zazengi and thus suggesting it would not have been written afterwards. Regardless of the exact date of its first composition, it is clear the material went through many rounds of editing over the author's lifetime.

Much of the section describing the actual practice of zazen is copied from the Zuochan yi, a meditation manual written by Changlu Zongze in the early 12th century.

From Fukan zazengi on Wikipedia

Showing 12 talks

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Title Speaker


Fukanzazengi, Dragons, Berkeley Zen Center, Instruction, zen meditation, Posture,...
Jan 28 2018

Just This - Dogen's Fukanzazengi: Have Know Kidzendo

Serial: BZ-01161C

Saturday Lecture

Fukanzazengi, Dogen, Duality, Dragons, Posture, Non-duality, Instruction, Buddha...
Sep 27 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Fukanzazengi Part II

Serial: BZ-01218

Zazen Anecdotes, Sesshin Day 3

Fukanzazengi, Sojun Mel Weitsman, Meditation, Posture, Don't Know Mind,...
Feb 20 2006
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-01217

Part I, Sesshin Day 2

Fukanzazengi, Silent Illumination, Lineage, Discrimination, Daily Life, Sanctuary,...
Feb 19 2006
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00784A

Rohatsu Day 2

Fukanzazengi, Obstacles, Posture, Manjushri, Don't Know Mind, Rinzai, Soto Zen,...
Dec 03 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Zazengi II

Serial: BZ-00652A

Sesshin Day 3

Fukanzazengi, Concentration, Posture, Subject-and-Object, Observe, Samadhi, Daily...
Jun 11 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Fukanaazengi: Zazen Instructions

Serial: BZ-00653A

Sesshin Day 1

Fukanzazengi, Zazen, Posture, Concentration, Anger, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Jun 09 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Fukanzazengi: Think Not Thinking

Serial: BZ-00412B

Saturday Lecture

Fukanzazengi, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Nirvana, Duality, Attachment,...
Jul 06 1985
Berkeley Zen Center

Fukanzazengi; Questions and Answers

Serial: BZ-00415A

Saturday Lecture

Fukanzazengi, Discrimination, Continuous Practice, Enemies, Peace, Subject-and-Object...
Jun 08 1985
Berkeley Zen Center

Nature of Our Practice

Serial: SF-05141B

Tuesday, December 5, 1967, Lecture B
Evening Sesshin Lecture

Sesshin, Dogen, Fukanzazengi, Dragons, Daily Life, Observe, Freedom, training,...
Dec 05 1967

Think the Unthinkable

Serial: SF-05137B

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #20, by Shundo David Haye ===== 

This talk comes from the middle of the second sesshin at Tassajara, in December...

Sesshin, Fukanzazengi, Buddha Mind, training, Sanctuary, Beginners, Duality,...
Dec 04 1967

Putting Power In Your Hara

Serial: SF-05133A

Afternoon Sesshin Lecture
Friday, December 1, 1967, Lecture A
Zen Mountain Center

Sesshin, Dogen, Fukanzazengi, Buddha Mind, Big Mind, Separation, New Year,...
Dec 01 1967