Duality Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Fukanzazengi: Think Not ThinkingSerial: BZ-00412B Saturday Lecture Fukanzazengi, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Nirvana, Duality, Attachment,... |
Jul 06 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Patience and the ParamitasSerial: BZ-00424A Sesshin Day 2 Patience, Equanimity, Daily Life, Concentration, Bell, Patience, Duality, Precepts,... |
Mar 17 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Third Turning of the Wheel of Dharma Serial 00013 Subject-and-Object, Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Equanimity, Monks, lecture,... |
Feb 08 1985 |
Bowing PracticeSerial: BZ-00406B Rohatsu Bowing, Bowing, training, Non-duality, Instruction, Buddha Nature, Demons, Enemies,... |
Dec 06 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tsembupa Avalokitesvara, Serial 00078 Non-duality, Bodhisattva Vow, Lineage, Buddha Nature, Posture, Avalokiteshvara, Greed... |
Jul 12 1984 Tape 3 |
Illuminating Logos: Sound and SalvationSerial: NC-00387 Monastic Theology Series Set 2 of 3 Intuition, Balance, Duality, Diversity, Obstacles |
Sep 07 1983 |
The Personal God and the Absolute GodheadOSB Cam, Buddha, Buddhism, Duality, Mahayana |
Aug 15 1983 3 of 5 |
Importance of Attention to Form in Zen PracticeSerial: BZ-00049B Sesshin Day 2 Subject-and-Object, Duality, Hindrances, Oneness, Silent Illumination, Anger, Non-... |
Feb 20 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Home for the Holidays Practicing Our Koan: "What Is This?" Religion, Precepts, Dana, Big Mind, Offering, Duality |
Dec 18 1982 |
Mahamudra & Chenrezig meditation instructions, Serial 00082 Right Effort, Duality, Non-duality, Delusion, Hindrances, Intention, difficulty, Hate... |
Dec 05 1982 A Tape II, DR65 |
Dogen's Fukanzazengi and Practice RealizationSerial: BZ-00043A Saturday Lecture Duality, Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Doubt, Sixth Patriarch, Absolute-and-Relative,... |
Oct 23 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Self-Centered Meets the AbsoluteSerial: BZ-00041B Sesshin Day 2 Ego, training, resistance, Separation, Duality, Building |
Sep 26 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
ZazenSerial: BZ-00034B Posture, Attention, Resistance, Naming, One-Day Sitting Posture, Harmonizing, resistance, Fox, Composure, Duality, Religion, Peace, Karma... |
Jul 16 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Essence of Mind: The Fifth ParamitaSerial: BZ-00008A Subject and Object--Buddhanature, Saturday Lecture Subject-and-Object, Duality, Buddha Nature, Buddha Nature, Daily Life, Subject-and-... |
May 15 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Word of God - Heart Liberation, Buddhism, Duality, Happiness, Demons |
Feb 1981 6 of 14 |
From Wealth to Divine Favor: PovertySerial: NC-00370 Monastic Spirituality Set 1 of 12 OSB Cam, Enthusiasm, Duality, Commitment, Letting Go, Balance |
Dec 23 1980 |
Celibacy's Path to Sacred UnionSerial: NC-00367 Monastic Spirituality Set 1 of 12 OSB Cam, Happiness, Ego, Duality, Renunciation, Continuous Practice |
Dec 03 1980 |
Celibacy's Spiritual Symphony UnveiledSerial: NC-00856 Monastic Spirituality Set 9 of 12 OSB Cam, Duality, Commitment, Emptiness, Vow |
Oct 29 1980 |
Breathing Concentration, Subject-and-Object, Posture, Mindfulness, Suzuki Roshi, Zazen,... |
Jul 1980 Unknown |
Dreams, Poetry, and Duality Unveiled Evil, Obstacles, Passions, Balance, Emotions, Anger, Religion, Duality, Interview,... |
May 11 1980 SFZC |
Ngon Dro, Serial 00012 Passions, Chanting, Commitment, lecture, Precepts, Duality, Intention, Bell,... |
Mar 23 1980 New York City |
Ngon Dro, Serial 00057 Passions, Current Events, Commitment, Bell, lecture, Duality, Intention, Hate,... |
Mar 23 1980 New York City |
The Nature of Mind, Serial 00066 Non-duality, Concentration, Observe, lecture, Renunciation, Duality, Peace, Ceremony... |
Jan 22 1980 New York City? |
Zen Stories: Pathways to Enlightenment Fox, Manjushri, War, Duality |
Nov 03 1979 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Foundation Practices Seminar, Serial 00073 Lineage, Six Realms, Duality, Sangha, Non-duality, Posture, Passions, Delusion, Evil... |
Feb 25 1978 5 and 6 New York City? |
Heart of Prayer: Echoes of DavidSerial: NC-00552 Vina Retreat OSB Cam, Emptiness, Duality, Concentration, zen |
Feb 1978 |
Seminar on PrajnaSerial: SF-00019 Prajna is beyond words and inexpressible; Joshu, Daishi and the broom; achieving the knowledge of not-knowledge. Duality, Mahayana, Lay, Cultivation, Concentration, Attachment, Vow, Freedom, Doubt... |
May 24 1975 |
Discussions Freedom, Liberation, Emptiness, Duality, Attachment, Religion |
May 13 1973 Tassajara |
Awaken Through Desire's Death Duality, Building, Patience, Rinzai |
Jan 06 1973 |
Emptiness and Enlightenment Unveiled Discrimination, Ego, Religion, Liberation, Hate, Duality, Building, Patience,... |
Oct 31 1972 |
Living Zen: Embracing Each Moment Silence, lecture, Rinzai, Pain, Duality, Bell, Ceremony, Community, realization,... |
Aug 09 1972 |
Real Precepts Are Beyond WordsPrecepts, Precepts, reality, Observe, Freedom, sitting, Emptiness, Sangha, Duality,... |
Jul 02 1971 City Center |
Our Practice is Expression of Our True Buddha-mindSerial: SR-00067 Sesshin Lecture, No. 4 Sesshin, Precepts, Beginner’s Mind, Precepts, Buddha Mind, Discrimination, Sutra,... |
Aug 04 1970 City Center |
Within Light There Is Utter DarknessSerial: SR-00052 Sandokai Lecture IX [The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture: Line 27 Meichu ni atatte an... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Suffering, Truth, Diversity, sitting, Duality,... |
Jun 20 1970 Tassajara |
Without Any Idea of AttainmentSerial: SR-00061 Sandokai Lecture VIII [The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture: Line 21 Manako wa iro,... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, Subject-and-Object, reality, Oneness, Monks,... |
Jun 17 1970 Tassajara |
We Are Just a Tiny Speck of Big BeingSerial: SR-00055 Sandokai Lecture V: Lecture to Professor Weller's Visiting Class [Note. This lecture was given-- as a general introduction... Branching Streams, Sandokai, lecture, Freedom, difficulty, Forms, Evil, Duality,... |
Jun 06 1970 Tassajara |
Non-Dualistic PracticeSerial: SR-00260 Sesshin Lecture No. 3: Sesshin, Big Mind, difficulty, zen, Duality, Karma, Anger, Mahayana, training,... |
Feb 25 1970 City Center |
Sesshin, Sixth Night LectureSerial: SR-00129 Tassajara Sesshin, Don't Know Mind, Posture, Ceremony, Addiction, Duality, Beginners,... |
Sep 1969 Tassajara |
FORM AND EMPTINESS IISerial: SR-00027 Wednesday, July 9, 1969 Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Forms, reality, Enemies, Truth, training, American, Duality,... |
Jul 09 1969 Tassajara |
Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced BuddhaSerial: SR-00009 Sunday, March 9, 1969 Koan story of sun-faced buddha, moon-faced buddha. Practicing while well or while sick. Accepting what we don't like.... Baso, Koan, Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Composure, Discrimination, difficulty,... |
Mar 09 1969 Sokoji |
Think the UnthinkableSerial: SF-05137B ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #20, by Shundo David Haye ===== This talk comes from the middle of the second sesshin at Tassajara, in December... Sesshin, Fukanzazengi, Buddha Mind, training, Sanctuary, Beginners, Duality,... |
Dec 04 1967 Afternoon Tassajara |
Blue Cliff Records Case 45Serial: SF-05097E Friday, August 19, 1966 Blue Cliff Record, Sesshin, Joshu, Eiheiji, Observe, Diversity, Duality |
Aug 19 1966 D Sokoji |
ShobogenzoSerial: SF-05097D Sesshin Lecture 1966 Tape #2 Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, Subject-and-Object, Attachment, Buddha Nature,... |
Aug 18 1966 C Sokoji |
Genjō Kōan, 1–3Serial: SF-05095C Sesshin Lecture: Genjo-Koan, Paragraphs 1–3 Sesshin, Dogen, Genjokoan, Duality, Faith, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Discrimination... |
Mar 13 1966 A Sokoji |
I Have Nothing In My MindSerial: SF-05125B One-Day Sesshin Lecture: 5 PM Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Baso, Big Mind, Faith, Fox, Duality, Hate |
Aug 28 1965 B Sokoji |
YYYY.01.15-serial.00041 Buddha Nature, Impermanence, Daily Life, Subject-and-Object, Repentance, Buddha Mind... |
Frontiers of WisdomSerial: NC-00184 Part of "Frontiers of Wisdom" Archival Photo OSB Cam, realization, Politics, Nirvana, Duality |
3 of 4 |
Frontiers of WisdomSerial: NC-00185 Part of "Frontiers of Wisdom" Archival Photo OSB Cam, War, Enlightenment, Liberation, Duality |
4 of 4 |
Transcending Ego: Pathways to Divine UnionSerial: NC-00567 Cassian Institute Attachment, Letting Go, Emptiness, Duality, Enlightenment |
Wisdom and HistorySerial: NC-00667 Wisdom and History OSB Cam, Duality, Liberation, Funeral, Enemies |
3 of 4 |