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Title Speaker Date

May 15th, 1997, Serial No. 01457

Serial: BZ-01457 -
Precepts, Offering, Evil, Anger, Buddha Nature, Emotions, Addiction, Sixth Patriarch, Buddha...
May 15 1997

Way-Seeking Mind

Serial: BZ-00364A -
Practice Period, Posture, Buddha Mind, Precepts, Commitment, Gaining Mind, Enthusiasm,...
May 10 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

May 8th, 1997, Serial No. 01455

Serial: BZ-01455 -
Precepts, Buddha Nature, Perfect Wisdom, Sangha, Buddha Mind, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period...
May 08 1997


Serial: BZ-00672 Class 1 of 6 -
Precepts, Buddha Nature, Buddha Mind, Sangha, Perfect Wisdom, Evil, Mahayana, Birth-and-Death...
May 08 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Unleashing Your Zen Potential

Serial: EB-00003 The talk explores Zen practice focused on allowing one's mind and body to naturally express and find their way rather than forcing them into predetermined shapes or behaviors. A story is recounted involving Suzuki Roshi being...
Ceremony, Thich Nhat Hanh, Concentration, Balance, Buddha Nature
May 07 1997

Embrace Freedom of Inner Exploration

Serial: EB-00124 The talk focuses on exploring how individuals can engage with their own experiences and being, rather than rigidly attempting to shape them. There is a discussion on allowing one's mind and body the freedom to explore experiences...
Ceremony, Thich Nhat Hanh, Concentration, Balance, Buddha Nature
May 07 1997

Practicing With the Precepts

Serial: BZ-00363A One-Day Sitting -
Precepts, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Birth-and-Death, Vinaya, Observe, Practice Period,...
May 04 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Potato Chip Mindfulness Unveiled

Serial: EB-00123 The talk explores the practice of mindfulness through a humorous ceremony of eating a single potato chip, highlighting the importance of attentiveness and fully experiencing each moment. Through this exercise, the discussion...
Ceremony, Greed, Passions, Silence, Death
May 04 1997


Serial: SO-00053 -
Posture, Big Mind, Emotions, difficulty, Sangha, Attachment, Passions
Apr 26 1997


Serial: SO-00057 -
Gratitude, Passions, Impermanence
Apr 26 1997


Serial: SO-00058 -
Four Noble Truths, Heart Sutra, Posture, Don't Know Mind, Bodhidharma, Daily Life,...
Apr 26 1997


Serial: SO-00059 -
Four Noble Truths, Subject-and-Object, Ego, Non-duality, Duality, Zazen, Religion, Passions,...
Apr 26 1997

The Most Important Thing: Just This As It Is

Serial: SF-00091 The talk emphasizes the essential Zen practice of embracing life "just as it is," urging a focus on the present moment and relinquishing the need for control or change. It discusses finding confidence in meeting each moment as it...
Gratitude, Suzuki Roshi, Monastic Practice, Don't Know Mind, Practice Period, Tassajara...
Apr 26 1997

Practice Period Commitment

Serial: BZ-00362B Saturday Lecture -
Practice Period, Practice Period, Commitment, Precepts, Dharma Transmission, Ordination,...
Apr 26 1997
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: SO-00054 -
Daily Life, Happiness, Sangha, Repentance, Meditation, Vow, lecture, Don't Know Mind, Big...
Apr 24 1997


Serial: SO-00055 -
Four Noble Truths, Daily Life, Greed, Anger, Precepts, Meditation, Ego, Beginners, Posture,...
Apr 22 1997


Serial: BZ-00362A -
Concentration, Hindrances, Practice Period, Doubt, Greed, Commitment, Samadhi, Lay Ordination...
Apr 19 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Life of Buddha

Serial: BZ-00845 Class 6 of 6 -
Karma, Nirvana, Four Noble Truths, Evil, Soto Zen, Precepts, Instruction, Don't Know Mind...
Apr 17 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Life of Buddha

Serial: BZ-00846 Class 5 of 6 -
Evil, Four Noble Truths, Sangha, Lay, Darkness and Light, Non-violence, Religion, Doubt,...
Apr 10 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Buddha’s Birthday Story

Serial: BZ-00361B -
Buddha's Birthday, Lay, Buddha Nature, Peace
Apr 05 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Life of Buddha

Serial: BZ-00847 Class 4 of 6 -
Four Noble Truths, Evil, Four Foundations, Dependent Origination, Mindfulness, Happiness,...
Apr 03 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Faith/Belief, Death

Serial: BZ-00361A Saturday Lecture -
Faith, Death, Religion, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Evil, Hate, War
Mar 29 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

March 29th, 1997, Serial No. 01555

Serial: BZ-01555 -
Religion, Birth-and-Death, New Year, Heart Sutra, Evil, War
Mar 29 1997

March 29th, 1997, Serial No. 01556

Serial: BZ-01556 -
Religion, Birth-and-Death, Heart Sutra, Evil, War
Mar 29 1997

Life of Buddha

Serial: BZ-00848 Class 3 of 6 -
Heart Sutra, Dependent Origination, Monkey Mind, Renunciation, Liberation, Karma,...
Mar 27 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #65

Serial: BZ-00360B Saturday Lecture -
BCR-65, Separation, Duality, Birth-and-Death, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Discrimination, Buddha...
Mar 22 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Life of Buddha

Serial: BZ-00849 Class 2 of 6 -
Four Noble Truths, Renunciation, Vow, Lay, Lay Ordination, Concentration, Mindfulness,...
Mar 20 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazengi: Mindfulness, Concentration, Equanimity

Serial: BZ-00360A One-Day Sitting -
Zazengi, Mindfulness, Concentration, Equanimity, Concentration, Subject-and-Object, Posture,...
Mar 16 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Path Beyond Destination: Embracing Infinity

Serial: SF-00101 The talk explores the central concept of "the way" in Mahayana Buddhism, emphasizing its distinction from the goal-oriented perspective of Hinayana. The path is portrayed as a metaphor for continuous, ongoing practice rather than...
Hindrances, Heart Sutra, Mahayana, Zazen, Letting Go, Vimalakirti, Suzuki Roshi, Nirvana,...
Mar 15 1997

Dogen's Zazengi

Serial: BZ-00359B Saturday Lecture -
Zazengi, Concentration, Lotus Sutra, Pure Existence, Duality, Posture, Buddha Ancestors,...
Mar 15 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Life of Buddha

Serial: BZ-00850 Class 1 of 6 -
Religion, Buddha's Birthday, Renunciation, Vow, Lotus Sutra, Concentration, Precepts,...
Mar 13 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Mind of Intention, Mind of Desire

Serial: BZ-00359A -
Big Mind, Continuous Practice, Four Noble Truths, Gaining Mind, Non-duality, Duality, Don...
Mar 08 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Parinirvana: Buddha’s Life/Our Life

Serial: BZ-00358B -
Nirvana, Precepts, Family Practice, Greed, Buddha's Birthday, Four Noble Truths, Karma,...
Mar 01 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Moment to Moment Awareness

Serial: BZ-00358A -
Berkeley Zen Center, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Chanting, Anger, War, Diversity, resistance, Bell,...
Feb 22 1997
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00357B One-Day Sitting -
Shikantaza, Posture, Beginners, Bowing, resistance, Concentration, Pure Existence, Ego,...
Feb 16 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Backdrop of Our Life; Emptiness

Serial: BZ-00357A -
Happiness, Posture, Mindfulness, Four Foundations, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Aspects...
Feb 15 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Recollections of Early Zen

Serial: SF-00121 The talk explores the evolution and intersection of Zen Buddhism and American culture post-World War II, highlighting how the transmission of Buddhism from Asia to the West and vice versa has transformed Buddhist practice. It...
Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Priest, training, Lineage, Lay, Zendo, Rinzai, Fox, Demons...
Feb 08 1997
1 of 3
Green Gulch Farm

Recollections of Early Zen

Serial: SF-00122 The talk delves into the unique socio-religious landscape of Japanese Zen Buddhism, focusing on the complexities and controversies surrounding the institution of married priests and the historical shifts that led to this...
Priest, Demons, Vinaya, Funeral, Religion, Ceremony, Lay Practice, Six Realms, training, Faith...
Feb 08 1997
2 of 3
Green Gulch Farm

Recollections of Early Zen

Serial: SF-00123 The talk examines the complexity and diversity of American Buddhism, emphasizing the coexistence of different cultural influences and the notion that there is no single "correct" form of American Buddhism. It highlights the...
Priest, Rinzai, Peace, Ceremony, New Year, Mahayana, Zazen, Diversity, Funeral, Lineage...
Feb 08 1997
3 of 3
Green Gulch Farm

Mumonkan: Case #12

Serial: BZ-00782B Zuigan Checks Himself, Saturday Lecture -
Zuigan, MM-12, Ego, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Peace, training, Birth-and-Death, Emotions,...
Feb 08 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Poetry of Enlightenment

Serial: SF-00071 Class This discussion revolves around appreciating Zen poetry, particularly the works of Su Dongpo, exploring how poems reflect and enrich the spiritual journey of practice. The analysis emphasizes the interplay of language, perception...
realization, Emptiness, Dragons, Balance, Bell, Priest, Emotions, Freedom, Doubt...
Feb 04 1997

Song of Jewel Mirror Samadhi

Serial: SF-00072 5:00 class The talk centers on the "Song of Jewel Mirror Samadhi" (Hokyo Zamae), examining the dialectic between the relative and absolute, critical within Soto Zen philosophy. The discussion explores the seamless integration of these...
Buddha Ancestors, Four Noble Truths, Absolute-and-Relative, Emptiness, Samadhi, Concentration...
Feb 04 1997

Interdependence/Temple Volunteers

Serial: BZ-00782A Saturday Lecture -
Interdependence, Community, Sangha, Interdependence, Monastic Practice, Aspects of Practice,...
Feb 01 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Way seeking Mind Talks

Serial: BZ-01505 -
Politics, Religion, War, Fasting, Practice Period, Building, Peace, Emotions, Commitment, Evil...
Feb 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Stories and their Significance

Serial: BZ-00783A -
Attachment, American, Emotions, Interview, Non-duality, Concentration, Separation, Religion,...
Jan 25 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Discussing Suzuki-rôshi Lecture #12

Serial: BZ-00117 Lecture -
Monastic Practice, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Birth-and-Death, Beginners, Monkey Mind,...
Jan 22 1997
Unknown Location

Monkey Mind & Controlling the Passions

Serial: BZ-00783B Saturday Lecture -
Monkey Mind, Intention, Monkey Mind, Demons, Greed, Lay Practice, Passions, Avalokiteshvara,...
Jan 18 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Dukkha & The Self

Serial: BZ-00780B One-Day Sitting -
Dukkha, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana, Four Noble Truths, Greed, Samsara, Daily Life, Monkey Mind,...
Jan 12 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Theravada Tradition

Serial: BZ-00780A -
Four Noble Truths, Monastic Practice, training, Precepts, Bodhisattva Vow, Complete Perfect...
Jan 11 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Mindfulness Sutra

Serial: SF-00069 January PP Class; introduction of Mindfulness Sutra; quotes from Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman; Walden and Leaves of Grass. The talk introduces the "Mindfulness Sutra", exploring its foundational role in Buddhist practice and the importance of meticulously paying attention to body and mind. The presentation highlights dimensions of mindfulness through...
Mindfulness, Four Foundations, Four Noble Truths, Forgiveness, Concentration, Letting Go,...
Jan 08 1997
Green Gulch Farm
