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Showing 4992 talks

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Title Speaker Date

Finding One's Place Is The Fundamental Point

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community The discussion centers on the practice of "finding one's place" in the present moment, which is envisioned as a way to realize and actualize the entire universe. This practice reflects the bodhisattva mind, which abides in...
Genjokoan, Karmic Consciousness, Consciousness, Buddha Nature, Bowing
May 14 2022
No Abode Hermitage

The Dharma Of Listening and Speaking

Serial: BZ-02863 The discussion delves into the profound topics of mindful speaking and listening, invoking Zen teachings and various religious perspectives to underscore the ethical dimensions of communication. The lecturer elaborates on the...
Silence, Right Speech, Listening, Speaking, Precepts, Bodhisattva Vow, Zazen Mind...
Sep 18 2021

Three Different Kinds Of Mind

Serial: BZ-02862 The talk discusses three types of mind central to Zen practice: open mind, beginner's mind, and ordinary mind. It explores open-mindedness in accepting different views and experiences, beginner's mind as a metaphor for fresh,...
Ordinary Mind, Doubt, Beginners, Book of Serenity
Sep 11 2021

Fire, Flood, Zazen

Serial: BZ-02861 The talk emphasizes the practice of Zazen as a means to settle the self and achieve composure amidst life's turmoil. It discusses the importance of regulating life, finding ordinary meaning, and maintaining a receptive mind...
Emotions, Monkey Mind, Composure, Mindfulness, Anger
Sep 04 2021

Getting Stuck

Serial: BZ-02860 The talk focuses on the concept of being physically and metaphorically "stuck," using personal anecdotes from a challenging backpacking trip to reflect on larger philosophical and spiritual questions about handling difficulties...
Big Mind, Ordinary Mind, Lay Practice, Emotions, Humility
Aug 28 2021

What Now, I Don't Know

Serial: BZ-02859 The talk engages with the challenges and reflections brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly relating to the reopening plans of Berkeley's Zen Center (BCC). Amidst the evolving situation with the Delta variant and...
Book of Serenity, Lay Practice, Ordinary Mind, Patience, Chanting
Aug 21 2021


Serial: BZ-02858 The talk discusses the concept of choices and their impact, emphasizing the significance of how we respond to situations rather than the situations themselves. This theme is explored through various cultural references, personal...
Rinzai, Freedom, Global Warming, Big Mind, Jukai
Aug 14 2021

Things Fall Apart

Serial: BZ-02857 The talk references various works and themes centered around the notion of impermanence and the cyclical nature of life's events. The speaker incorporates a musical piece by Bob Dylan titled "Everything is Broken" to highlight...
War, Aspects of Practice, Berkeley Zen Center, Nirvana, confusion
Aug 07 2021

Zazen Forms and Impermanence

Serial: BZ-02856 This talk discusses the introduction to Zazen practice as experienced by an attendee at the Berkeley Zen Center. Emphasis is placed on the various preparatory steps before meditation begins, including bowing and adjusting posture...
Emotions, Bowing, Attachment, Daily Life
Jul 31 2021

The Mind Of A Sentient Being Is Difficult To Change

Serial: BZ-02855 The discussion revolves around the challenge in changing the mindsets of sentient beings, drawing heavily from Buddhist teachings and texts. A central theme explored is the application of bodhisattva principles, particularly the...
Lotus Sutra, Oneness, Buddha Nature, Paramitas, Mahayana
Jul 24 2021

Me Too, The Dharma of Friendship

Serial: BZ-02854 In the talk, the theme revolves around the practice of Zen and the concept of Dharma friendship, highlighting the integral role of spiritual camaraderie in holistic living. Events and discussions illustrate how responses to...
Constancy, Soto Zen, Patience, Lotus Sutra, Berkeley Zen Center
Jul 17 2021

Compassion Liberates Us From Hindrances

The first in-person gathering at No Abode since 2020 -
Eihei Koso Hotsuganmon, Torei Zenji, Hindrances, Obstacles, true dharma, Confession-and-...
Jul 10 2021
No Abode Hermitage

Three Types of Compassion

The first in-person meeting at No Abode since 2020 -
Great compassion, Suzuki Roshi, Emotions, difficulty, Vimalakirti
Jul 10 2021
No Abode Hermitage

Forms In The Zendo and In Our Lives

Serial: BZ-02853 -
Daily Life, Soto Zen, Bowing, Mindfulness
Jul 10 2021

The Four Establishments Of Mindfulness, Part Two

Serial: BZ-02852 -
Mindfulness, Anger, Four Foundations, Observe
Jul 03 2021

Waking Up

Serial: BZ-02851 -
Rinzai, Blue Cliff Record, Bell, Book of Serenity, Aspects of Practice
Jun 26 2021

This Little Light Of Mine

Serial: BZ-02850 -
Shosan, Blue Cliff Record, Bodhisattva Vow, Dokusan, Freedom
Jun 20 2021

Sangha Jewel

Serial: BZ-02864 -
American, Building, Religion, Ordination, Dana
Jun 19 2021
Berkeley Zen Center

The Four Establishments Of Mindfulness

Serial: BZ-02848 -
Mindfulness, Shikantaza, Consciousness, Concentration, Mahayana
Jun 18 2021

Six Paramitas

Serial: BZ-02849 -
Patience, Heart Sutra, Paramitas, Precepts
Jun 18 2021

Sit Where We Are and Practice Generosity

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Generosity, Face-To-Face Transmission, Evil, Consciousness, Repentance
Jun 12 2021

The Four Brahmaviharas (The Four Immeasurable Minds)

Serial: BZ-02847 -
Equanimity, Peace, Anger, Ego, Happiness
Jun 12 2021

Beginner's Sesshin

Serial: BZ-02846 -
Continuous Practice, Mindfulness, Bowing, Heart Sutra, Kinhin
Jun 06 2021

The Five Skandhas

Serial: BZ-02845 -
Consciousness, Heart Sutra, Zazen Mind, Avalokiteshvara, Money
Jun 05 2021

Bodhisattva Precepts

Serial: BZ-02844 -
Precepts, Karma, Evil, Bodhisattva Precepts, Freedom
Jun 04 2021

The Three Marks Of Existence

Serial: BZ-02843 -
Nirvana, Four Noble Truths, Monkey Mind, Daily Life, Beginners
May 29 2021

The Noble Eightfold Path

Serial: BZ-02842 -
Right Speech, Mindfulness, Karma, Concentration, Four Noble Truths
May 28 2021

The Four Noble Truths

Serial: BZ-02841 -
Big Mind, Four Noble Truths, Religion, Precepts, Patience
May 22 2021

Fukanzazengi, Part 2

Serial: BZ-02836 -
Dragons, Non-thinking, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Shikantaza
May 15 2021

Zazen Instructions, Part 1

Serial: BZ-02837 -
Zazengi, Non-thinking, Concentration, Samadhi
May 15 2021

Zazen Instructions, Part 2

Serial: BZ-02838 -
Zazengi, Non-thinking, Concentration, Zenki, Samadhi
May 15 2021

Zazen Instructions A

Serial: BZ-02839 -
Zazengi, Non-thinking, Concentration, Zenki, Samadhi
May 15 2021

Zazen Instructions B

Serial: BZ-02840 -
Zazengi, Non-thinking, Concentration, Zenki, Samadhi
May 15 2021

Three Refuges

Serial: BZ-02835 -
Buddha Nature, Platform Sutra, Precepts, Karma
May 14 2021

Making Our Life A Gift

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Generosity, Awakening, Wisdom, Enthusiasm, Lotus Sutra, Precepts
May 08 2021

Fukanzazengi, Part 1

Serial: BZ-02834 -
Buddha Nature, Balance, Aspects of Practice, realization, Concentration
May 08 2021


Serial: BZ-02833 -
Heart Sutra, Peace, Chanting, Lotus Sutra, Jukai
May 01 2021


Serial: BZ-02832 -
Balance, Buddha Nature, Berkeley Zen Center, American, Yogachara
Apr 24 2021

The Practice Of Patience

Serial: BZ-02831 -
Patience, Bowing, Separation, Buddha Nature, Right Speech
Apr 17 2021

Buddha's Story, The Sad Parts

Serial: BZ-02830 -
War, Attachment, Ordination
Apr 11 2021

Buddha's Story

Serial: BZ-02829 -
Global Warming, Buddha Nature, Religion, Lineage
Apr 10 2021

The Whole Universe is the One Buddha Vehicle

A virtual Dharma talk by Tenshin Roshi for an online gathering of the No Abode community -
Lotus Sutra, Stillness, Respect, Silence, Freedom
Apr 03 2021

Ramaytush Skillful Effort

Serial: BZ-02828 -
Four Noble Truths, Ordinary Mind, Bodhisattva Vow, Platform Sutra, Daily Life...
Apr 03 2021

Buddha Nature

Serial: BZ-02827 -
Buddha Nature, Doubt, Berkeley Zen Center, Continuous Practice
Mar 27 2021

Spiritual Formation

Serial: BZ-02826 -
Continuous Practice, Berkeley Zen Center, American, Dharma Transmission
Mar 20 2021

Sojun And JiJuYu Zanmai

Serial: BZ-02825 -
Samadhi, uchiyama, Ego, Blue Cliff Record, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
Mar 13 2021

Confession And Repentance in the Lotus Sutra

Confession-and-Repentance, Lotus Sutra, Samadhi, Brahma Net Sutra,
Mar 06 2021


Serial: BZ-02824 -
Priest, Anger, Karma, Shikantaza, Delusion
Mar 06 2021

Practicing With Emptiness

Serial: BZ-02823 -
Heart Sutra, Avalokiteshvara, Berkeley Zen Center, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Silence...
Feb 27 2021

Hai! Here I Am

Serial: BZ-02822 -
Zazen Mind, Religion, Observe, Politics, Beginners
Feb 20 2021
