Divine Mercy and Human Transformation

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Sunday through Saturday Lauds/Vespers

AI Summary: 

The talk primarily revolves around thematic reflections from various liturgical texts and biblical passages. It emphasizes the continuous cycle of sin, redemption, and divine mercy. Specific focus is placed on forgiveness, inner cleansing, human frailty, divine strength, and the maintenance of faith. The dialogue incorporates a series of prayers and hymns emphasizing God's greatness, the enduring nature of divine love, and the contrast between the Old and New Covenants.

  • The Psalms: References to themes of penitence, forgiveness, and divine intervention.

  • The Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55): Praise of God’s strength and mercy, indicating a link between humility and exaltation.

  • Romans 12:1-2 and following: Encouragement to transform the mind and live according to the spirit, underlining an integral transformation through faith.

  • 1 Corinthians 12: Discussions around spiritual gifts and their purpose of serving the community within the body of Christ.

  • 2 Corinthians 3:7-18: The transient splendor of the Old Covenant contrasted with the lasting glory of the New Covenant through Christ, highlighting the spiritual freedom offered by Christ.

These references collectively underscore the theme of spiritual enlightenment and moral transformation through divine assistance, with a focus on Christ as the catalyst for overcoming the inherent shortcomings of humanity.

AI Suggested Title: Divine Mercy and Human Transformation

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AI Vision Notes: 

AI Vision - Possible Values from Photos:
Possible Title: Wednesday Lands & Vespers
Additional text: Dolby, Normal, Wed Lands outside Angelus Vespers invisible



Most likely recorded on consecutive days


BELLS RINGING Thank you. Thank you. O God, come to my assistance.


O Lord, make haste to help me. Praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Both now and forever. Amen. Alleluia. Have mercy on me, O God, in your doing. In your compassion, Lord, help my offense. Oh, wash me more and more from my guilt, and cleanse me from my sin. My offense is truly I done them. My sin is always before me. Against you, you alone have I sinned. What is evil in your sight, I have done. Let your angels guide your new descendants, and be without reproach when you judge.


O see, in the earth I was born, a sinner was all I could see. Indeed, you loved truth in the heart. Let in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom. O giver of my faith, that I shall be free. O wash me, I shall be whiter than snow. Make me hear rejoicing in gladness, that the bones you have crushed may thrill. From my sin spill away your grace, and God have all my good. A pure heart create for me, O God, but a steadfast spirit within me. Do not pass me away from your presence, nor defile me of your Holy Spirit. Give me again the joy of your help, through the Spirit of the Merciful Savior, that by my deeds transgresses your ways, and sinners may return to you.


O rescue me, God, my helper, and my tongue shall bring out your goodness. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise. For in sacrifice you did not delight, but offering from me you would refuse. I sacrifice a contrite spirit, a humble contrite heart you cannot spare. In your goodness shall favor desire, Reveal the walls of Jerusalem, Then you will be pleased with lawful sacrifice, And offerings fully consumed. Then you will be offered your courts under oath, Have mercy on me, Lord, have mercy.


For in you my soul is taken refuge, In the shadow of your wings I take refuge, Till the storms of destruction pass by. I call to God, O Son, To God, who is always with my help, May he save from heaven and sin, and shamed those who were sinning. May God send his truth and his love. My soul lies down among minors, the wounded guard of sons of men. Their teeth are spirits and arrows, their tongue a sharp and strong. O God, arise above the heavens, May your glory shine on earth. They made a stair for my steps.


My soul was no doubt. They dug a pit in my path. But found it themselves. My heart is ready, O God. My heart is ready. I will sing, I will sing your praise. Awake my soul, awake my heart, I will awake your love. I will thank you, Lord of the peoples, of all the nations, I will praise you. May your glory shine on them. My heart exalts in the Lord.


I find my strength is my God. My hope lasts at my bed. as I rejoice in your Savior. There is none holy like the Lord, no God like our God, you alone. Bring your worthy words to an end, let no cross fall from your hands, for the Lord is the God who knows all. It is He who waits and teaches. The boss of the mighty are gone, But the weak are filled with strength. Those with plenty must labor for bread, But the hungry need work no more. The childless wife has children gone, But the fruitful wife bears no more. It is the Lord who gives life and death.


He brings men to their grave and bath. It is the Lord who gives poverty and riches. He brings them home and graces their heart. He lifts up the lowly from the dust. From the downy He raises the poor. To a setting in the company of riches. For the pillars of the earth are the most, on them he has set the world. He guards the steps of his faithful, of the weak they will perish in darkness. For no man's power gives him victory, the enemies of the Lord shall be broken. The most high will thunder in the depths, The Lord will judge the insolent, He will give power to His King, And exalt the light of His anointed.


Praise the Lord, for He is good, Sing to our God, for He is good, And to Him our praise is due. The Lord builds a Jerusalem and brings back Israel's exile. He heals the brokenhearted. He binds the bald and wounded. He fixes the number of the stars. He calls each one where he sits. Our Lord is great and almighty, His wisdom can never be measured. The Lord graces the lowly, He humbles the weary to their doubts. O sing to the Lord, ye near friends, Sing songs to our Lord with a laugh, He covers the heavens with clouds.


He provides a place for their food, and their bread except all above Him. His delight is not in harshness, nor His pleasure in war-weary strain. The Lord be nice to those who fear Him, and those who wait for His Lord. Praise the Father, the Son, and all His children, I greet you from St. Austin, Connecticut, Corinthians. If splendor accompanied the dispensation under which we are condemned, how much richer in splendor must that one be under which we are condemned?


Indeed, the splendor that once was is now no splendor at all. It is outshone by a splendor greater still. For if that which was soon to fade had its moment of splendor, how much greater is the splendor of that which endures. With such hope as this we speak out boldly. But in any case their minds have been made insensitive, for that same fail is there to this very day when the lesson is read from the Old Covenant, and it is never lifted, because only through Christ is the Old Covenant abrogated. But to this very day, every time a law from Moses is read, a fail lies over the minds of the curious.


Now the Lord whom this passage speaks is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And because for us there is no veil over the face, we all reflect as in a mirror the splendor of the Lord. Thus we are transfigured into disciples from splendor to splendor. Such is the influence of the Lord, who is Spirit. All things are colored once again, Illumined by the rising sun. of such deception lies through light and blessed morning.


You are the light of the morning star that shines in splendor on the world. To God the Father, glory be, and to His only Son, Who with the Spirit comforters are reigning for eternity. Amen. From the light of our being, set us free, O Lord. Bless me, the Lord, that I may He has visited His people and redeemed them. He has praised Him for what so might He say. In the house of David He stood.


As He promised by the lips of holy men. Those who were His prophets from of old. A Savior who would free us from our foes. ♪ From the hands of all who hear us ♪ ♪ So His love for our fathers is fulfilled ♪ ♪ And His holy covenant remembered ♪ ♪ He swore to Abraham our father ♪ ♪ To grant us death free from fear ♪ ♪ And save from the hands of our foes ♪ ♪ We might serve Him in holiness and justice ♪ ♪ All the days of our life in his presence ♪ ♪ As for you, little child, you shall be called ♪ ♪ A prophet, a god, or a star ♪ ♪ You shall know a man of the Lord ♪ ♪ Who will lead his ways before you ♪ ♪ You'll make known to his people their salvation ♪ ♪ Through forgiveness ♪


the loving kindness of the heart of our God, who visits us like the dawn from on high. He will give light to those in darkness, those who dwell in the shadow of death, and guide us into the way of peace. Praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and forevermore. From the hands of the Lord who made us, set us free, O Lord. Let us pray for all those who do not know Christ, that they may be given to the light and the gospel by the example of our great King. may learn not to fear death, but believe in the power of God's merciful love.


Christ have mercy. Our brother, like us, too, our sons, our mothers, our families, our places. Lord, have mercy. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, Forever and ever, Amen. Thank you.


you O God, come to my assistance, O Lord, make haste to help me. Praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and forever.


Amen. Alleluia. Our good and God-blessed days When brothers did as one It is like precious oil upon the head, and down upon the lip, running down upon heaven's hills, upon the collar of His throat. It is like the dew of the heavenly shores, on the heights of Zion, for there the Lord gives His blessing. Praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and forever. Amen. Praise the name of the Lord.


Praise Him, servants of the Lord, who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God. Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good. ♪ Sing a song to his name for he is worthy ♪ ♪ For the Lord has chosen Jacob for himself ♪ ♪ And Israel for his own possession ♪ ♪ For I know the Lord is great ♪ ♪ And our Lord is high above all God ♪ ♪ The Lord does not ever give gifts ♪ ♪ In heaven, on earth, in the spirit ♪ He saw His cross from the ends of the earth, and He suddenly drove loose the whip. From His treasuries He sent forth a whip.


The firstborn of the Egyptians He smote, a man at least alive. Signs and wonders He heard in the midst of Yom Kippur region. ♪ Against Pharaoh and all his servants ♪ ♪ Nations in their greatness he sought ♪ ♪ And kings in their splendor he stood ♪ ♪ Sion, king of the Amorites ♪ ♪ Father, king of Persia ♪ ♪ And all the kingdoms of Canaan ♪ ♪ The land is mine, inherit the land ♪ All his people shall earthly be stored. Lord, your name stands forever. ♪ Unforgotten from age to age ♪ ♪ For the Lord does justice for his people ♪ ♪ The Lord takes pity on his servants ♪ ♪ A guidance of silver and gold ♪ ♪ The work of human hands ♪ ♪ They have mouths but they cannot speak ♪ ♪ They have eyes but they cannot see ♪


They have ears, but they cannot hear. There is still a breath on their lips. Their makers will come to give life to them. ♪ And so will all who trust in him ♪ ♪ Sons of Israel, bless the Lord ♪ ♪ Sons of Aaron, bless the Lord ♪ ♪ Sons of Levi, bless the Lord ♪ ♪ You who fear him, bless the Lord ♪ ♪ From Zion, may the Lord be with us ♪ ♪ He who dwells in Jerusalem ♪ Praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, God now and forevermore. O give thanks to the Lord for He is good.


His law is everlasting, give thanks to the God of God. His law is everlasting, give thanks to the Lord of God. His love is everlasting, through whom all men to the Father swear. His love is everlasting, whose wisdom inmost made the sky. His love is everlasting, who makes the earth earthly and the sea. His love is everlasting, it does me good when I pray to Thee. His love is everlasting, it does not do me wrong to pray to Thee. His love is everlasting, the fullness lies in the heart. ♪ His law is everlasting ♪ ♪ The firstborn of the Egyptians he swore ♪ ♪ His law is everlasting ♪ ♪ He brought Israel out from their pit ♪ ♪ His law is everlasting ♪ ♪ On all stretched with water in his hand ♪ ♪ His law is everlasting ♪ ♪ He divided the Red Sea ♪


His law is everlasting, even though all his foes did but see. His law is everlasting, earth and heav'n receive from Him their. His law is everlasting, nations in their greatness exult. His law is everlasting, ♪ His law is everlasting ♪ ♪ And so I am king of the heavens ♪ [...] His law is everlasting. It never cuts in our despair. His law is everlasting.


That He snatched us away from our home. His law is everlasting. It gets the work done all willingly. His law is everlasting. To the God of heaven give thanks. His eyes have heard us speak, praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and forever. Amen. My brothers, I implore you, by God's mercy, to offer your very souls to Him, a living sacrifice, dedicated and fit for His acceptance, the worship offered by mind and heart.


Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world, but let your minds be remade and your whole nature thus transformed. then you will be able to discern the will of God and to know what is good, acceptable and perfect. In virtue of the gift that God in His grace has given me, I say to everyone among you, do not be conceited. For just as in a single human body there are many limbs and organs, all with different functions, so all of us, united with Christ, form one body, serving individually as limbs and organs to one another. The gifts we possess differ as they are a lot to us by God's grace, and must be exercised accordingly.


the gift of inspired utterance, for example, in proportion to a man's faith, or the gift of administration in administration. A teacher should employ this gift in teaching, and one who has the gift of stirring speech should use it to stir his ears. If you give to charity, give with all your heart. If you are a leader, exert yourself to lead. Loathing evil and clinging to the good. Let love for our brotherhood breathe warmth of mutual affection. Give pride and place to one another in esteem. With unfailing energy, in heart and of spirit, serve the Lord. Holy God who made the sky,


And fill with joy His last expense, Adorned with unyielding fire, And splendid rays of gleaming light. You made us a humble deflame, For this the fourth day set apart. You chose the land the moon should crown, And crosses for the starry host. Shed light upon the hearts of men, the souls defiled and cleansed away. Reduce the chains that sickly bear, the heavy load of guilt removed. O gentle Father, grant our prayer, that You, His only Son, are loved. Who is the Spirit Comforter, our reigning for eternity.


Amen. The Lord, who is mighty, has done great things for me. My soul glorifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. He looks on His servant in her nothingness, and His Lord for ages will call me blessed. His mercy is from age to age on those who fear him.


♪ And scatters the power of God ♪ ♪ He does the penitent on their throes ♪ ♪ And raises them right ♪ ♪ He builds the sky with good things ♪ ♪ Sends the rich away again ♪ ♪ He protects the trial he's served ♪ ♪ The mercy God supervises ♪ ♪ Forever and his sons forever ♪ ♪ Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ♪ ♪ The Father forever and always ♪ ♪ The Lord, who is mighty, has done great things for you ♪ Let us pray for an increase of faith in Christ's name, that we may persevere in the mystery of Christ.


Lord, have mercy. That our brotherhood may be informed by the Holy Spirit, and renewed by the personality of Christ. that you may pass on the path of joy, and will you be accepted as salvation to which he holds the peace. Lord have mercy. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever.


Amen. ♪ All I want to be is to love only thee ♪ ♪ To be with her, to be with her ♪ ♪ To be with her, to be with her ♪


I love you. I love you. Aum. Aum. I need you. Yeah.

