Eternal Devotion: A Journey Within
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AI Suggested Keywords:
Sunday through Saturday Lauds/Vespers
The talk focuses on a series of Lauds/Vespers, which are part of the daily prayer cycle in Christian monastic tradition. The central themes include the invocation of divine assistance, praise to the Holy Trinity, and reflections on spiritual justice and divine mercy. Emphasis is placed on the enduring nature of God's love and the spiritual journey towards inner peace and strength.
References and Works Mentioned:
St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews: Offers an explanation of the supremacy of the Son over angels and emphasizes the eternal nature of the divine throne, providing foundational theological underpinnings for understanding the divine hierarchy.
Morning and Evening Prayers: Referenced to illustrate the rhythm of daily spiritual practice, signifying the importance of continual devotion and the internalization of prayerful attitude throughout the day.
AI Suggested Title: Eternal Devotion: A Journey Within
Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1972
Thank you. uh uh O God, come to my assistance.
O Lord, raise your help me. Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Both now and forever, Amen. Alleluia. Good-bye, mercy, O Lord. In the morning you hear me, in the morning I offer you my prayer. Watching and waiting, you are the one who loves me most, no sinner is your guest. The gospel shall set the ground before your face.
You take all the evil, you destroy all the light. A deceitful and law-abasing man, the Lord He cares. The light and the greatness of your love have access to your house. I will honor you for your holy temple. To the good Lord, lead me, Lord, in your justice. Because of those who die and weep, may you clear your way before me. The truth can be found in everyone of us. There are others on this ship. There's hope, a wide-open grave. All found in their sleep. ♪ Keep them guilty, O God ♪ ♪ Let them fail in their desire ♪ ♪ Pride and love for their many offenses ♪ ♪ For they have defied you ♪ ♪ All those you protect shall be glad ♪ ♪ And bring out their joy ♪ ♪ You shall give them in you their rejoice ♪ ♪ Those who love your name ♪
It is You who does the just and all. You surround Him with favor as in the sea. As in the sea, so does He. In the depths of His heart, there is no fear of God. Before His heart, ♪ He's so flattered to tell in his mind ♪ ♪ That he knows not his guilt ♪ ♪ In his mouth are whispered fantasy ♪ ♪ All wisdom is gone ♪ ♪ He plots the defeat of goodness ♪ ♪ As he lies on his bed ♪ ♪ He has set his foot on evil ways ♪ ♪ He thinks through all his life ♪ ♪ Your love, O Lord, reaches to heaven ♪ ♪ Your truth to the stars ♪ ♪ Your justice is like God's love ♪ ♪ Your judgment's like the day ♪ ♪ To both men it's to give protection ♪ ♪ O Lord, how precious is your love ♪ ♪ My God, the sons of heaven ♪
Find their reach in the shelter of your feet. They seek the riches of your house. They drink from the stream of your river. In you rests the source of life. And in your light we see life. Keep up, Lord, in those who love you. ♪ Doing justice for all my God ♪ ♪ Let the thoughts of the crowd now crush in me ♪ ♪ Know that never will you cast me out ♪ ♪ See how evil doers fall ♪ ♪ From now on they shall never arise ♪ ♪ Blessings on you, O Lord, the God of Israel ♪ You are the soul of greatness and power, and splendor, and triumph, and glory.
All is yours, the heaven and the earth. You are the Lord, the Savior. You are supreme over all. Those honor and riches come from you. You are the ruler of all, from your hand come strength and power, from your hand come greatness and power, and so our God is with you. ♪ I will bless your name forever ♪ ♪ I will bless you day after day ♪ ♪ And praise your name forever ♪ ♪ The Lord is great and highly praised ♪ ♪ His greatness shall be mentioned ♪ ♪ His praise shall proclaim your words ♪ ♪ Shall declare your righteous deeds ♪
Just think of yourself in glory, Tell the tale of your wonderful works, They will speak of your terrible deeds, Recount your critics and art, They will be loyal under goodness, Age to age shall reign of your justice, On white sky and full of compassion, slow to anger, abounding in love. How good is the Lord to all, compassionate to all his creatures. All your creation shall thank you, O Lord, and your friends shall repeat their blessings. They shall speak of the glory of your name, and declare your might and your power, to make known to men your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your name.
Yours is an everlasting kingdom, your rule lasts from age to age, the Lord is faithful in all his works, and loving in all of His seed. The Lord supports all who fall, and graces all who are bound up. He lights up all creatures unto you, and you give them their food in your time. You hold them tight in your hands, work the desires of all the men. The light's gone, and all is blue. Lewis and Lucky came home once again. He is close to all the commoners, who call on him from their homes.
The Lord protects all who love him, but the wicked he will utterly destroy. In the praise of the Lord, let all mankind bless his holy name, for therefore his days are many. When in former times God spoke to our forefathers, He spoke in fragmentary and varied fashion to the prophets. When he had brought about the purgation of sin, he took his seat at the right hand of the Majesty of God.
The brilliance of eternal life. This is the place where all the stars collide. Our ending day that shines above us. May joy be with those who love it like us. ♪ The light that spread on our souls ♪ ♪ To God our Father glory be ♪ ♪ And to His righteous throne abode ♪ ♪ To the prosperity of mankind ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ The God of Israel ♪ ♪ Now see the Lord, the God of Israel ♪ ♪ He has risen with his people and redeemed them ♪ ♪ He has raised the lost and martyred and saved them ♪ ♪ In the house of David his son ♪ ♪ Come to promise by the lips of holy men ♪
Our Savior who would free us from our foes, from the hands of all who hate us. So his love for our fathers is fulfilled, and his holy covenant remembered. He swore to Abraham our father, to grant us their freedom from fear, and save from the hands of our foes. We might serve Him in holiness and justice, all the days of our life in His presence. As from your little child you shall be born, a prophet of God most high. You shall go ahead of the clock to prepare His ways before you. ♪ To make unto his people their salvation ♪ ♪ Through forgiveness of all their sin ♪ ♪ The loving kindness of the heart of our God ♪ ♪ Who visits us like a God from on high ♪ ♪ He will give life to those who darkness ♪ ♪ Those who fell and tremble of death ♪ ♪ And guide us into the way of peace ♪
Praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Both now and forevermore. Blessed be our Lord, the God of Israel. Know, sir, that the Church of God remains made in partnership and sold by the prayers of the vendors of our nation. ♪ For the poor and the weak and the persecuted ♪ ♪ That they may find comfort in God's love ♪ ♪ And in the assistance of their fellow men ♪ ♪ Christ have mercy ♪ ♪ For brother David and all God's sons and daughters ♪ ♪ Our families and our places to be ♪ ♪ Lord have mercy ♪ ♪ Our Father who art in heaven ♪
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. ♪ The good and the wrong ♪ Thank you.
you There it is. O God, how can I resist Him?
O Lord, praise to Thee, [...] praise to Two thumbs on her head, two fingers, two fingers on her head. It's learning day this year. A stick and a knife, the fork and the fork. A mountain slept on the grass, and the hills like yammy sheep. Why must it be that you left? Turn back, oh, my love, and go Far off letters and playgrounds, Pillows, blankets, and sheets, And all the words before the Lord.
In the presence of the Lord of Jacob, who turns the fire of sin, and makes it his praise upon me, praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and forever. Amen. Amen. ♪ Now to God the Lord have you lost ♪ ♪ For through your name he will glorify you ♪ ♪ For the sake of your love and your truth ♪ ♪ Let your weakness be erased, dear God ♪ ♪ Our God is in the heavens ♪ ♪ He does whatever he wills ♪
And I've got a shelter in a pool, so I'm gonna keep an eye. Check my paws, I'll keep an eye on me. Check my eyes, but they cannot see. They have ears, but they cannot hear. They have bottles, but they cannot sell. is Lord, no son comes from their throne Their makers will dominate by turn And so will all who trust them Sons of Israel He is their help and their shield Sons of Adam and Joseph, O Lord He is their help and their shield
You who fear and trust in the Lord, He is their help and their shield. He who cares for us and who gives birth to us, You who bless the sons of Israel, He who blesses the sons of men. The Lord has kept us so dear, God is our Lord and Savior dear. To you, the Lord, grant increase. To you, our God, all worship. May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. The heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to them. That there shalt thou praise the Lord, God was when thou dalt in this world, But we who live bless the Lord, Both now and forever, Amen.
Praise the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, Both now and forever, Amen. I love the Lord, for He has saved me. I love the Lord, for He has saved me.
The trial might appear, for He dead is here to be. In the day when I call Him, they surround me, the sins of death, with the anguish of the tomb. They call me Saul and his curse, I call on the Lord's name. ♪ O Lord, my God, hear me ♪ ♪ How gracious is the Lord unto us ♪ ♪ Our God has compassion ♪ ♪ The Lord protects the sinful hearts ♪ ♪ I was helpless, so He saved me ♪ ♪ And my soul to be honest ♪ ♪ For the Lord has been good ♪ He has kept my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling.
I will walk in the presence of the Lord, in the land of the living. I trust Him even when I stumble, I am slowly affected. ♪ And when I said I am all, no man can be trusted ♪ ♪ How can I pray the Lord for His goodness to me? ♪ ♪ The call for salvation I will raise ♪ ♪ I will call on the Lord's name ♪ ♪ My vow to the Lord I will fulfill before all His people ♪ For righteousness in the eyes of the Lord is the deadliest thing. You have served the Lord, you have served God, you have loosened my heart. All thanksgiving, sacrifice I pay.
I could not but go and say my vows to the Lord I will fulfill before all his people, in the courts of the house of the Lord, in the midst of Jerusalem. O praise the Lord, all you nations! Strong is His love upon us, He is faithful forever. Praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and forevermore. The reading from St.
Paul's letter to the Hebrews. God never said to any angel, thou art my son, today I have begotten thee, or I will be father to him, and he shall be my son. Again, when he presents the firstborn to the world, he says, let all the angels of God thank him homage. Of the angels, he says, he who makes his angels witnesses, and his ministers a fiery flame. But of the Son, thy throne is God forever and ever, and the fortune of justice is the center of his kingdom. Thou hast done right and taken wrong. Therefore, O God, provide thou the virtues of thy fellows by anointing them with the oil of salvation. For again, by thee, Lord, were earth's foundation made at old, and the heavens are but the work of thy hands.
They shall pass away, but thou endurest. Like clothes they shall all grow old. Thou shalt fold them up like a cloak. Yes, they shall be changed like any garment. But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. To which of the angels have you ever said, sit at my right hand until I make my penalty thy toast? What are they all but ministers' spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who ask to inherit salvation? Thus we are going to pay all our heed to what we have been told, for fear of drifting from our course. Oh, great Creator of the skies, You would not let confusion reign, Don't settle Heaven's resolve To keep the waters far above.
For among us, subject to the flood, The giver of eternal love, Let all of sin ensnare our hearts, drive far away the ancient foe. Let it speak of its wrath, and so enlighten unto you. All evil turning down to earth, no falsehood finding place to grow. O gentle Father and our prayer, and purest Holy Son of the Lord, who with the Spirit of the Church are praying for eternity. Amen. My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.
My soul, I praise the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God, I say. He looks on His servant and hath nothing less. Henceforth all ages will call me blessed. The Almighty works marvels for me, holy is His name. His mercy is from age to age, on those who fear Him. He puts forth His arm, His face, and scatters the crown above. He does the plighting of that cross, and raises the boy. He fills the stalling with good news, sets the ritual way empty.
He protects his royalist son, remembering his mercy. ♪ The mercy of rescue of others ♪ ♪ For you have meant distance for them ♪ ♪ Grace of all is finally stilled ♪ ♪ Both now and forever on them ♪ ♪ My soul awakes the greatness of the Lord ♪ Lord, pray that we may taste the divine omen of repentance, by which we are freed from the bondage of selfishness. Lord, have mercy that we may follow the pure and the dear in peace, and so you accept that they manifest the truth and beauty of God.
Christ, have mercy That each one of us may be delivered from the spirit of pride and contention, and life so divine to the old man, live according to the new man, Christ the anointed. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.
Amen. I'm a living ghost. [...] I'm When you descend upon us as morning and evening, we capture this love in your heart.
And though we may be afraid and lonely, Who will give me, if I have lost my memory, a father to be? And at the end of this life, is there the end of the world to me? Aum... Aum... Aum... I am your father.
Amen. Amen. you Oh.