OLD - Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept Precepts
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Saturday Morning, July 17, 1971
San Francisco
Audio file incorrectly dated. Only last part of transcript of 71-07-17 - SDH
Source: City Center transcript. Entered onto disk by Jose Escobar, 1997. Transcript checked against tape and made verbatim by Jeffrey Schneider and Bill Redican (9/26/00).
File name: 71-07-17: why then is it necessary to accept precepts (titled by pf) (Verbatim)
You are raised in, you know, the idea of good or bad, which, you know, by some-- some map, you know, to see. Here is your map for your life, so if you follow this map you may be okay. But that is not our way.
Student C: Several weeks ago in your lecture in the evening, you spoke about how the youth of today is not strong. How does one know what to do?
SR: Yeah. That is my problem too. I don't know what to do with you [laughs]. My stick is not long enough [laughs, laughter]. It is not so difficult thing, actually. If you-- if we are with you, it is not so difficult. But if you ask me what to do before you give me some difficulty you have, it is almost impossible. Or we usually do not give any answer. It is impossible. We do not say, “This is bad and this is good,” you know. Good or bad is-- actually there is nothing good or nothing bad. The situation makes something good or bad. That's all. So we do not say “good” or “bad” in that way. Instead, we-- our training is for to see or to have enough power or special power to be ourselves. That is our training-- our way. So I cannot tell you how to live as a Christian minister will tell you. That is not our way, you know. Excuse me, but [laughs], do you-- did you understand? Actually, it is not so difficult. Most of the people does something knowing that is wrong, yeah. But it is not difficult for him to know which is right and which is wrong under that circumstances.
Student D: Why does a good teacher have to have so many bad students?
SR: Hmm?
Student D: Why does a good teacher have to have so many bad students?
SR: [Laughs.] Good. Maybe he is so bad [laughs], so he must have bad students. It is so-- there is actually-- what I want to say is there is no special good teacher or bad teacher. The teacher who is always with you is best teacher. We have no-- that-- no such idea of good teacher or bad teacher or sage who knows everything [laughs], who tell you exactly what you should do next day or next year. You know, we-- we have no, you know-- I don't think we-- we have good teacher in-- in that way. Maybe for-- for some time your practice will be [laughs] to be just yourself without being interested in something special. Without relying on me you should, you know, try hard to sit. Okay? We can sit with you. So that is only way. And we need some encouragement. That is someth- -- that is a kind of thing which I want to tell you about in next two-three lectures.
What is good and what is bad is big problem. For some religion it is not problem, because it is told already by someone, you know, some teacher tell about things which is good and which is bad. So if you follow it that is a way, and your way has been to follow some special sage's words. That is why you became weaker and weaker. That is why I am telling you to be strong in that way.
Okay. Thank you.