OLD - Practice Should Be Practice of "Right Now"

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Protection master: ends of lectures which ran over 60 minutes. 1 - Form and Emptiness 7/3/69, about 5 minutes - duplicate

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Contains ending of 69-07-03 and 69-07-09; date of 69-07-09 needs to be re-examined


And I have attained enlightenment. And this is a big enlightenment. And this is a minor enlightenment. If you say so, it means that you couldn't avoid what is forbidden. You call the name of... you call forbidden name. So, if someone asks you what is emptiness, there is no way to say what it is. If you say something, that is not emptiness itself.


We should know that. I think I have to explain this point next time. There is many misunderstandings in this area. When you say, it is not possible. Word is very... Word has just limited sense. And there is some limit. It will give some limitation to the reality.


Even though I say water is cold, but if you don't drink it, you don't understand actually what is water. This is just... But when we say words is... When we say... We do not say, explain the limitation of the word. But we use words to point out the reality. So, we do not mean to reject the word or to reject our head.


We should not reject our head. We should not reject our word, even though it is not perfect. And if you talk about limitation, someone thinks, if he thinks, if he talks about how imperfect ability, how poor ability it has, our thinking mind, our words. It is Zen. If he is real Zen student, he should be able to point out by word what is emptiness, what is enlightenment.


At least he should try to do so, instead of rejecting word, instead of rejecting the intellectual understanding of sutra. This point is very important. Because there are many people who make this kind of mistake. Just talking about word is not good. The intellectual understanding doesn't mean anything. It is so poor. We cannot communicate by word. The only way is to attain enlightenment.


Unless you sit and attain enlightenment, you cannot study Zen. So, I don't explain what it is. Just sit. This is another mistake. If you understand Zazen in that way, that is also a mistake. Thank you very much.

