OLD - 1971.07.30-serial.00188

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You don't have to struggle about those things. Naturally, you will struggle. And I know it, so it's okay. Instead, you should practice Dharana, because it's much better. Please? I don't encourage you to struggle something, something about love. I... Well, if you want to have fun, then you have to find your way. It's quite different to when you're getting by. When I did, that's why I said, fun and food are each other's. But I don't know. [...] Well, I had an idea for a question. I wrote a question about the climate, about the climate of Sweden.


I wanted you to ask me about the climate. Well, here's how a person really writes about the climate. A person can write about the climate of Sweden. Don't struggle so hard, you know. Don't struggle so hard, please. Just... Don't be so serious, you know. Just let it come, let it come. If there is something to eat, eat it, you know. And if you think too much, you know, don't eat. In the evening, you know, you may eat a lot, you know, enjoy your food. And if you cannot eat evening time, don't eat it.


Next morning, you know, enjoy your breakfast, whatever. There's not much thing to think about. Vedic, you know, when you sit down, best policy is let it come and let it go. To do so, you have a kind of strength, not of this, I don't know about myself. So, better not to be so serious.


But will be take care anyway. Bye. Goodbye. Bye. Wait. If we break the precepts, what kind of suffering will we experience? Break the precepts? Break the precepts. I don't know. I'm not a scientist. I'm not a scientist. Physically, first of all, you will suffer. That is obvious. That is direct desire. And if you do so, Why you feel bad is you will lose your rhythm of life, you know.


But it's pretty, you know, difficult to accept. Maybe especially like you, if you lose your rhythm of life, So, that is why we have what we say, don't eat after noon, after noon time. It is a kind of ritual of life. The old Indian people had. That is the reason of life is very important. Why you don't feel so good if you do not come to Sahaja Yoga? Because you lose your awareness of this world.


And why you come back to the monastic life again and again? monastic realm that I go into, you know, you will miss what you have. How about unclaiming? It seems to be a black and gray way of life, you know, they are told that what we have outside world is going out of control and uh... For a layman, for a layman, Those prophets, maybe still, they have usually laymen, even laymen, observed. precepts, priest of God, a monk's precepts, and that will give you, give you some, much stronger, some release.


Even though just once in a while, if they observe, if they come to monastery and spend several days having same food and practicing zazen, that will be a great help, even though their unusual everyday life is not. so tight. Mostly women likes much better than priests or monks like I don't know five or ten. But it does not mean layman's practice is better than monk's practice.


But anyway, they feel very good, much better than monk's approach. Yes, but precept is not set up in that way. That is precept, why precept is good. If it is something like sake, we easily find out But it is known, or bind by, or be bind by precepts. It is difficult to be bind by precepts.


The more you observe people, the more you have freedom from it. Precept is not something which you can stick to. And our family's senses, it is very difficult to stick to it in the same way as you stick to something worldly. In the same way, you stick to something to me. to some extreme. In China and also in India and in Japan, Buddhists call it precepts, but laymen, like Taoists, call it confusions.


Call it there. Where is the behavior? The setups and behaviors. How is the behavior? What kind of behavior or setup so that we will not go to the street, that is the main point of Jūya, Jūya, Jūya. Middle way. It is different from Buddhist understanding, a little bit different from our understanding of middle way. But they also put the emphasis on middle way, or there, behavior.


So it is not possible to be, to go to the, to go, to be dualistic. as well as you are observing some precepts from earlier to previous. And this is maybe, I don't know, a Christian commandment somewhere. In China, or in India, or in Japan, we have this kind of cultural background. I think if you have time you can study about those things.


in comparison to Western culture.

