OLD - 1968.02.DD-serial.00062

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The audio is the last minutes of 70-06-17, 00061.

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Actually, that which is better is just words. To have the same, I mean, to have the same understanding as the teachers, the same understanding, it would be something that would be static, fixed. It wouldn't be something that we're changing. So if we were to have your understanding right now, tomorrow, that would be, what would that be? Impossible. not so easy. Even to create one page of the new Dharma is very difficult. Even though you feel sometimes you invented something new, Buddha is always waiting. Come here. But you feel you invented something new.


But Buddha is here. Oh, you come here, good boy. I have some things for you. Come nearer to me, Buddha would say. So it is very hard to surpass his teaching. Okay.

