December 1st, 1972, Serial No. 00498, Side A

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side A gradually gets softer and softer. side B does the same


And we cannot put our life, this sasheen, into neat packages. Not even packages of understanding, deep understanding or acceptance. There's no need to look elsewhere and at what you are. And no need to try to contain what you are. Our breath is our life and our death. And if you know your breath, you know your life and your death. There is no need to look somewhere for being in love or released on a spring day. When you're in love or released by a spring day, you will have your breath. And when you're angry, you'll have your breath.


And when you're dying, you'll go with your breath. You'll be your breath and go with it. It's in our breath that we spin world systems, and it's in our breath that we let them go. This is the consciousness of the Buddhas and patriarchs. And sitting here, when you sit here,


You're entering the stream of the Buddhas and Patriarchs, sitting with them. There's no need to go anywhere but to enter this stream, this stream of the Buddhas and Patriarchs that gives everything life. So please, sit that way. Stop looking around. This Tuesday, my sister seems to have committed suicide. And last night,


Virginia found her body and called me this morning. She must have been very sad to die, to give up after 12 years of fighting with depression. But I know she was relieved to find some rest. But we can find our rest here, alive, if we can be awake to our consciousness. Much of the effort I've made over the last decade or so to help Barbara has gone into working from home.

