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i'm i'm going to start with some announcements because and often if i don't start with the announcements i just forget about them ranger
christopher i wanna wish you a happy thanksgiving because they probably won't shave before thanksgiving
i may go to florida and visit some friends my friend and student and listen cocoa beach
and should let em it's kinda fun for me to be away from home so i'm looking for return
i've no doubt with the fortunately it seems like i'm the plumbing problems are coming up while i'm home you know
so one of the toilets just got stopped out and i get the plumber and you know the snake and line hundred feet in an english
and the earlier this summer was homes for when they waterline vote between the street in the house and was gushing out of the ground and i was on some you know have been these things don't happen while i'm away but usually they don't somehow house that's good
home anyway
december so i probably won't see you anymore and sunday nights year the rest of the year i don't know when i'll be back and we haven't scheduled thing for next year but philippine i are planning to teach together at spirit rock and december the fourth reaches a sunday and and i can't remember what the theme as but probably created a aim
did you may or may not follow you know but we're going to check and see what it was
the person is anything and and their fliers here are those fliers here in the back of yang
pick went up there soon it says they were doing yeah
so i think that's it i think that's where i want to give and remind you about em
as as i mentioned earlier i draw and i was encouraging you to to
if you you know chose to do so that possibility of enjoying your breath
you know in in re poznaƄ we we like to get people choice in damages tell people what to do you know down nerve
just die
there are no more moments this is your last moment nothing will help you now
so stop looking for help
so in an impasse never say well like if you chose to do so you might undertake the bow sitting still you know if i could do in a more polite and serve in are not just tell you
so tonight i was suggesting then you know enjoying your breath and i'm i'm thinking about this for various reasons but as i mentioned during the chicken button
i have found out that i i am officially at taipei person
taipei means that
given your resources which vary with in a different paper we did we have various levels of resources am i n job but given your the capacity in your undertaking when you i did it take to do twice what you're capable of that's considered wholesome and and about right
because then you're extending your growing your challenge yourself you're having a steady you're working on things
but when you get above doing twice what your capacity is and i'm only three point five is at taipei taipei person i'm a slacker
about three point five is getting up towards doing twice ways actually useful impossible to do and you can't do it even for a day sir then you and as and those who know me well can attest you can have a lot of anxiety about all the thing
things that you're not getting to that you are thinking about doing
and then you can have a lot of stress in her anger resentment frustration that people aren't helping your neck there in your way
thinks you're going wrong they're not working out
and then you can be sad and depressed and despondent i can't do it i'm a failure again i am selling competent what's wrong with me i can't even and then pretty soon you're so stressed that and anxious about all the things that are do that you can't even focus on doing one thing all you can do is so people
who are really you know top of the line class a
like sixteen to one not just two to one or three and half to one but sixteen to one know there's a top of the line
you know check the taipei and at sixteen to one
you know then when they find out there taipei they of a doctor i can't get it you gotta be kidding i can't do anything
so that's because your ears years trying so hard to do so much you can't even focus you can't set aside all the things you have to do and just do one thing
so this is kind of a know kind of news to me and one hand but it's it's a really useful for me to find this out
i wanna get to the part about joy
it's coming it's coming
and but this has been really useful for me to find out and how am i know how taipei you know that i'm actually taipei and and in eight years of buddhist practice haven't helped
there's a certain irony to this i hope you're realizing it i saw a flyer up there that says you know county meditation and develop you know inner peace
i mean friends have told me if you hadn't done it already we'd suggest you go to a zen monastery in our own capacity retreat cause you are really stressed and know you're you're stressing an unnecessarily here
and then
but it but now that i reflect on it you know what happens is that
hi papers and if you hear that meditation is good
and is a nice change of pace and you could develop in piece well let's become world class at it
so let's get really devoted here and really serious about it
and let's turn it into another taipei activity rather than men haven't been meditation
now that's make it another type a activity so one of the dangers when you're type taipei is that you turn all the possible relief from distress and doing too much into another taipei behavior so meditation so what did i do you know i went to a zen monastery for a nap monastery but you know xin as didn't read
residents said this incident for twenty years and now and then i did week long retreats and you know sitting from three in the morning till nine or ten at night and forty minute periods and you know ten minutes of walking and forty sitting and sitting for the meals in of fifty or sixty minutes and then know i'd a lot of cross legged sitting
and i was very serious about this cause if you're going to do something you should really do it
and then
and then i went to a three month with pozner retreat and know and i actually followed schedule
i love you been to three month three traits but and know the one i was at any way there are in no eight or ten of us out of sixty or seventy who are following the schedule i mean the hall with empty out except for when they were giving instruction or top than the place would fill up but otherwise like
six or eight people sitting in you know because they tell you
some of you may find it hard to sit here you know what sit in a chair of it's too hard and the sit in a chair and if you don't like these chairs here we have some really cushy easy chairs as the zionist over the library next tour in other upholstered and and don't have big arms is that people sit there
but you know i was a type a meditator so we don't go for those cushy chair type things our like you got it he got a muscle through you know get it done in our accomplish it make it happen
and then
so you know if you're probably gonna have this kind of problem but some of you might and i thought it might be a for by you little bit about type a tonight because
you know some of you know in a only a few of you probably are taipei i know and as i tell you i'm just a slacker as a type taipei and somebody might be better in taipei than me but also it's interesting i think to know about because you may know some taipei people in your life
so i'm going to tell you a little bit out how to work with the in taipei
so this is one of the things is you take something that could be a relief or pleasure or joy and you just turn it into another thing to accomplish and get done and become good at so maybe you start going for walks and then you turn the walks into jogging and then you become like in the you know
in the senior citizen you know top top jogging team in the country you know
and you time yourself and you know you're gonna get better at it and you're gonna be good at it and and if you start doing yoga you can do in a you can get better and better the yoga and keep in a meditate you can do more meditation and sam
i think i've been doing this for a long time i did occur to me for a while that it might be used for to
develop a little bit of a sense of humor

so i kind of work on that you know robin sense of humor and but here's the thing now about we're getting to july now okay here's the thing about joy
it turns out that one of the things that there's three things that are used for for taipei people taipei people you can't just tell them don't do so much
toby people can do that for one or two day two days at most third day in you're just back and try to do too much again so it doesn't work to do it just hit on or don't don't take on so much just you know that doesn't work
i mean there's the kids there's the work there's the shopping there's the dinner there's the house there's no there's the climbers to call
know there's all this stuff going on in our lives and i can i'm sort of starting to think that know i started the same taipei behavior everywhere now know
but anyway
the suggestion for taipei people you see as the do
instead of just working all the time
you actually stop sometimes and do something for the fun of it and you actually start having some joy
and i've been trying this and it's really challenging
i don't have any have you tried enjoying join your breads
but it can be very challenging like as you're not get anything done it just having a good time and would that be all right to just have a good time and enjoy yourself shouldn't you be getting somewhere accomplishing something you know getting better at humanity
station having a calm mind you know i shouldn't be working at it now so joyous a little counter to this seoul taipei mentality and i we're getting somewhere
and then you know it so i started thinking that quote how much chocolate can i eat in know leg i enjoy chocolate and i enjoy having a cup of tea but how much tea or coffee or chocolate can you eat or drink during the day you know for your joy and times i'm starting to look around for us in know how to have
joy or pleasure
and has been really challenging
i'm not very good at it
i'm in it and it's i've actually been having the last week
in a fair amount of grief
but oh my goodness you know i've spent i'm now sixty and i spent sixty years of my life and trying to get someplace
rather then asked the and and i don't have time to enjoy being with friends how can you enjoy being with friends when you've got work to do
so i got i'm like talk to some in and i better get back to work
to understand
so i haven't had time for friends i haven't and even though you know and then
and i haven't had a you know and then my of course i turned my daughter into a tie bay prison
because growing up when she was growing up i knew our time for her
genius them because if you're busy being in taipei person and the way that you become a type a person you get is this is not innate is strictly by you know what happens it's as learned it's a learned response okay
the classic steady that they did was with pigeons and they had two groups of pigeons in one pigeon there's a pecking apparatus and one good
the pitch in packs and they get every they get a reward they get a in a grain of a piece of grain to eat pack eight pack eight when you've had enough to eat in a in anymore
the other group of pigeons one pack nothing happens another pic and then occasionally a big there's a there's a reward bits and an it's an infrequent unpredictable reward say you learn to just
keep packing

and hope that there is it that it's gonna pay off eventually
now as you find you know there's once in awhile there's a little there's a payoff there's enough reward to keep you hooked into working so hard
but i've done all these things in my life but there's there's no there's no sense of accomplishment or pleasure or satisfaction or joy because know you just you just because you're gonna keep working
so have you enjoy anything
and it turns out is see then they discovered i mean on by the way you know with these pigeons at one point and somebody said how can scientists be so you know cruel but at one point they stop feeding the pigeons
well the type b pigeons you know you're packing and there's no food comes out repec method and been pretty quick to like will screw that
i don't need this so then they start packing
the type a pigeon's keep pecking until they die
and with their last breath they thinking damn if i couldn't just done one more pic and would have gotten the biggest payoff ever
so this is an
so how this happens you know for people and you know it's i'm convinced now that i started thinking about it it's happening more and more because of the kinds of childhoods we have because what they found in the correlation with people is that reward for people is number one reward is attention
number two approval number three affection material stuff is way down the list attention approval affection
and if you got that regularly when you were a child then you don't get into taipei behavior when you didn't have that regularly and consistently and predictably then you learn to keep the know to work you know to try to get that it worked very hard and and weather
it's there and utter occasionally in services or thank you
once in awhile or i appreciate this but me most the time dear working away and you're not
as several other my theater in prague friends is to say how many of you how many of you in the audience here are getting all the love you deserve
that's the problem
are aren't you working hard enough
aren't you you know fulfilling your obligations your responsibilities your commitments getting the kids to soccer practice to the dentist you know school you know work you know family in the house you've taken care of things aren't you
aren't you working hard
what it's not paying off
so most of us are many of us in our serious they now we don't have time we don't have time for enjoyment for time to another and no aspect here of this would just be to receive the love you boys wanted i didn't do
because it's else it was supposed to pay off all of the effort we are making response to have this pay off attention approval affection or love you ever wanted a whence it can happen
first noble truth
oh damn

so ah
ah and nowadays you know fewer and fewer babies children are getting attention from parents
you know and the joseph children peers and other people who and i've studied in detail child rearing
he wrote that book the magic a chat and then there was another one on the transcendent mind or something
he did crack in the cosmic gate but there was a new one to about that transcendent mind or something and a chance in biology and
that you know much of our development is in the connection with mom
and face to face body the body contact and then you know what i mean i clearly missed out on all that because i was born premature and in the hospital for three weeks i didn't have contact for the inner a little but not like you really like is really like you can count on it
it's unpredictable it's infrequent and then was just like that you know it's been like that continuously
and once you start doing as birch are practice it's not like anybody's gonna say i felt dry out to say tonight and to thank you for being here

thank you for your suede good heartedness and year in a sitting quietly
but anyway says just a to m say little bit more about that
and then move on to check in a bit more about joy but right now for me this is part of the context of this and working on this
better the suggestion is in inner to to shift out to shift away from being taipei that you start working in blocks of time you only you know like the you work for a certain length of time and then you promise yourself you're going to stop at that time and you stop at that time whether you're finished or not
and then you do something and then you have a reward
will you do something as pleasurable type b people they've in their steadying you know in college they may study for well and then they go out and play frisbee
and they have a good time and then they can come back and steady i never understood this know you just study
and then if you if you get tired and he got into play frisbee you're still stressed about all the stuff you have to do so you don't really enjoy playing frisbee
sake oh my goodness i'm not i'm not studying and then you're anxious about all of that and so you can't even enjoy playing frisbee they can't enjoy your time off because you're still it so this is about separating the time when you're working and the time when you're enjoying
i'm not turn a meditation into another place to work
i did it
reminds me of a friend of mine
while some people i know do what they call kundalini yoga mat kundalini yoga better shoving a kashmir chavez him
and they they do sitting cross-legged sitting meditation where they have their palms that things together i think they do this or proudly shipping out not shaving under better
in a vm
try moved to nanda
and they often would sit i'm looking at you know the guru the teacher or a statue or something
in them
i went to one of their retreats one time a week long retreat we get up in the morning and do a little yoga and we have a period meditation and then
we have breakfast in whatever may clean up from breakfast and we have little break and than there be a little class for now and then we'd have another break for an hour hour and a half would have lunch and then you know the afternoon wrote a no go and enjoy yourself you know get some exercise get some fresh air and you'll get out in the sunshine it said
on martha's vineyard you know i'd go from place in tennis go for a high can know taken little boating you know
and then and then before dinner we'd have a period of meditation and and we'd have dinner
and then and then in their evening there might be a little class that's their retreat
and somebody during this retreat said to the teacher when point
i'm you know this and shouldn't be doing more meditation is is a retreat shouldn't we be meditating more i mean am and he said business about right don't you think and they said well what about ed i mean he just meditates all the time he goes to these and retreats he goes to three months retreats you know that's gotta
a good till i didn't much meditation and then the he said he meditates like that because he likes to
which i thought was a pretty good answer the time but now it's so like know he minutes is like that because he is driven to
because is because he's obsessed
becoming a world-class meditator and is packing away
without any reward
and he doesn't get it how to have a good time and just enjoy his breath and enjoy the pleasure people's company and enjoy you know
friends and family and being with people and
he doesn't he is he's retarded he doesn't know how to do that
and i tried one time i was they had risen and teacher to sorry no the zen center doesn't it and we're having a three month practice period and are three practice period
we're doing a lot of meditation in the morning and then we and the afternoon we're working everybody's working because we're doing all the work to know ourselves where we are not a staff of people doing the work for the people the yogis who were in meditation know where the staff and the people mediterranean where everything you know so
so i suggest suggested want but you know and we're having all silent meals you know i said well why don't we have a male where you know like once every five days or every ten days regular a like where we sit and chat with each other and talk and visit and get to know one of the oh no we're here to meditate the students refused
i said we are here to meditate we're not here to get to know anybody or enjoy anybody's company or anything like that know we're here to meditate this is our chance to do that
so anyway this has become a minute
anyway i bet it a type of the a little bit you know about milk about about joy
and a few other odds and ends of things
since sam i'm k verve you know in
in a huge the teachers are telling you that they need to hear i know if you've noticed that but
so i will taste of things that i need to hear and yeah said
so i can general teaching
i'm so again a joy of course is one of the seven rings of enlightenment
in part of the wonderful quality about joys that when joy is present there is more likely as i mentioned in meditation it's more likely for conscience to settle
where those joy and become less distracted because when joy is present there's not looking around for it
it's not here it must be somewhere else where is it
so the more you can enjoy your breath or you're sitting this sensations with sounds the more you feel settled
how were you are
and that joy in buddhism and again many of you i'm sure
i know most of you understand you know joy is
has something to do with them and i've been moved by are being moved with no resonating awareness resonating so-called resonating her vibrating you know with the object of awareness
so it's also like to say know that know to be touched
to read something touch you
this is a also you know at times challenging
and it's a it's different than often the idea we have about meditation riches i maintain a mind untouched by things
yeah i'm a i'm going to maintain a mind that doesn't get in a ruined by staff the doesn't get impinged upon and that maintains its peace and quiet and sanctity by being separate from things
ginger stand in zenit god this the suggestion is don't set up a nest or damn
is often what we're doing is setting up a kind of place and it's often in our heads were is kind of quiet and we can hang out and then we'd rather not relate to anything
i would you want to relate to something as soon as you relate to something then you'd have to you'd have to do something about it it would be more work for you
so it's better just not be aware of much of anything and being your own world and in your own space and taking care of the things that you know and and then in some intention for goodness sakes
it was i told you before you know the epitome of this is you go to the grocery store and why do you buy something i mean by i'm quick mec you won't have to relate to me at all
just put me in the microwave and i'll be there for you
this is america have it your way
watch what you want when you want to watch it you know now you can have comcast cable or something that you know you don't even have to watch the television program that's on you can watch what you want when you want to watch it
cause no and then if you feel years and then if you feel the time up with television than you don't have to relate to anything really and figure out what to do with it so it's it but this is i think useful you know as far as having it may be helpful for people like me and get a little joy and easy
now i may need to do more of this
but joy anyway has the the quality of being touched by something sour enjoying your breath is that you can actually let your breath instead of you know that your brethren really move you
and move your body and allow your a body to move with your breath like road expand you know contract flow in blow out as the quality of movement and oftentimes when we're meditating were at least in my experience
yeah i'm i'm sitting still am sitting to still and i'm working at it rather than allowing myself to be moved and touched
friend of mine went to em
the evening with mary oliver was recently in san francisco and she said mary oliver said at one point that her practices just is to be still and allow herself to be odd
or i think it was odd and i think it was astonished
how do you sit still and be astonished
so this is different than just the quality of i'm gonna work at staying with my breath or i'm going to pay attention to the bread or come back to the breath but the more there's the quality that if there's any way you can enjoy your breath and
it fills you in it
it expands you and it opens your face as you're inhaling and it and it touches your cheeks
and the grass is moving throughout your body
it's not enough just the lines the whole body is breathing
so there's this possibility of the or so to speak i mentioned that kabir palm entering the breath inside the breath
but there's a kind of a mind a and know that's associated with the breath
the mind breathing
and this is where you're allowing your where it has to be moved and touched by the breath and go and go with the breath your body both your body is
inhaling and and your mind exhaling
and so you're touched and moved by the breadth rather than had been a kind of work or effort to be with the best and the more you touched and moved
and you know how is what is what enjoy and then ease and joy
and then you're able to be present and notice
ah you know aware awake

whereas you know on technology
i haven't been to one of his retreats noel but he emphasized for many years enjoying your breath
i want to i'm asked him so wire why do you put so much emphasis on enjoying the breath rather than being mindful of the brother he said well you you have to be mindful of the breath in order to enjoy head
the projections
and then and then he said then and anyway you you westerners are you know kind of enjoyment challenged
in other words a lot of you're probably taipei

so again this is different than our usual idea of
ah the joy is something that
you know might
come as some unpredictable infrequent pay off
and you might be overcome
in author was good enough he might be overcome with joy and you would have to rely on and we tend to in our turned toward objects to bring joy
and if we carefully you know what what the teaching in buddhism is you know is that we and the whole are endeavoring to manipulate our experience and are objects of awareness so that they bring us said the bay for bring us joy
and of course that effort to manipulate the objects of awareness so that they behave and the right way or the day that they offer us joy out that kind of effort is what you know as cut as it causes suffering because we're everdeen to control and manipulate rather than
receiving the joy it's possible
i so they are rather than counting on are relying on the objects to bring joy
brits you know that the classic of crisis substance abuse
rather then
you know it's a it's a little again example of enjoyment challenged because it's real it's it's not realizing the possibility of practicing you know making a practice of joy
ten allowing for joy and allowing oneself to be attached and mode and and as there something in here also i'm finding
there's something here about you know the pace
because you have to go at the pace of things in order tab joy
your mind has to slow down and go to pace of your beds because if your mind is trying to do through for breads and his face of one person you're not going to be hidden spokane methods
also this is also known as am
in order to have joy than in the certain sense you know you're cultivating calmness
dangerous you're slowing down to the pace and then at the pace in which things happen and where you can actually meet and connect with something
no i i i i used as an example and i probably told you before but in up you're running past somebody or even walking past him when you go to press them it's a slap
if you want to made something and connect and and have some joy of been with something if you have to stop
hey you just stop and then and show up
and of course classically if you want to have
ah attention approval affection where's it gonna come from again
you might have to start practicing it rather than trying to behave in a way that you finally gain it
so where are our tendency is to try to change and improve i work on her behavior so that we finally get the attention improve on affectionately boys wanted it hasn't been you know we haven't gotten enough five
and the suggestion is why didn't you start practicing it
in a rather than continuing to try to behave in a way that earn cedric gains it

and even knew a lot of simple things am
you know having a cup of tea and you know eating a meal
there's a lot of times in their life where the possibility of joy and enjoying savouring appreciating
ah and were often you know the sense of been too busy or
i'm in a where were watching television or reading a book while we eat or and reading the newspaper was back fatality we are you going to enjoy something and so many and so what are the things that happens you know with
with a type a tendency is because it's so am in a stressful to be concerned about all the things you have to do and trying to do more than is possible that you can't even do that much for even one day then you find behaviors to do that are distracting you from that
the distract you from that what happens to you when you get into the mind of all the things you have to do and now it's and anxiety comes up so then you find things to distract yourself
so to get away from the pressure and of course the never leads to more pressure is now you're doing less
and you still haven't really gotten a joy
because you rely on you know you're not really getting july you're getting a distraction from
ah years your distress and taken on new alive
how k

this is a little bit like the you know the palm in miami where he says
you miss the garden because you aren't a stray fig from a random tree
where is that tree
i let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger poll of what you really love
let yourself be soundly drawn by the strong opponent of you know what moves you were touches you

thank you blessings
so am i didn't have any questions or comments i'm when i'm take a few minutes for that and then we'll take a few minutes to sit quietly before we finish yes
looking for attention
are they react recruiter south know you give it to yourself
use of go
in some of us are said retarded to doing that kind of giving and so you know we need to practice it
a pragmatic so how how how my work in to her
look as you can stack the roads are not the say no and killing yourself the attention they're locked here well i am
this is
you know why the basic certainly while basic games and meditation
did you concert in and i saved for change be with your experience and give you know give attention to what's going on dubious give attention to oh
you're thinking alive
and the in as is very common for people say i had no idea i was thinking as much does meditation cause that

and then
zero a lot of these things in her life as far as having a look like it's again you know let yourself be sound drawn
and because these things
and it's part of the challenge of in know as a teacher or you know whether your teacher you're a student you know it's part of the challenges there's not some directions or thing to do because then you're not doing that now you're doing the directions and
everyday and know in implementing an imposing end and are strategizing end you know you know you're doing all of that again so this is also something so this is more the kind of thing right
what it looks like
so you're a developer them
say that are more likely to stumble and aren't in are you so you're on the lookout for you're ready to look for your stumbling as the possible entry
you know into this rather than looking for how you would successfully go there
sayer it's kind of more anyway it's kind of more that kind of you know endeavor
i mean that
aviation is having an act
have you put you actually says dr k to have things all right
that's trying

i don't you know now that it's necessary to strive to have things fall apart
they use they do that without your having to work at it
in my experience
i'm remembering now how used to work at at you know
and it's a it's it's it's amazing to me you know how am
no the the part about
and i haven't been insane center and there's a schedule and also there actually is a bell and that's the end of work but i used to work in the kitchen i didn't know her bells i just did the work that needs to be done so i was working in a more and i didn't have days regular days are so i would just i would just do that
until in i collapsed
and i collapse for two or three days and then i'd start up again
and and has been like that in various versions and that ever since
don't you just he just and so i don't know that you but i was never i was never aiming to collapse
i just didn't understand you know how important it was too
actually no not in or to to just do a specific amount of something and then you know take time worth going for a walk in and enjoying the fresh air and and seeing friends in
and and and busy with people i'm starting to enjoy visiting with paper and had time for people for years
where they what i'm hearing in your question whether it's new accurate or not is that
for those of us who are busy with other things we feel like we need to take care of and do with the senses if i wasn't doing that things would fall apart
this is our says and know been but the interesting thing here is that the more you slow down the more you can actually get done
i mean i've been going i've been going too fast to get anything done i can't do any writing his writing is too slow so i'm going faster than that
my mind is going faster and and i'm thinking about things i need to get denser to take them the right means i'm not doing all those other things so how can i take time to write
and so and then a lot of things are like that where my mind and for a while i wasn't able to pay the bills are depositing checks because i don't have time for that
you know because i'm because i have too much to do to do that but then it wasn't like i was doing anything
i just you know in my mind worrying like if i don't do these things it's are going to fall apart
so anyway all of it's it's a it's there's a certain irony to out august various ironies to this
but em
you know it's often when things fall apart that we kind of take some time to re-evaluate and sort through labor when what was a what am i doing here
do i really need to be doing on as they are really need to
no i'm also having assertive
know i mean you all know that the war in iraq is my fault i mean i know my my practice wasn't good enough and
because if it had been getting up you know we wouldn't have done that and but when the won that election you
i mean this album doing this for years and is i wasn't enough
but then
ha anyway
he reminded me of power girl is monterey
i when he netted time here but i was that the yogurt shepherd dog really teaching in again
and he had a he said for when we're doing the poses
nobody suffers that guy fa
there's something wrong with me i'm inadequate in some way on shanti om

so if if that's what's happening and you're doing that montana
you know it's time to
and shift in a decent indifferently to to care enough to really to sort out what needs to read read what to do right now to carefully sort that out over and over again when work i do right now and and i did this for fifteen minutes and or they've taken high school kids
who can't study oftentimes the kids who are the most brilliant can't study
because they they realize how much series to standing in their sold and there's and they're overwhelmed by the whole thing and so they they have them study for fifteen minutes reward fifteen minutes reward
and then pretty soon they can stay because he needed to be able to focus on one thing in this moment mastering and duggan said are entering one moment mastering one moment
i'm the quietly for a few minutes early and cabinets