OLD - Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-3?
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This was second part of 0038 - set aside
1This lecture is tentatively numbered Lecture 4. No tape for a lecture on October 24, 1969 (which would have been Lecture 3), is known to exist. In this present lecture,Suzuki three times refers to a lecture or discussion of the previous night and once to October 24th, but once to his previous lecture (i.e., not necessarily the 24th). So the tape of that lecture may or may not have existed at some time, but it has not as yet been identified.
Yes. So. I explained in last training period about the history of how historical idea of historical Buddha developed into Mahayana Buddha, like Nymakaya, Sambhogakaya, and Dhammakaya.
Like Christianity, you know, Buddhism extended, you know. Idea of Buddha extended. You may think it is... It is not so realistic, you know. Mahayana Buddhism is not so realistic.
But it is more realistic than Hinayana, Theravada, At first, you know, Buddhism... Buddha just helped his disciples and
So teaching may be teaching of Buddha or teaching for disciples. But in Mahayana Buddhism it includes understanding of Buddha and also The understanding of disciples' nature, which is called Buddha nature, and which is actually one, not different. So scare is more and the understanding is more deeper.
Of course, Buddha himself... that kind of teaching, but... for his disciple. Buddha is someone who helped him, that's all. So for Mahayana teaching, Buddha is something beyond historical Buddha, which contains truth within himself.
Not just a human being. Not just a hero or a special kind of hero. More innate nature of him. or more fundamental. Their human nature was found in him. That was the purpose. British salt from Ahinayana to Mahayana No, I don't think so.
They are bad. Joseph, a group of priests, who knows, who remembers Buddha's words. And later, you know, make some system to the words so that they can easily remember it. Putting numbers to the teacher or, you know, collecting same kind of words in one place. Classifying is a teaching, you know.
And that is what they did. So, the Buddha's actual teaching silted down in the bottom of the container, and they attached to the silt of the drink. And they called this is. It is easy to understand, easy to study, because it was organized in some particular way.
so that we can remember it easily, so that we can understand it easily in terms of realistic sense. But it is, at the same time, to kill the diaphragm in actual teaching. So Buddhists became more and more rigid and confined in some containers.
This is Buddhism. That was not so healthy development of the teaching. So Mahayana Buddhist started get the teaching out of the container and make it flow all over. And this is the starting, starting up the water.
This is the pity. True pity. We have studied this. That is more Mahayana pity. Skillfulness actually may mean, usually may mean, something means to point out something, some first principle to give guidance to go to the goal.
That is skillfulness. And according to Mahayana idea, the teaching Buddha gave to his disciples, it means for some special person, not to lose itself. It is so, but it is so. When some a hasty person who understands Mahayana. You know, Mahayana is something more than, you know, more advanced teaching than Hinayana teaching.
Because Hinayana teaching is just skillful means of Skillful but means to guide his disciple to the goal. Skillful means... Skillful but it is just means to give guidance to the goal. It is like a finger to point at the moon. In this way, you know, hasty Mahayana Buddhists may understand
And when they say Hinayana, you know, small vehicle, actually most, maybe most people understood in that way. In comparison to Hinayana, in comparison to Mahayana, But, you know, more advanced understanding of it, its skillful means itself is the first principle. So, we have to accept Hinayana teaching with Mahayana spirit that is more advanced understanding.
If you understand more completely, the teaching can be extended to that point. Zen is for everyone. For everyone, if it is religion, if it is a perfect teaching, it should be for everyone. So, skillful. We cannot understand the spiritual means as a secondary means to the first principle.
shallow or hasty understanding of Mahayana teaching. We started in that way, but we should have more deep understanding of Buddha's teaching. Yeah, 30.