Rhythm of Time in Christmas Liturgy

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The talk emphasizes the spiritual significance of the "Rhythm of Time," exploring its embodiment in Christian liturgical practice, particularly during Christmas. It delves into the symbolism of the Midnight Mass, highlighting its theological implications as a reflection of the Nativity and the crucifixion of Christ, representing the transition from darkness to light and connecting temporal cycles to the eternal.

Referenced Works:
- The Old Testament: Discussed in terms of its period of expectation culminating in the messianic age, which serves as a backdrop for understanding the spiritual meaning of the "Rhythm of Time."
- The New Testament: Utilized to examine the parallel between the narrative of Christ's birth and crucifixion, emphasizing continuity in liturgical celebrations.
- St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians: Mentioned in connection with the "fullness of the age of Christ," providing a deeper theological context for understanding the stages of Christian life.
- Catholic Liturgical Texts: Referenced to illustrate the theological significance of the three Christmas masses, providing a liturgical framework for the talk’s exploration of time’s spiritual dimensions.

AI Suggested Title: Rhythm of Time in Christmas Liturgy

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May the Lord bless you and your family. [...] that we fathered our dear brothers and sisters. It's always a great joy indeed to realize that, too, for me to come back to sufferment, to this place which in so deep a sense has become a second home through your infinite patience and charity that you have shown.


to me in those critical weeks after the illness which has meant so much to me and also to our community of Marseille. So I rejoice ulteriorly that this special grace be able to help you at least in a very small way in the time of this Holy Triduum that you celebrate in preparation of the New Year of the Lord 1959. And in thinking about a topic which would enable you to make these three days fruitful for your souls, a word came into my mind which is so completely simple and still so full of meaning.


a word which expresses the divine sanctification of the rhythm of time. It was evening and it was a haunting warm day. In these words, the inspired word of God leads us into the inner spiritual meaning of the Rhythm of Time. It's a world that's planned infinite adaptations in the course of that blessed history in which God was leading his chosen people to salvation. In the Old Testament, as in the New Testament, it was an evening and it was the morning one day.


If you, for example, apply these words to that holy feast of the Nativity of our Lord that we have just celebrated, the Christmas feast, A feast that means so much to you as members of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. This Christmas Day we have celebrated through three masses, one at midnight and one at the rising of the sun. and watered when the sun was in full power and ruled over the dead. And these three masses are themselves a beautiful application of that blood.


It was evening and it was morning watered down. Then it is the midnight perhaps. Sometimes you can read in explanations of the liturgy of the Nativity of our Lord, and these three masses of bishops treat three different themes or aspects in which the Lord is born. And the Midnight Mass takes us into that eternal generation of the Word from the Father. And then the Mass in the morning puts before us the mystery of the earthly nativity, the historical birth of the Word made flesh.


is that the third verse of Christmas then reminds us of the birth of our Lord in the soul of every Christian. Now there's always some truth to those expectations, but if one examines the very texts of the And if one has dipped one's way a little into the mind of the church, and the way in which she composes and celebrates the mysteries of salvation, one finds that this explanation is You cannot be applied to these three masses in any strict or exclusive way.


There is one fact which is immediately outstanding, and that is that the church in the liturgy does not separate and distinguish things. but that she sees things in the fullness of the spirit of this messianic age. And the spirit of this messianic age is not a spirit of dividing the times, as the Old Testament was a period of expectation. which was going on through the course of years, until which these years recounted, in which finally the prophet Daniel gave us an approximate number even for those years, which still had to go by until the angel of the Lord would come to his


But this, our age, our Christian year, where we speak, certainly of various years, we say 1958, and we say 1959 and 1960, we count, but what do we count? Something absolutely unimportant and accidental. And all these various numbers, according to which we count the years, they are all comprehended in that one expression, the year of the moon. All these years, 1957, 1958, 1959, they are all our months and they all are the one year of the moon. And that is where they receive their name, and that is the name of their essence.


And the numbers are absent in it. They all flow out of this overflow of time, in which we, of course, still stand before the second cup of our Lord when there will be no more at all. This one year of the Lord's understanding expresses the inner essence of our understanding of age. And therefore it's an age of comprehensible talent, And wherever the church celebrates, she celebrates it of hope, with, one can say that in the truest sense of the word, a truly Catholic mind. One may also call it a contemplative mind, comprehensive mind.


every path of saving us through all the mystery of our salvation. And so also the activity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this blessed night and blessed day, are celebrated each time in each of our three paths in its fullness and totality. And still, just as the warning here of the Lord enters or receives a new complete realization in each temporal year, 1957, 1958, 1955, so also the fulness of salvation of every man celebrated on Christmas day still receives a special determination by the impending time into which it enters, and that is the night, and that is the rising of the sun, and that is the fullness of the day, evening and morning wonders.


The mass of Midnight really receives its specific notes by the fact that this here, this holy Mysterium, is celebrated when the night comes near. And time for that fact is the Hour of Darkness, the Aurora Tenebraeum. And therefore this midnight mass is full of this fact that doubts almost never. We find Our Lady and Joseph, foster father of all. We find them there in the cave. What does they mean in the cave? That means not in the realm of man, not in man's city, but outside, as Holy Scripture says, ekstra jivitat, outside of the city, outside of the community life of man.


My dear sister reminds us of another moment in which darkness took over and where our Lord was found outside the city gates. I mean the hour of Olga. I mean the hour of the crucifixion. Our Lord starts His early death, His deathly hunger, He starts it with the evil in the night. And everything that we see there, don't we, in the cave, is in itself a symbolic prophetic figure of what will happen to Him in the hour of darkness when he is crucified.


He is being wrapped in swaddling cloth, and that is an indication of he is being bound, he is being fed. The little baby that is wrapped in swaddling cloth is the prophetic leader of the one who wills to live captive outside the city gates, and there will be nailed to the cross, immovable. He is laid into the manger, just as he is taken down from the cross and laid into the tomb. So the mystery of this midnight hours really foreshadows in every way the mystery of Good Friday.


And that is the source, that is the beginning of the new era of all Christian salvation. That's what we should keep in mind. The evening is the beginning of the new day. And therefore, I am going to hope the first day of our trip, too, would be devoted to the meditation of this evening. Their treatment can only be best when this world was set in the evening, and the evening tide of this world Then the world became flesh, the earth was. In this darkness, then, a light shines brightly. That light is brought to this earth, then, while the angel who gives the cloud tidings and interprets this sign


which is to be found there in the cave, outside the city gate, wrapped in swaddling-cloth, and a diamond in the manger. That sign is then interpreted, you will find a Savior, Christ the Anointed One, the Lord This beautiful message of the angel, that gives in itself another application and interpretation of evening and morning water. Evening, the Savior, the Lamb of God, the one who takes the price, the Savior, who redeems buys the bank with the high price, the price of His blood, the same.


Christ, that which He anointed, the oil is the symbol of the Spirit. We speak of the oil of gladness with which our Jesus was anointed. that is the morning. One day, curious, the Lord, who are the one who is enthroned at the right hand of his Father, as the King, the Ruler, of the New Day. Then we have A sacred mass, and that is the mass at the rising of the sun. And all the texts of that mass are determined by this idea, this situation.


It's the warning, the rising of the sun. Lux ultimitum. The light shines forth today, and is in full Let us find the key word in the gospel, at Bethlehem of Zion. Let us pass over to Bethlehem. There is the key word of Pascha, of the transfigures, from the night to the day, the rising of the sun. At this moment when the sun is rising, the shepherds get together and joy, a joyful taste, they go over to Bethlehem. That means they leave the fields and their sheep and they go into the city of David. And there they find the child.


And there they are told. That is the past. That is the transition from the night into the day. ending in the act of adage, just as in the East End. And then comes the third verse, and that third verse, the child is born to us, the song is given to us, and power on its shoulders. Again you see, my dear sisters, evening and morning one day. Evening, a child is born to us, and his name, the world made as the Lord says, the world in whom


Everything is made, this world, fattus exponere, fattus sublege. This world, when you all things were made, gives self, made, made out of a bone, made under the bone as enforcer. That is the descent That is the ascending of the song of glory into the ocean of this chaotic world, the world of hatred, a child born to us. But this child born to us is song given to us. The one who was born was given. His birth is a gift.


His descent gives the beginning of the new life. A song given to us. A song given to us that means every one of us will see them as children. not all but out of the will of man and out of the blood, but all but out of the spirit. And how well upon its shoulders, evening, morning, one day, the curious, the wondrous and the thorny at the right, This fast, therefore, of the day leads us into the fullness of the One who rules, power upon His shoulders, the King. Eternal Word of God, late of late, and we see His glory as we see the full glory of the


at this third hour, nine o'clock, when this mass is celebrated in the very church which is the sole promise of the entire prophecy or symbol of the entire Catholic world. Every day will always be this ever so delicate, and on all the ends of the earth, sea is low, That is the climax of the church's celebration of Christmas. You see this, what a beautiful celebration it is. It conveys the divine wisdom which reaches all things from the beginning to the end. and still in power.


Evening and morning wonder. This one Christmas Day presents to us the rhythm, essential rhythm of our own life. In so far as this our own life is embedded in the natural development and rhythm of time. And in this rhythm of time, we'll be constantly being filled with a new life. A new life that descends to us and reaches us in the evening, leads us into the rising light of morning, and into the fullness of that light which fills the entire earth then, with its life-giving war. So let us then apply these three stages also to our own Christian life.


In these three days, let us read the vows that, that evening, life of God that reaches us in the evening and in the morning, one day. Evening, the beginning. That is the moment in which we experience with and in Christ the hour of darkness. Rising out of this into the morning, that is the freshness of our Christian, an eternal beginning. And then one day, that is the fullness of the age of Christ. that St. Paul speaks about in his epistle to the Ephesians. That is the rhythm of our own Christian life. There are the stages to which also our religious God constantly goes through these stages.


Therefore let us and I invite you too to ask Spirit that he may help us to see in eternal light of the Word of God the evening, the morning, and the wonderful day. You will hear the struggle of the nation of these vile prophets of Jesus, now that we are older. And as of a long time, one thing ago, it's greater today. Thanks for being here to guide us, we were not to see you, either. When the tide of breakthrough dawned in the world, there vanished the illusion of suburban life. for the idols of our slave men at war, unable to endure our strife. But we who have received salvation, we cry to Thee, Jesus, the truth, is filling all of us.


Jesus, the light of our hearts. Jesus, the kingdom surpassing all on its strength. Jesus, God, honest to goodness. Jesus, Lamb of God, heal me while I am hungry. Jesus, Son of the Mother, refresh me when I am thirsty. Jesus, God of the Lamb, fill me with Thy goodness. Jesus, Lamb of God, fill me with Thy goodness. Jesus, mirror to those who are blind, give me sight of all I see. Jesus, Father of those who see, find comfort in me. Jesus, open unto those who doubt, open their wretched heart. Jesus, Redeemer of sinners, wash away their sins. Jesus, Son of God, everlasting life.

